You should use Alcohol/Water mix for a couple of reasons. One reason is the effects that water has on the combustion process. Water itself has a HUGE octane number and mixed in the right proportions with alcohol can be VERY beneficial. Water also has a "cooling" effect on the combustion charge and cuts down on the "hot-spots" that can cause knocking and lead to detonation.
Another beneifit...and one of the most important it is safer. Pure alcohol is VERY flammable and can cause LOTS of problems if it ignites. Mix in the correct amount of water and it is not flammable at atmospheric pressures.
I use 66/33 water/alc ratio...either methanol or denatured. Methanol works a little better but not easy to come by at the local hardware store.
Another beneifit...and one of the most important it is safer. Pure alcohol is VERY flammable and can cause LOTS of problems if it ignites. Mix in the correct amount of water and it is not flammable at atmospheric pressures.
I use 66/33 water/alc ratio...either methanol or denatured. Methanol works a little better but not easy to come by at the local hardware store.