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85 Rear Main Seal Replacement Question


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Big Dawg

Aug 2, 2020
Hi guys,

So I decided to replace the rear main seal today. Unfortunately it is the stock rope seal. I know there are a tonne of threads on how to replace it, but there isn't alot of info out there on how to pull it out. I have tried pliers and pushing out of one end, spinning the crank out while pulling and pushing the seal. When I say pulling i am using a little hook to pull as much of the rope out as I can. When I pulled the main cap off there wasn't much too much rope for me to grab with the pliers. I have ordered a lisle 27000 rear seal remover, I hope that makes it easier, but in case it doesn't anyone have any suggestions on how to get it out....any tools that im missing?

I have the article on gnntype on rear seal replacement printed out and laying beside me under the car as well.

Thanks guys

In the past I've had luck using a drywall screw threaded into the rope seal to give you something to pull on.

It's tough engine still in car with crank. Small hemostats work good something like for tying fishing Flys.
In the past I've had luck using a drywall screw threaded into the rope seal to give you something to pull on.

I had used a screw yesterday on the sode that was tough to grab anything, no dice. So I ordered the sneaky pete tool to use on the opposite side. Well I decided to use a longer deck screw on the side that had some meat from.the rope and and gently used claw.sode of the hammer and prayed it ever so lightly and voila...the damn rope just slid on out.

I have a FelPro BS40613 rear main seal that will be going in.....I will be doing this slowly and with no urgency. I have watched a bunch of videos from YT...seems easy enough as long as you go at your own speed.

Thank you guys,