American civilian has been beheaded by Iraqis

Re: Jesus

Originally posted by Foolis
you idiot. It is your president's BS that is causing it! If Cowboy GWB did not stik his, and the US's dik into that God forsaken wasteland of a country, that poor man's head would still be on his body.

Chalk up another death to the cause of democracy, something the Iraqi's DON'T GIVE A S|-| it about!

The US does not get it. They care WAY more about being Muslim than they want McDonalds.

Its going to get worse, if thats possible.:confused: :eek:


I told you someone here would be making it our fault.
I doubt the terrorist assholes that are killing our troops daily subscribe to the Geneva Convention and I propose that we shouldn't either....we owe those folks nothing but grief, agony, and terror!

wait, I have a better idea...we don't need no stinking prisoners, lets just chop their heads off!
Hey RRT,
Your guy is so patriotic he called MAX CLELAND unpatriotic????????????? to get a GOP elected, you and you party are nauseating with you RHETORIC . Why don't you enlist GOOFY,:confused:
When are you guys going to see the "BIG PICTURE" as to where the NEOCONS are leading our great Nation

AS GWB's approval rating falls faster than in a one legged man in an ass kicking contest. RRT remains steadfast blaming the "liberal Media". I guess you hear voices in your head, you really need professional help!!!!!!!!!!
I told you someone here would be making it our fault.
Yes, it is the administrations fault! WTF else? And it is sad.

That poor kid was probably crapping his pants, as I would. And he gets his head hacked off in the name of some back asz countries forced bid for democracy.

Shame on you, GWB.
No WMD's, and dead American kids. So what was the point? "Freeing" the Iraqi people?.

They don't want / need it.



ps: I hate Mike Moore
Al Queda cut off the guys head. Just like they cut off Daniel Pearl's.

It was only after great deliberation that CBS News chose to broadcast portions of this video. We believe it is important for Americans to see it and understand the full impact and danger of the propaganda war being waged against the United States and its allies, and also its effect on the young people of the Arab world. We did not show the graphic scenes contained on the videotape, both for reasons of taste and out of respect for Mr. Pearl's family. CBS News brought you this report because, even in highly edited form, the video illustrates how far an enemy will go to spread its message of hate for the United States.
--Dan Rather - May 15, 2002


Even Dan Rather said they hate us for just being us.

They didn't cut the guys head off because there were no WMD's or Bush is a Cowboy or even because some Army chicks get off sticking glow sticks up terrorist asses.

They did it because they want to kill americans.
Originally posted by xlr8ngn
Hold on! I thought there were no ties between Iraq and Al-Queda? :rolleyes:

Who told you there were? Iraq has NOTHING TO DO WITH AL QUEDA!!!! Nothing to see here people, move along.

It wasn't until after 9/11 we found out for certain that Al Queda was in Somalia in 1993, too. We were trying to feed refugees, they were trying to kill americans.
Don't Spin this GOP, These scum are free agents, at least two were recognized as Egyptians by their accents and semantics. Isn't Egypt our "friend".

These operatives "freelance mercenaries" are what is tooblame for this they are free to cross the border from other Nations and fight Us. Don't try to smoke screen anyone about the Alqueda / Iraq sh! is was there all along at this level of hostility in Iraq I'm sure as sh!t that they are there now killing our soldiers and civilian workers.
Originally posted by suprbuick7
Don't Spin this GOP, These scum are free agents, at least two were recognized as Egyptians by their accents and semantics. Isn't Egypt our "friend".

These operatives "freelance mercenaries" are what is tooblame for this they are free to cross the border from other Nations and fight Us. Don't try to smoke screen anyone about the Alqueda / Iraq sh! is was there all along at this level of hostility in Iraq I'm sure as sh!t that they are there now killing our soldiers and civilian workers.

They are freelancers, but they don't work for free. Plane tickets, carbombs, martyr's family pay off's cost money. We are in Iraq because Saddam was one of the guy's footing the bill for freelancers.

Egypt is our "friend". Al Queda's #2 is egyptian. so what?

Ted Bundy was American. There are F-d up people in every country.

Believe it or not, not everyone in the middle east wants to kill themselves so they can take americans with them. People thought the Japanese could never be civilized, either.

All they wanted to do was kill americans, even if it meant killing themselves.

Do I have to remind you that Japanese Suicide bombers Killed TENS OF THOUSANDS of Americans?
Saddam still paying them??????? or are they just there to kill as many Americans as they can. They don't need to kill us here we came to them. We answered their prayers to make them martyrs and take as many of us with them as possible. UNGN, OBL is paying them , but they would do it for free
Egypt is that where we go next if these scum are coming from there???????????. Then where??????????. Saudi Arabia, Syria........ The Point I try to make is this Iraq Front is BS that is all, money better spent covertly and such to eliminate this threat. We will be no safer.....................
OBL had pinata parties??????? he financed 99% of the terrorism weve had but he is put on the back burner till we finish nation building
Red regal you will love this one:
It is the Administrations fault because there is no " security" within Iraq ( not enough troops) to provide enough security for the civilian contractors who are "building this Nation.

Let's hear the GOP Rhetoric on this one? I'll start M-kay
It the contractors own fault
It's the Liberal Media's fault
It's Al Gore's fault for inventing the internet on which the towelhead scum placed the video

now it's your turn??????
Originally posted by suprbuick7
now it's your turn??????

Dude, are you schitzo? you get four turns and then its someone elses?

What exactly are you on that makes you reply incoherently four times in a row?

enquiring minds want to know.
Originally posted by Red Regal T
BLAH, BLAH, BLAH,...................BLAH

BLAH, BLAH :rolleyes:

Hey Goofy, take a break........all those back to back posts and you're not saying anything. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by suprbuick7
Red regal you will love this one:
It is the Administrations fault because there is no " security" within Iraq ( not enough troops) to provide enough security for the civilian contractors who are "building this Nation.

Let's hear the GOP Rhetoric on this one? I'll start M-kay
It the contractors own fault
It's the Liberal Media's fault
It's Al Gore's fault for inventing the internet on which the towelhead scum placed the video

now it's your turn??????

Where are the extra 50,000 troops going to come from?
You have to rotate guys out of there or they are going to start doing alot worse stuff than putting dog collars on prisioners.

A draft?:rolleyes: Oh Ted Kennedy would just love that!

Do you really think they didn't have any WMD's?

I guess after he saw how great they worked in the late 80's/early 90's he decided to be a good guy and just say no to WMD's?
Cant' hide anything in a sandbox THE SIZE OF TEXAS! Especially when our French buddy FCKRS are giving you intel. Where was the out rageover that.

Wouldn't suprise me A BIT if they didn't pop up shortly before the election along with ole OBL. Which will piss me off.

We have to nation building for all the da*n UN lovers in this country that cry about the President being a cowboy and not being part of the world community:rolleyes: .

When is the last time the UN ever solved/resolved any problem without the US having to punch someone upside the head?

Oh I forgot the UN made MAD CASH from from oil sales.
But the president had something to do with that too because he controls oil prices via the new world order which is run by UFO's:rolleyes:
For anybody who doesn't know, this nitwit is not even an American. Nobody's interested in the foreign point of view except other socialists. A fitting ally for WE4ster and the other goof! this guy for real?

Tell me he's an "inside" TB.COM joke!:rolleyes:
