American civilian has been beheaded by Iraqis


Be careful you are sounding like a liberal now!

Salvation means accepting J/C doesnt it? The Jews and the Moslems dont accept J/C as the son of God, so what happens to them according to your faith?

Bush's complete support of Israel is based upon his strong religious convictions and not for any other reason.
Originally posted by We4ster
Salvation means accepting J/C doesnt it? The Jews and the Moslems dont accept J/C as the son of God, so what happens to them according to your faith?

Not "according to (our) faith" but according to the Word of God, from Jesus's own mouth - "No man cometh unto the Father but by Me"; "I am the way, the light, and the salvation", "He who believeth in me shall have everlasting life".

It is clear what lies beyond this life for those who do not accept Christ as their savior according to the word of God. Not a Christian's words; GOD's word.

But this is off topic - an innocent man's blood was gruesomely shed in the name of religion. The point is that Nick Berg died a horribly brutal death ONLY because radical and extremist Muslims (not the core, true Muslim sect who are peaceful) wanted to make a visual statement of immense proportions.

Name a modern day true Muslim OR Christian who has done the same (beheaded an innocent, taped it and broadcast it) in order to further their cause/faith or because they were pissed off about the treatment of prisoners.

The thought of it sickens me and we all know that NO true Christian or Muslim would even condone, much less DO, such an attrocity.

Those are barbaric, demonic driven actions of men, not of Allah OR God.
Originally posted by Raven
Not "according to (our) faith" but according to the Word of God, from Jesus's own mouth - "No man cometh unto the Father but by Me"; "I am the way, the light, and the salvation", "He who believeth in me shall have everlasting life".

It is clear what lies beyond this life for those who do not accept Christ as their savior according to the word of God. Not a Christian's words; GOD's word.

But this is off topic - an innocent man's blood was gruesomely shed in the name of religion. The point is that Nick Berg died a horribly brutal death ONLY because radical and extremist Muslims (not the core, true Muslim sect who are peaceful) wanted to make a visual statement of immense proportions.

Name a modern day true Muslim OR Christian who has done the same (beheaded an innocent, taped it and broadcast it) in order to further their cause/faith or because they were pissed off about the treatment of prisoners.

The thought of it sickens me and we all know that NO true Christian or Muslim would even condone, much less DO, such an attrocity.

Those are barbaric, demonic driven actions of men, not of Allah OR God.
Aw $h!t, now all the prettiest of b!tches come out of the woodwork to cry about their Cheesus Crust fable.:rolleyes: ....happens every time.
Originally posted by We4ster
Salvation means accepting J/C doesnt it? The Jews and the Moslems dont accept J/C as the son of God, so what happens to them according to your faith?

Bush's complete support of Israel is based upon his strong religious convictions and not for any other reason.

Whew, what posts of mine are you reading? Trying to discuss this with you is exhausting. I'm trying to stay on track and you keep throwing me curveballs.

OK, what get's you salvation? Sorry, can't tell you, it's a secret but I CAN say that there's more to it than just saying "I accept J/C." First off, what are you accepting?

Like the attraction of acceleration, it's hard to describe but once you get it, you'll know. It changes you. These things people fear like giving up all these bad behaviours is crazy. People still sin, you just try to do better and lead your life like he would want you to. He DOES NOT want you cutting off people's heads in his name? Did Allah ever give Mo a divine truth that his followers should do that? I can tell you from first hand experience (I'm gonna sound like every other bible thumper out there now) that true, I mean sincere, even when you're sitting all alone at home in a dark room, happiness and peace can ONLY come from faith in God. I mean it, if you're happy now, Jesus can add immeasureably to your happiness. True freedom lies in total obedience to God. You'll know what I mean when you experience it. It's awesome. I mean it really kicks ass to be a Jesus fan !! HE'S THE MAN !!!

Now if you don't do EXACTLY as I say and subscribe to my beliefs, you will go to HELL !!! Get real, it's not my decision and I wouldn't dare place judgement on anyone. Those killers can make it into heaven if they learn the secret handshake and the secret I can't tell you. If I could do anything in my life, I mean EVER, it would be to help convince you that Christianity is the way. I won't blow myself up in your living room if you don't though.

Now, back to Israel. They are important for a couple of reasons, and there isn't much religion involved in those reasons, that they are important. Let's be honest too, America needs oil, lots of oil and unfortunately, we can't take on the world single handedly.

Nice try....You just wont admit that the christian "beliefs" are extremely prejudicial!
If a good Jew or a good Moslem doesnt accept J/C into their life, then they will go to hell. But if a christian strays and repents he will go to heaven. Sounds like its "your" way or not at all.

1. How is Israel going to help us with oil?
2. How is Israel going to help us with our "war on terror"?

Our association and full support of Israel has greatly angered the arab world and turned more arab nations against us. The Bush administration has given Israel full support on any action they take against the arab world. The administration has failed by not bringing these countries together to negotiate. Clinton at least had them talking to each other and "almost" had an agreement.
An agreement between Israel and Palestine would greatly reduce the tension in the middle east.

Interesting thought:

If we resolve the Israeli/Palestinian issue and leave Iraq what will be the terrorists reason for attacking the U.S.? They will lose their credibility in the arab world if they continue to attack/threaten the U.S. and they will be seen for what they really are.......scum
Everytime they kill an innocent civilian we should sacrafice one of their detanees in cuba to the sharks and let them find out terror really is!
Originally posted by 49-blues
Everytime they kill an innocent civilian we should sacrafice one of their detanees in cuba to the sharks and let them find out terror really is!

I can't believe YOU said that. I'll do you better..........throw them all in the water to the sharks. I really don't know why we're feeding the bastards. :mad:
Originally posted by Raven

The thought of it sickens me and we all know that NO true Christian or Muslim would even condone, much less DO, such an attrocity.

Those are barbaric, demonic driven actions of men, not of Allah OR God.

I hear lots of Christians condemning the gruesome murder, but I don't hear any Muslims having a problem with it. I know the enemy is fundametalist islamic fanatics but your 'run of the mill' Muslim has nothing to say. I wonder what Al jazera has to say about it. I think they wouldn't have a problem with it. What do you think?

Isn't it wonderful that the left wing media gave the muslims something to hang their hat on with the prison abuses. They kill thousands of Americans and NOW they have a reason. :rolleyes: I heard an African-American on the radio today lamenting that 10,000 Iraqis were killed by us coming into Iraq. Maybe I was wrong figuring him for a Muslim but who else could imagine such figures. First of all, that 10,000 Iraqi number must have come from Michael Moore or suprbuick7, better known as "goofy", but to justify this murder with this propoganda kind of tells you what a muslim might think. I can't say I know what they think because they have nothing to say.
Originally posted by We4ster

Nice try....You just wont admit that the christian "beliefs" are extremely prejudicial!
If a good Jew or a good Moslem doesnt accept J/C into their life, then they will go to hell. But if a christian strays and repents he will go to heaven. Sounds like its "your" way or not at all.

1. How is Israel going to help us with oil?
2. How is Israel going to help us with our "war on terror"?

Our association and full support of Israel has greatly angered the arab world and turned more arab nations against us. The Bush administration has given Israel full support on any action they take against the arab world. The administration has failed by not bringing these countries together to negotiate. Clinton at least had them talking to each other and "almost" had an agreement.
An agreement between Israel and Palestine would greatly reduce the tension in the middle east.

Interesting thought:

If we resolve the Israeli/Palestinian issue and leave Iraq what will be the terrorists reason for attacking the U.S.? They will lose their credibility in the arab world if they continue to attack/threaten the U.S. and they will be seen for what they really are.......scum


Hello- the only way to resolve the Israeli/Palestinian issue would be to fly all the Jews out of there, not going to happen.

They could give the Palestinians land until the Jews were living in a telephone booth and the Palestinians would have to have that too.

Israel is our ONLY ally in that area of the world.
Almost an agreement:rolleyes: If my sister had a **** she'd be my brother.
Clinton forced Israel to free Mohamed Atta, you know that guy that had a little something do with that 911 thingy majig.
Oh yes, yes he did.
Full Support -LMFAO if they did there wouldn't be ANY Palestinians left!
The ONLY thing that keeps them from opening up a 55 gallon drum of whip ass on those people is the fear of losing support from the US.
Yes let's pull our support for Isreal and let the Arabs put Israels back against the sea.
They have nukes and unlike us they don't give a rats ass about what the world community thinks.They will use them if thier backs are put against the wall.
Maybe that's not a half bad Idea! You maybe onto something there!

Yes we gave them the nukes but I don't see how you can pin that one on GW.:eek:
Democrat, Republican, Alien..That horrific bull**** is no one's fault other than the masked cowards in the video.

If you haven't watched the video, I suggest you do. It show just what kind of ****ing bastards we are dealing with.

Anyone who does that kind of **** to another human is a scumbag that deserves to die and burn in hell.
Originally posted by bishir
Politics AND Religion in one thread! Gotta love it! :rolleyes:

No ****!

It's pretty sad this innocent young American had his head sawed off, and all that becomes of this thread is a bunch of leftys and rightys bitching back and forth.

My prayers are with that young man's family, and I know those masked cowards will eventually pay for what they have done.
Originally posted by UNGN
The Japanese at Nanking or Wake Island had no Honor.

Saying "look what we did to Japanese americans" and comparing that to what the Japanese did to Nanking is like comparing the "prisoner abuse scandal" to the 300,000 Iraqi's Saddam put in Mass Graves.

NO comparison.

Yes I can't find anything of Americans throwing Japanese babies in the air and catching them on the end of thier bayonet's?

Or raping 4 year old's, or cutting off heads and wearing them as hats, all on a LARGE scale or........I could find the book written by one of the survivors of the RAPE OF NANKING if more is needed. It's around here somewhere.

NOT a good comparison.
Originally posted by Red Regal T
I hear lots of Christians condemning the gruesome murder, but I don't hear any Muslims having a problem with it. I know the enemy is fundametalist islamic fanatics but your 'run of the mill' Muslim has nothing to say. I wonder what Al jazera has to say about it. I think they wouldn't have a problem with it. What do you think? .

Well, guess what, Al Jazera and the rest of those arab rags and websites didn't mention the murder.
Well, guess what, Al Jazera and the rest of those arab rags and websites didn't mention the murder

From what I understand, Cracker, is that beheading is a common practice among fundamentalist muslims, called a qussar or something?

Know the enemy.:rolleyes:

Originally posted by Foolis
From what I understand, Cracker, is that beheading is a common practice among fundamentalist muslims, called a qussar or something?

Still doesn't make it right to saw the poor kid's head off on tape while he was still alive, then hold it up for all to see like some trophy and then revel in the gore while blaming America for making them do it.

No one, and I mean absolutely NO ONE, can defend this kind of act in any way, shape or form.

Same goes for what happened in the prison camps. But even with that situation, at least the maggots/prisoners were known enemies of American soldiers and if left to their own devices would STILL be out there trying to kill Americans.

So, much for my pity. Sorry. Yeah, they should have gotten better from the prison keepers.

But the civilian did NOT deserve to die like that, only to have his death used to further some murderous cause.
Originally posted by Foolis
From what I understand, Cracker, is that beheading is a common practice among fundamentalist muslims, called a qussar or something?

Know the enemy.:rolleyes:


So that makes it ok?:mad:

Someone ELSE sounds like a racist now!
Originally posted by Foolis
From what I understand, Cracker, is that beheading is a common practice among fundamentalist muslims, called a qussar or something?

Know the enemy.:rolleyes:


The victim was not a "fundamentalist muslim".
This is a newsworthy story anywhere on this planet. If Al Jazera didn't report this incident, that just further shows they are anti-American.
MeanBuicks & Red Regal T
I agree with both of you about watching the video.
I watched it out of pure voyeurism and wish I had never seen it. It just generally brought me down, depressed me, and made me very somber for the rest of the day (yesterday).
--Don't watch the video if you haven't already.--

As for the other stuff: The Japanese attacked Pearl harbot without a declared act of war which isn't too honorable; the Japanese officers - OFFICERS!!! - had contests in occupied China to see who could cut the head off of Chinese citizens the fastest and witht he smallest swords. No honor what-so-ever.
BUT, let us remember who the enemy is; not the members of; rather the cowards who murder in the name of religion.
Please offer opinions, but we aren't enemies, only competitors when we line up against each other at the track.
Still doesn't make it right to saw the poor kid's head off on tape while he was still alive, then hold it up for all to see like some trophy and then revel in the gore while blaming America for making them do it.

So that makes it ok?

Where did I say it was ok? I'm just telling you its a standard practice, so don't be surprised if it happens again.

Remember Kurtz in Apocalype Now? How he realised the US could not win the war when the enemy could lop - off a bunch of childrens arms, then go home and have dinner with his family? I know, it was only a movie, but its the same deal here.

Actually it is worse, since the muslims would like nothing more than die.:rolleyes:

Bad scene
