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2014 TSO Rules Discussion


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Geez Billy, you have more rule changes then everyone else combined. Maybe you need to start your own class. Call it TSL or something ;)
Just so I'm keeping up, you want:
No dry sumps or leave the rules alone
100# weight penalty on E85 or leave the rules alone
Anyone who sets a ET or MPH record, the car should be weighed and check the turbo if it comforms to the rules
Turbo/weight rule: Leave the rule alone, or reduce turbo size to 82 or smaller for 250lb break, or increase to less than 88
Pro Mod/GT-55 turbo: eliminate completely, or 3400# no 275 tire requirement, or leave the rule alone
Change wording for tire size to also include P tire sizes
Just to far, we have:

Dry sumps
  1. Don't allow
  2. Leave rule alone
  1. Add 50#
  2. Add 100#
  3. Leave rule alone
Turbo weight break
  1. 82mm & smaller for 250lb weight break
  2. Smaller than 88mm for 250lb weight break
  3. Leave rule alone
  1. Eliminate turbo completely
  2. Increase to 3400lb with no 275 tire requirement
  3. Leave rule alone
Tire sizes
  1. Include P sizes for radials/DOT tires
  2. Leave rule alone

Race event winner
  1. Add 50lb to winner of race event, read below for further rule addition
    A great suggestion is to add 50 lbs to any one who wins a race. Example: if Fiscus wins BG the next race he attended he must weight 3300 lbs. if he wins this race then add another 50 lbs until he does not win . Then allow him to drop the last 50 lbs added. If he does not win the next race then he drops the initial 50 lbs until he gets to the minimum weight for the class.
  2. Don't add

Check turbo of ET or MPH record setter
  1. Add rule
  2. Don't add rule

TSO class is a 1/4 mile race
  1. Change class to 1/8 mile race
  2. Leave alone

Liquid intercooler
  • Remove weight penalty
  • Leave alone

If anyone else has anything else to add/change, please do so.

Billy T.
Last edited:
I edited your post with changes

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
I am going to give it one more day for any other rule change proposals. Tomorrow night I will put up a ballot and you guys can PM me your votes. Just like last year, I will compile all the votes. When I receive them all I will make the results and how everyone voted public
We should have had a vote to open the rules for review first before all this BS. No one seems to have a clear advantage at this time. The RRA can clarify a rule as to its intent and make changes by vote. It is not necessary to open the rules every year as it costs a great amount of $$$$.$$ to build a car for a class so why change it every year? Just my .02 cents worth.
Gary Harmon Moonshine racing
LOL! I have received 3 calls today from people asking about the "train wreck with all the rule changes being proposed. It would be nice to come up with a better way to decide what goes to ballot. Right now we are taking EVERY suggestion from every racer and putting it up to vote. Maybe if we required another racer to "second" the rule change, it might cut down on a couple. Some of these items will probably only receive votes from the guys who proposed them. I'm going to be real upset if somebody wastes all our time by proposing a change and then doesn't vote for it.
Please explain what you are wanting with the "P" tire clarification. Another racer who doesn't post here was asking and I didn't have the answer.
Wow !!!

What I find funny.... is people are talking penalize E85 !!! yet it has shown no advantage....... penalize the pro-mod turbo !!! yet it has shown no advantage..... penalize LC intercoolers!!!! yet it has shown no advantage....... everybody wants to create an advantage for themselfs (human Nature). Lets take what Cal said to heart, and make the rules to PROMOTE participation not to drive people away with creating advantages !!!!! One thing I would like to put to vote is make it a 1/8 mile race..... is this an advantage for the the faster cars........ NO !!!!! would it it help some of the slower cars....... YES !!!!! If Dave F runs 7.90s and a slower car runs 8.60s chances are Dave could spin on the hit and still catch the 8.60 car in the 1/4 mile in the 1/8 mile it would be lights out for Dave. Instead of the field being over a second apart from qwickest to slowest car the gap would be reduced to 6 tenths or so !!! Also alot less wear and tear on the car thats a bonus for everyracer.
Please explain what you are wanting with the "P" tire clarification. Another racer who doesn't post here was asking and I didn't have the answer.

A "P" size is what is on a radial and common every day tires (P275/60-15). The way the rules read, a 315 and 295 radial is an illegal tire if compared to a 29.5x11.5-15 slick. Most have/run a 315/295 radial. Usually radials/DOT tires are allowed to be larger than a slick.

Billy T.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
A "P" size is what is on a radial and common every day tires (P275/60-15). The way the rules read, a 315 and 295 radial is an illegal tire if compared to a 29.5x11.5-15 slick. Most have/run a 315/295 radial. Usually radials/DOT tires are allowed to be larger than a slick.

Billy T.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app

The rules read:
5. TIRES: Rear tires may either be DOT-approved and labeled or labeled for racing slicks. DOT tires must have labels facing the outside of the body and are limited to a maximum new tread width of 12.1 inches and can never exceed 12.25 inches in width. Slicks are limited to a maximum sidewall designation of 10.5 inches width and may never exceed 11.1 inches in width. No drive tire may have sidewall designation height greater than 29.5 inches. The front tires are limited to 4.5- inch minimum tread width. The tread of tires must not protrude outside of the exterior of bodyline at top of tires.
** Measurement will be taken with tape measure from end of tread to end of tread.
(This dose not allow the MT 29.5x10.5W)

A 295 tire has roughly a 10" tread width and a 325 has roughly a 10.5" why wouldn't they be legal? Even when worn, they won't reach the maximum 12.25 tread width. I really don't see the need to put this to a vote.
Has nothing to do with width, height of a 315 and 295 is 30". A 325 tire is legal.

I added your proposals.

Billy T.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
A 295/65 & a 315/65 are both illegal. I don't see any reason to put the "P" tire thing to vote unless you are wanting to change the maximum tire height to 30". If that's the case, just put that to vote.
In just trying to simply things. Right now we have 9 items on the ballot!

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app