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86/87 conversion smog question


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Active Member
Nov 12, 2002
i have been wondering if any of u guys that ur states require smog test have problems passing due to this ecm conversion? has there been any upgrades that r common for our hotairs that have caused any of u to fail smog?
changing the ecm shouldnt make it fail inspection, did you change the MAF sensor too? I had to my maf was 10 with the 84 maf.
well i havent switched over just yet i have the ecm and chip from an 87 ecm just waiting to get the maf sensor wat do u mean u only got a 10 with the 84 maf?
well i havent switched over just yet i have the ecm and chip from an 87 ecm just waiting to get the maf sensor wat do u mean u only got a 10 with the 84 maf?

10s to high at Idle, maybe its adding more fuel for the higher #, im new to the scan tool stuff :confused:
10 refers to grams / second of air going through

10 gm/s is too high for an idle and would probably be adding too much fuel at idle.

Warm idle with the car in gear should be around 7 gm/s.

These maf might also need to be cleaned with CRC maf cleaner. Any deposits on the sensor will effect how the sensor vibrates and in turn effect the reading.

Jerry jr.