Tracer, you are on the right track there. I began using propane late last year and in brief testing was able to run both systems at the same time. Unfortunately I am experiencing a weird electrical problem with the car, and until I get that resolved testing is out.
All I can add to this discussion at this point is that I found the alchy pump speed needed to be turned on very low in order to work. I suspect this is related to the fact that the propane cools the cylinder temps to a point that alchy isn't needed. I managed to get 1 psi more
Alchy 'likes' it hot. It also 'likes' high timing. If I had to guess I would say that in order to drive the boost and timing to higher levels, one would need to move the alchy turn-on point to about 20psi then slowly raise the timing and boost from there.
Dman makes a good point when he says why not go to race fuel. He is right unless you are one of those people that have stepped up to the convenience of propane, still have an alchy kit and you are one of those people that like to tinker, and see how far 'pump gas' can be driven.
We may find that alchy can be injected at one-quarter of previous levels at the point where the propane begins to loose it's effectiveness as a kind of insurance to moderate cylinder temps, and guard against a batch of bad gas, or changing weather conditions.
However it turns out, it should be interesting.