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I feel the rules should stay the same. I would like to tell all the THS racers to not jump ship to a new class but refine what you already have. TTS will be a 9 second class also , and in my own opinion is a bad idea. A 62 turbo will go easy 9s.
No index classes. As discussed in other classes there are (I think) 5 index classes already, enough for anyone that wants to race it. Waiting to see how TTS turns out and go from there.
There are ZERO index classes in BG
I don't have an issue with wheels not matching. As long as the tire size is within the rules.
I don't have an issue with of any of the current rules.

I just want to keep TSM (I love those cars too) cars out and where they belong... In XTSM!

I have a feeling with the new 4 bolt rule in TSM you may get some of those cars over into THS... I could be wrong but I doubt it
Clint, right, had a brain fart but still feel it needs to be a heads up class. If someone wants to play the dial in game, hit the bracket classes.
As far as changes, if TTS is going to be to close to THS lets "space out" THS.
Allow fiberglass or carbon fiber deck lids.
Heat/ AC delete allowed
Lower the weight to 3400/3450 across the board
Remove the matching wheels.
Only reason to remove HVAC is to make a solid roller cam easier to set the lash on. Solid roller isn't really a street car anymore if you have the valve covers off all the time. I'm with DDay, keep it the same.
My thinking is that with TTS being created THS can open up a bit. The class weight could stand to be lowered. If a CF or glass hood is allowed, open it up for a rear lid. Without heat and AC "working" on the car would be helpful and as Jas mentioned if a guy drove or borrowed a pair of wheels and tires from a buddy to race, why not let them. Just throwing out ideas...
If you have to pull a tranny or convertor at an event, it sooo much nicer without the "box". :D
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??? Other than making things easier to work on. I don't feel any of these changes are going to make a huge difference in THS, the front guys are still going to be up front and if someone decides not to use any of the proposed changes you can still run your car. Again, just throwing ideas out there to have a distinction between classes. I think with the THS turbo rule will keep the class in check, so to speak. If I am the only one that feels this way then roll on with the rules as they stand. It's not about 1 person or 1 car but the betterment of the class in whole. If anyone else has any other ideas that haven't been brought up let's hear them. Either way, once the rules are established for next year I feel it's done. No belly aching after the fact, everyone has a chance right now to speak their mind.
Jas, Sorry I just went back and reread the entire thread. Why not bring in nitrous? It's been brought up before and as stated a few have shown up and been asked to disconnect but any ideas on how to regulate it?
That a/c box has nothing to do with pulling a trans.

If we allow no A/C, then take the Street out of THS. It'll also allow TSM cars into THS easier, so then all a TSM car has to do to run THS is a E cover turbo and 8.5 rearend and maybe change length of driveshaft. Pretty sure Mr. White ran 8's on a 67 turbo in the grey car already. To run TTS all I have to do is throw stock bumpers on, stock seats, stock seat belts and swap my Weldon 1100 for an intank double pumper and a new E62 turbo, easy boltons. But I don't know if a 62 on a TSM motor in TAI can run with those guys. I know JD has trapped 114 in the 1/8, and not sure a 62 can run that, nor my ol' 45a.
Not disagreeing with you on the TSM guys dropping down but, it could take a lot of work for some to do it and we would be doing the same if a mid pack THS guy "come in" to TTS. I'm sure a few people thinking of racing TTS are worried but most racers look to go faster, not go slower for 1 or 2 events a year. If a TSM guy feels he can't be competitive and decides to race THS then I say let him. Everyone will have the same rules to go by.
I can admit I plan to run TTS and THS.
I can even hot lap it if needed during Crunch Time.
I'd hate to see these four TSM cars without class to race 696.
However, they removed themselves from a class they fit in, they did not get put out of it. Big difference.
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Heat and A/C should stay.
Weight should stay the same.
Glass parts.... well if they still make weight.. doesn't matter to me.
Wheels... as long as you have all your lugs and the correct ones.

NITROUS will raise some eyebrows in the stands and lower some ET's!
There are CO2 Boost controllers allowed right?
Alky is allowed right?
These are both external injected gasses or liquids used to effect the operation of the vehicle in efforts to make more power and increase performance right?
So why not allow nitrous?
I didn't get to race THS in May , I melted a couple of pistons after I made a couple of really bad qualifying runs. Not sure if I have any say so for rules ...

I would say to keep the rules as they are for 2017. This class is very fast as is and will continue to get even faster. Making changes will just move closer to TSM. AC system needs to stay. I don't see any issues with fiberglass at all , make weight whichever way you like. I personally don't use fiberglass on my car but if someone wants to cut weight so be it. My car is heavy but it's staying that way. I weighed 3800 even in 2015 , 3715 this year. Is there advantages to weighing less ? Absolutely , but if you set a weight limit why tell people where they can save ? I don't care for the E cover rule but it is what it is , I bought an E cover.
My car is nowhere near as fast as DDay or Sean but if my car is running well and can cool down between classes I will race and be competitive.
The class needs to be about racing and having fun...We have a blast in TAI and help each other out when things break to get them back in the race if possible.

Right, but your car fits both classes (I think :confused:) without changing anything. Anyone would be hard pressed to say you were dropping down or cherry picking by racing TTS. I was asked if I was going to drop down to a 62 turbo and race TTS and I said no. That's not the direction I want to take with that car.
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