I lock my converter now in 3rd, but you think it may even mph better with a nl ptc? That's thought provoking and tempting. Outside of the Buick guys, I know of an 8sec turbo sbc el camino that uses a nl ptc and my dad's tpi camaro really came to life with his lu ptc. It was always my intention to get a nl ptc but I got a REALLY good deal on my 5-disc Vig and it has worked very well for me so far for three years now and a LOT of passes without a hiccup. I don't like that I have to lock it to really get it to couple though and that's not always an option on the street. My chip can lock it but that's not something I want on all the time and other times, I don't have my switch hooked up. That's why I think a nl ptc may make me happier on the street where my cars lives most of its life. I'm working on a 9:1 stock stroke motor now to go with a 6266cea so I think I'll break it in on the vig and get a nl ptc asap. I'd like to change one thing at a time; so I at least have something to look forward to still if nothing else.