Thats flying on a old school 76. Im not sold on the BW turbos just yet. For going super fast a 47-88 would be the move to make. Or use a 42-76 which would not add much , if any extra spool up time.
I agree with you Louie. I finished tracing out my engine on the compressor map for the GT478818 and if I can match the right turbine housing, the trace line goes straight up, just left of the 77% efficiency island all the way to max turbo shaft rpm and is still at 71% efficiency. I can't imagine another turbo doing any better than that. I did some rough calcs and the .96 looks a tad bit small and the 1.08 a tad bit on the big side. I think I'll go with the .96 to start with. It'll be interesting to see how my nos system does getting this big one spooled. My guess is .8 to 1.0 seconds to get it up to a very efficient 16 psi.
It sure bugs the heck out of me that someone doesn't have a compressor map on the S480 yet. It been out on the market long enough. What are they hiding?