i think it would just open up a can of worms to let hybrids in the tai class....why dont we let the guys who actually show up for the class agree on the rules

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SignUp Now!i think it would just open up a can of worms to let hybrids in the tai class....why dont we let the guys who actually show up for the class agree on the rules
Why dont we let the guys who actually show up for the class agree on the rules
First someone says the TAI class has no rules. Then, everyone is coming up with a rule idea.
Now you want to wait 'till people show up to make the rules. Yeah. I'll gladly drive cross country for that. Nevermind.
1st off...there are rules, just not many.
2nd I doubt anyone is suggesting we wait until the race, I think they are implying that the people that have raced in the past should help with the decisions.
I don't see why you'd have to be a previous racer in the class to make a decision or offer a suggestion.
Racers support the class. (Which I haven't been doing lately)![]()
Correct. There are rules.
Thing for sure is the fillup with 93, weight, alky kit, and 109 motor.
Would a hot air block be allowed in the class?
Then someone says GM produced the Stage blocks :redface:
Actually I dont know how all you feel about the 4.1 production blocks to be allowed in the class. Not 4.1 stage stuff.
if you allow stroker 109s which im sure no one has objections to then why not 4.1s
i would say you could just limit to 250ci like tsm does but seing as how this isnt a class running 8s trying to slow the cars down for safety why have a CI limit ,
should be if its a 'buick' v6 and its on 93 and alky ..run it
and yes the 1/8mile TAI event in NC might be doable for me next year
better yet bring it to cecil and ill make two next year
109 block
any 10.5 tire (actual)
3400 iron, 3550 aluminum
75mm turbo
regal or tta body type
and last but not least .... must take 10 gal. of 93 on race day with witnesses:smile:
Julio...I can't seem to find the original rules you guys were all using...I know someone posted them somewhere...but they are two or three years old..
2006 Turbo/Alcohol Injection Class Rules – T/A
Official 01-09-06
Race Class Objectives
The GSCA would like to see the return of a reasonable, grassroots, regular-guy shootout of legitimate street driven Turbo Buick or Pontiac Turbo Tran-Am cars. This race class is being developed to show the potential/benefits that alcohol injection systems when used with 92/93 octane unleaded premium pump gas can have when installed on a Buick Turbo Regal, Grand National/GNX or Pontiac Turbo Trans-Am.
*This race class is being run on a trial basis for the 2006 GS Nationals only.
What Can I Win
An award will be presented to the entrant that post the most consistent e.t. based on a three (3) run average of the three (3) quarter-mile passes. Awards will also be given to the entrant(s) who posts the quickest quarter-mile elapsed time (e.t.) and fastest quarter-mile mile-per-hour trap speed. In the event of a tie in average e.t., average mph will be used as a tie-breaker.
General Rules
· Unleaded 92/93 octane pump gasoline fuel only, no nitrous oxide injection, no additives i.e. xzylene, nitro-propane, nitro-methane, propylene oxide, etc. are allowed.
· Any street driven 1984, 1985, 1986 or 1987 Buick Turbo Regal, Grand National/GNX or 1989 Pontiac Turbo Trans-Am powered by a General Motors production turbo charged Buick V6 engine, (cylinder block casting number(s) 25520040, 25520329 or 25526109 only) and equipped with a functioning alcohol injection system are eligible to enter.
· ***All vehicles depending on the year of manufacture must use the factory stock ignition system.
· All cars racing in the Turbo Heads-Up racing classes must be owned and driven by a current member of the GSCA.
· Helmet required, cars must pass track safety tech inspection.
· Cars should possess all applicable safety equipment for potential ET/speeds attained.
· No peer technical inspections relating to safety equipment rules by class participants or peers, Beech Bend Raceway track safety technician personnel will make all rulings on track safety equipment related items.
· Complete factory stock appearing, painted Buick Turbo Regal, Grand National/GNX or Pontiac Turbo Trans-Am body is required, no non-factory hood scoop, rear spoiler, wheelie bars or parachute.
· Minimum car weight w/driver must be at least 3,450lbs.
· Required street-legal equipment: all 4 working headlights, taillights, brake lights, turn signals, horn, windshield wipers and safety-glass windows.
· Full stock appearing interior required, race seats are allowed only if seats are painted and upholstered to match the factory interior and should be attached to the rear crossbar of the roll cage if so equipped.
· All factory heater and A/C equipment must be in place and functional.
· Any transmission shifter allowed, any additional aftermarket gauges allowed.
· Stock ECM, modified stock ECM or aftermarket fuel management systems allowed, (DFI, FAST, Motec, etc).
· Factory Stock Appearing (Type I or Type II) DIS cam position sensor is required for cars produced in the years 1986, 1987 and 1989.
· No individual coil per spark plug ignitions allowed.
· Any MAF sensor is acceptable. All intake air must pass through & be measured by the MAF sensor.
· Any fuel injectors allowed, 6 maximum.
· Factory stock fuel tank required, addition of a fuel tank sump is allowed.
· No auxiliary or trunk mounted dual fuel systems are allowed. The gasoline fuel source must come from the stock location fuel tank only.
· Alcohol injection system injection point must be plumbed into the air intake system “up-pipe” only on 1986, 1987 and 1989 built cars.
· Any stock location or front mount air to air intercooler is allowed.
· No liquid intercoolers, intercooler external spray cooling or add-on cold boxes allowed.
· Any diameter downpipe size from the turbo is allowed. Downpipe must be routed down through the stock location, no flex pipe allowed.
· Any single or dual exhaust system allowed, it must muffle & exit at the stock location(s). All exhaust gases released from the engine must pass through muffler(s) at all times. Cars may not be uncorked in any way during competition.
· Any matched set of four (4), 15” or 16” diameter chrome steel or aluminum wheels allowed.
· Rear drag slicks w/sidewall designation up to and including 28.0” x 10.5” –15” and 28.0” x 10.0” -16”. No "W" tires allowed. Rear DOT street tires w/sidewall designation up to and including a 29.5” x 12.5” –15” or (275/60-15 M/T) and 28.0” x 12.5” –16” size tires are allowed. Drag Radials are also allowed.
· Drive shaft safety loop required.
· Automated brakes or any type of traction control is prohibited. Application and release of brakes must be a function of the driver's foot. Line loc permitted.
· Racing aids such as optical sensors, delay boxes, stutter boxes, and throttle stops are not allowed. The application or use of any device, mechanical or electronic that permits the driver to ascertain the position of their vehicle in relation to the starting line is prohibited.
· Winner(s) are subject to re-tech immediately after final pass or at any other time.
· Any entrant caught trying to deliberately break the rules will be disqualified.
· Cars entered in the Turbo Alcohol (T/A) class are also eligible and may register to race in the bracket classes on Saturday.
Pre-Race Technical Inspection Requirements/Instructions
All pre-registered entrant’s cars shall assemble as a group to be tech inspected based on the General Rules established above. The technical inspection location shall be at the GS Nationals host hotel parking lot on Thursday, May 18, 2006 beginning at 9:00 am and ending at 10:30 am. Entrant’s cars must arrive at tech inspection with the gasoline fuel tank at or near empty. Each entrant’s fuel tank must be able to accommodate a minimum of 10 gallons of 92/93 octane pump gas during the filling procedure. ***NOTE: Each entrant’s gasoline fuel tank must not contain ANY leaded racing fuel or additives such as xzylene, ect! See Race Day Format below. After the tech inspection, under the supervision of the Turbo/Alcohol Injection Class Tech Inspector all cars will be driven as a group or in groups to a designated gas station where each entrant’s fuel tank will be fueled with 92/93 octane unleaded premium pump gasoline at the entrant’s expense. After the tech inspection and fueling, entrants are free to proceed to the track and make as many quarter-mile passes as necessary to tune their cars prior to the first of the three (3) officially timed quarter-mile passes to be held on Friday evening, May 19th. ***NOTE: NO ADDITONAL GASOLINE FUEL MAY BE ADDED OR REMOVED FROM THE CAR’S FUEL SYSTEM BY ANY MEANS AFTER BEING FUELED AT THE TECH INSPECTION.
Race Day Event Technical Inspection Requirements/Instructions
Prior to the first round pass, all Turbo/Alcohol Injection Class entrants will assemble in the Beech Bend circle track staging lanes for a brief drivers meeting; each entrant’s alcohol injection system reservoir must be completely drained of all contents. At that time, the Turbo/Alcohol Injection Class Tech Inspection Director will witness each entrant fill their reservoir with alcohol i.e., methanol, isopropyl, denatured, etc. from a commercially available, marked, un-opened/sealed alcohol container. Alcohol injection system pump lubricant from a commercially marked, un-opened/sealed container may also be added at this time if needed. After the reservoir is filled, no further additions will be permitted during the three (3) round quarter-mile passes. All cars must return directly to the circle track staging lanes after each pass. Failure to do so will result in disqualification from the event.
Race Day Format
Dragstrip race format will be random pairings of side-by-side runs on a sportsman tree. Driver lane choice will not be allowed. The Event Race Director reserves the right to conduct single-lane passes in the event of a condition that prevents the use of one lane. Following the completion of each run, competitors must return immediately and directly to the circle track staging lanes until three passes are complete and after their final pass. Entrants unable to complete three passes will be listed as DNF and any entrant returning to their pit before the end of the event will be disqualified.
WARNING: ***Gasoline and alcohol fuel samples will be taken at random from entrant’s fuel system during the timed runs and from the three top award winners and runner-up at the conclusion of the timed third pass. These samples will be analyzed for lead content and octane rating. Any entrant’s gasoline sample found to contain lead or have an octane rating that is above rule specifications will be disqualified and will forfeit all awards.