American civilian has been beheaded by Iraqis

Originally posted by DCEPTCN
Well, at least nobody pointed at his d!ck and laughed.....'cause that would have been much worse.

That's sad and funny at the same time.

A week from now(or less) this won't even be in the news:(
Let's hope some of the people so "outraged" at our treatment of some of these animals is nothing compared to what they will do. This is not something new for them and has nothing to do with the recently revealed pics. It is just more of their total lack of respect for human life period.
We all need to wake up and realize this enemy has no rules, and no moral compass. It's balls out war and to h&*^ with any civility at all.
They hide within hospitals and schools and use civilians as shields. BOMB THE IDIOTS and sort it all out later.

Originally posted by SIXBANGR
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: Stanley, New Mexico
Posts: 942

Yup. I wish they'd start drafting so I could go over there and shoot every male over 18 years of age in the mother****ing face. Naw, 14 years.
why do you need to wait for the draft? If your such a bad ass just join and go.
Fernley's a beautiful town, do you know the Sonnerholms?

I'm not sure why you copied and pasted my post count and all, but anyway.......I'm gonna spell this out for you because you're obviously criminally asinine.

1. I did not claim to be any sort of 'bad ass', this is a futile endeavor when ONLINE.

2. The reason a draft is more appealing is because I have no desire to actually join....Uncle Sam takes a good portion of my paycheck, I'd rather he not own my a$$ as well.

3. You are a moron, you've intruded upon this thread with nothing to offer other than evidence of your own stupidity while attempting to take an unwarranted jab at me and the things I say out of anger....and you didn't even say anything cool! Next time, stop and think for a little bit and I'm sure that you'll come up with something that at least gives others the IMPRESSION that your aim was to be witty. Until then sir, suck my d*** and take all day! :)
They scum that beheaded my neighbor werent IRAQI they were Egyptian,or some other nationality,so much for kicking ass there, they will come from our "ALLIES" to behead our citizens . RED REGAL Your RHETORIC about Liberals = friends of OBL is really disgusting, grow up!!!!!!!!!!did you get sodomized by a democratic city counselman????????????? Your Ignorance and narrowmindedness of anything non GOP is astounding:mad:
Originally posted by 2quiktocare
Let's hope some of the people so "outraged" at our treatment of some of these animals is nothing compared to what they will do. This is not something new for them and has nothing to do with the recently revealed pics. It is just more of their total lack of respect for human life period.
We all need to wake up and realize this enemy has no rules, and no moral compass. It's balls out war and to h&*^ with any civility at all.
They hide within hospitals and schools and use civilians as shields. BOMB THE IDIOTS and sort it all out later.

Bless you, my good man. This is what I try to tell some folks and they don't seem to get it. These lowbrows really believe that their religion gives them the right to bother eveyone else in the world........not the first time someone's 'Tooth Fairy' has become a thorn in the side of their neighbor. They KNOW that we wont shoot at them as long as they hide behind a child....heck, they know that we distribute food stamps to people who smoke crack all day and don't plan to stop anytime soon. I am a fiercely non-violent person, but I see no other alternative when dealing with those who've been proclaiming since the dawn of their kind that they will be a problem until the sun burns out.

Let's do away with stupid superstitions and swollen sympathies and make this world a better/safer place. Yes, it's sad that some innocent children would be lost when eradicating their sissy-girl fathers........but when I look at my son and worry for his safety in a future full of threats I don't much care about THEM.
Well now you know why CNN is loosing its audience. Like I say, CNN stands for the Communist News Network
i just watched the entire vid, and wow is that sick.


change the "xx" into "tt" to make it work. The last 30 seconds is where he gets his head cut off... damn it's awful.
WELL SAID! I have no problem killing anyone or anything for the safety of my family.The media says that the prisoners were treated unfairly because Rumsfeld did not allow them rights under the Geneva convention.They are terrorists and not military pows,they do not deserve it.Why is it that we seem to be the ONLY country that really abides by these BS "Rules of engagement"? I have been confused ever since my younger days in the Army that there were rules to war.My dad taught me that the #1 rule to fighting is there are no rules.#2 was that if you are going to fight,you can't be afraid to take an ass whooping.#3 was don't fight to win...fight to LIVE. These are the rules I abide by and I will do whatever it takes to win anytime I have to do so.Unfortunately others in this country think we should turn the other cheek and hope it goes away.BTW my dad was a vietnam vet and he committed war atricities.....and I'm glad he did because I would not be here today probably if he hadn't.
Originally posted by suprbuick7
They scum that beheaded my neighbor werent IRAQI they were Egyptian,or some other nationality,so much for kicking ass there, they will come from our "ALLIES" to behead our citizens . RED REGAL Your RHETORIC about Liberals = friends of OBL is really disgusting, grow up!!!!!!!!!!did you get sodomized by a democratic city counselman????????????? Your Ignorance and narrowmindedness of anything non GOP is astounding:mad:

GOOFY, I pissed you off. What happened? I hit the "TRUTH HURTS" button? Here are the causes of our problems in this country............Liberals=dimocrats=media=hollywood=friends of America's enemies.

Did somebody say they won't be talking about this photo scandal next week. Hell, they been talking about nothing else for two weeks already. Sex sells in the media. :rolleyes:

Things could improve quite a bit but.............What happened to Bush? Lose his way? Go to sleep? Maybe he should open the borders and let the ragheads in, too. I can't do anything about the war and what can I say when the guy that can, is wasting his time apologizing to the enemy. Where am I going wrong? :confused:
Originally posted by Red Regal T

Did somebody say they won't be talking about this photo scandal next week. Hell, they been talking about nothing else for two weeks already. Sex sells in the media. :rolleyes:

I was talking about the guy that had his head sawed off.:(
Originally posted by rev. 3:11
It is pretty sad when "our" free press proclaims their treason to be patriotism. They call the it "torture" when the psy-ops guys use a little pressure on terrorists to get info.!!! Yet, they gloss over the atrocities commited against our people. They should show tapes of 9/11 after every shot of one of their "insurgent" (terrorist!) buddies being "tortured"; lets see the pics of our people being dismembered burned and then hung on bridge railings. Obviously these people have never served their country and have no idea what the cost of liberty is. It is sad and disgraceful that they give aid and comfort to a despicable enemy and then parade themselves around as "enlightened". They remind me of the traitors in the Nazi concentration camps who would oversee the torture and slaughter of their own people thinking they could curry favor and win the approval of their Nazi masters. May God have mercy on their souls. :(
Semper Fi!

You are so right. I'm still waiting for Bush to give the word to avenge those Americans who's corpses, what was left of them, were left hanging from the bridge. Just, what is the hold-up? All the government does is cry about arab sensibilities. Am I going crazy?

I've been complaining about the media since before the war. Can you imagine how many dopes believe all they see on ABC news? They've been dishing out their left wing propoganda for over 50 years with no adversary. There's some now but they want to be fair and balanced. :rolleyes: Nobody was fair and balanced for 50 years. This country could be in BIG TROUBLE. :(
Originally posted by NEARING
I was talking about the guy that had his head sawed off.:(

Sorry about're right there. He was ONLY an American. He WILL be forgotten in a couple days. They ain't worth much to the rest of the planet and definitely not to the Liberals. The only important thing is to get back in power. It was so much more fun around the White House, before.

It's the cowards here, that are the cause of it

you idiot. It is your president's BS that is causing it! If Cowboy GWB did not stik his, and the US's dik into that God forsaken wasteland of a country, that poor man's head would still be on his body.

Chalk up another death to the cause of democracy, something the Iraqi's DON'T GIVE A S|-| it about!

The US does not get it. They care WAY more about being Muslim than they want McDonalds.

Its going to get worse, if thats possible.:confused: :eek:

For anybody who doesn't know, this nitwit is not even an American. Nobody's interested in the foreign point of view except other socialists. :rolleyes: A fitting ally for WE4ster and the other goof! :p
I wonder if any of the so called prisoners will ever get a day in court of ever be formally charged. Bush is trying to give a DEMOCRACY to the country of iraq,maybe he should start here first. Ever think about how many people are there for no reason, its been a long time. Our current administation is a joke without a clue.
I hope they catch the ones in that video. Those peeps desevered to be torchered. I just watched the 6 min video and I dont know why I watched it and I feel like SH!T now. It just pisses me off.
don't bother it is Dems/ liberals fault that that guy was beheaded(in the eyes of RRT??????????) Anyone who dares to think GWB and his ragtag bunch of warmongering / draft dodging P#ssies are on the wrong path for this country is aiding the terrorists??????!!!! What a F'ed up bunch these blind GOP sheep are. Apparently they are more "patriotic" because they line up blindly behind NEOCON ideology??? WAKE UP MORONS!!!!!!!!!!!!

GWB even said in a speech that "there will be more attacks and we are powerless to stop them. "So we will alllow these Towelhead scum to sharpen their fangs on this "WAR FRONT" so they are better prepared/ organized to attack us again. NATION BUILDING = FAILURE wake the f up PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!