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$5.79 For 91 octane in PHX, AZ.


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Who really IS in charge, anyway?
A question asked by millions. For sure, it's not that moron.
My guess is a list of leftwing commie bastards are acting as his "advisors".
The Oreo
Vallerie Jarrett. << The worst of the bunch.
George Soros
The list goes on and on.

93 here is at/near $5.00
We have a bit of a break as the shitbag gov, who's trying to save his ass, has dropped the state gas tax until the end of May.
Close to $5 in western NY and diesel is $5 + . I just found out diesel is taxed at a higher rate than gas , + 6 cents / gal . federal tax .
Bargain alert!!!
The cheap shit is "only" $3.779 this am.:rolleyes:
Diesel is close to $5.
Close to $5 in western NY and diesel is $5 + . I just found out diesel is taxed at a higher rate than gas , + 6 cents / gal . federal tax .

And just think, they've doubled their sales tax money in one year from it. Where are those extra hundreds of millions going.
Same in every other state.
about ~$1.80-1.90/L for 94 here.
Here in Canada we have it figured out; we get charged "Carbon Tax" at the pump, because everyone knows that giving the government money will stop global warming and repair the hole in the Ozone layer. Definitely not be funneled to corporations.
Over $6.00/gal for 87 octane here in the peoples republic of california! E85 is "only" $3.75/gal.
about ~$1.80-1.90/L for 94 here.
Here in Canada we have it figured out; we get charged "Carbon Tax" at the pump, because everyone knows that giving the government money will stop global warming and repair the hole in the Ozone layer. Definitely not be funneled to corporations.

What? Wait, there's a hole in the Ozone Layer?? When did that happen???

Oh, that's right, they found the hole back in the 80's and said it was caused by Freon R12. Thankfully the scientists at DuPont discovered that right before their patent on R12 expired. Good thing they had R134A ready to go.

I haven't heard anyone talk about the hole in the Ozone Layer in so long that I had forgotten about it.
Fuck Joe Biden and everyone associated with him.

He is a Fucking TOOL.

Who really IS in charge, anyway?
At the level over the talking head president is the Central Bankers. Your Federal reserve Zionist's.
Good thing they had R134A ready to go.
And now that little trick has run its course.
The latest bs:

Is R134a refrigerant being replaced?

Instead of a phase out, R-134a will be economically starved out of existence. To date, most auto manufacturers are using the hydrofluoroolefin (HFO) refrigerant R-1234yf as the replacement of choice for R134a. … With a GWP of 4 (instead of 1,430 for R-134a) R-1234yf is more environmentally friendly.

The exact same shit they pulled with R12. back when they were screwing us with the R12 price, some shops were buying the large tanks at $1500 each.
Now, the 134 is in the price range of a "bargain" @ $13/can to as much as $20.
We did get a "12 pak" off of the bag for about $10/can.
Some comments I've read include responses that the new stuff is flammable... Yes/no?
Big brother protecting us from ourselves.
Fuck Joe Biden
Remember when oil had a standard worldwide price and that was it, it didn't change everyday.
Now ever since the oil speculators have gotten involved its a free for all. The F***s even sell and trade
oil that's still in the ground. What a racket.
I usually try to stay out of these threads(other than leaving a like), but I'll say it and I'm really curious what kind of responses this'll get.

This country NEEDS to be divided. Period. As long as there are differences between us(race, religion, political view, ect), there WILL be conflict. It's all nice and warm and fuzzy to think people can get along and be one...but that's not how reality works(for reasons stated above). In my own mind, we need 2 presidents(or leaders). One for the democrats, and one for the republicans. Also, each state should be designated as being a BLUE state or a RED state. No confusion when you choose a state to live in. There's probably a lot more thought that can be put in to this, but for now this is my opinion on how we might be able to achieve peace and contentment in this nation. Do I think this will happen in my lifetime or ever?, but I can dream.
I usually try to stay out of these threads(other than leaving a like), but I'll say it and I'm really curious what kind of responses this'll get.

This country NEEDS to be divided. Period. As long as there are differences between us(race, religion, political view, ect), there WILL be conflict. It's all nice and warm and fuzzy to think people can get along and be one...but that's not how reality works(for reasons stated above). In my own mind, we need 2 presidents(or leaders). One for the democrats, and one for the republicans. Also, each state should be designated as being a BLUE state or a RED state. No confusion when you choose a state to live in. There's probably a lot more thought that can be put in to this, but for now this is my opinion on how we might be able to achieve peace and contentment in this nation. Do I think this will happen in my lifetime or ever?, but I can dream.

It's a nice thought, but East/West Berlin didn't work. I don't see how your idea would do any better. But that's just my point of view.