Now im depressed i wanted one well see i might still get one one day lol.
It was not my intention to depress you.
It was and is my intention to suggest that people should do plenty of homework before purchasing any gun up in that bracket.
Even with a discount, it still might be the gun for you.
BTW, the "CRG" prefix makes the gun a civilian model.I don't remember what the FBI prefix is.
I am sure that SA CS retains the same amount of quality and integrity on both models.
They are the same gun.
I am sure that their qualifications are maintained the same.
a 100 page model specific thread should tell you that it is a very highly respected and sought after gun.
My WC Classic SG I found in stock at a dealers.
Somebody had it laid away and kept coming up with excuses for having it on layaway so long.
I told them that i was a ready cash customer.
My TGO-1 I found in stock, but at a $ 600 over MSRP.
I was happy to get it.
Money is not everything in life.
Happiness counts too. And more so as you age.
Good Luck on your decision, regardless of what it is.