Annoying noise in the dash!

Let us know how it works.

just poured a little oil over top of the rubber bushing and right where the hood meets it and it worked , just took it for a ride . will throw some grease on it when i take it to my shop, but its gone , thanks guys:D
oh my...

you have absolutely got to be kidding me. i have owned G-body after G-body, from gn's to monte's to regals to malibus, over 20 probably and almost everyone has had this problem.... i just went out to my ttype and drove it here in Ky at 20 degrees outside and it sounded like the windshield was about ready to fall out of it like my other G-bodys have....and i tried your all little grease trick. i feel so silly now. i drove it and it was quiet as a such a happy camper now! thanks guys!!!!!!!! forever a buick man. :)
GREAT thread guys...I gave the grease a try. I drove my GN around today, even though it was like 20 degrees. The noise is gone, I would have never guessed it would have been so simple. Thanks for all the imput, sure is nice to have that problem gone...John
If you happen to be out and about when the noise crops up and you're not near your grease, pull the dipstick out and wipe a little oil on that stopper. Instant relief. :)

Hahahahaha, I have done that before on my old ttype!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Just got home after taking it for a ride for 2 hrs its all gone with just putting motor oil on it .
Wow, this is OLD tech, where you guys been? LOL!!!!!!!

My first GN or GM for that matter...just glad to find out it wasn't the windshield or something like that. I do feel kinda stupid though, but then again I've been playin with Mustangs for a long time...LOL
For those of you with a slight rattle coming from under the dash, the column lock out rod will rattle on the drivers side header, rear most tube. It will only touch when in drive. If you have a slight rattle, put the car in gear (with the car safely braked of course) and reach down by the steering column (engine compartment side) and wiggle the lock-out rod that comes out of the steering column. It will contact the drivers side rear header tube, which will transfere a rattle right up the steering column. Easy fix: Use a light duty throttle return spring from an auto parts store or even a hardware store. Then wrap one end around the lock out rod (it is also the shifter rod on column shift cars) and then drill a small hole in the plastic inner fender at the wheek opening and put a light tension on the spring to pull it away from the header tube. In park, the rod is a mile away, but in gear, it will hit. Most Turbo Buicks have this condition.
Dash rattle

DAMMITT.............I've had my GN going on 2 years with this agonizing noise, subscribed to this forum yesterday and BAM!, here is the answer........... "just add a little butt lube and its all better. Now I just gotta figure out what to do with all the C4 i purchased to try and shake it out!!:rolleyes:
Unfortunately, I have placed some grease on the threads of the upper cowl support but nothing was fixed. The car still has this loud creaking sound and it sounds like it is coming from behind the dash. It seems to be worse, the colder it is.
Yeah, but if you take it out completely you won't have the problem, correct? Because it still makes the high pitch, creaky sound. Those are engineering words, I am using.
Are you guys for real? This has been driving me crazy for past 6 months.I even thought about taking the dash apart.
I will centainly try some grease today!

Thanks for the info!
Damn, I've been chasing this for 26 years and that!s all it is?!!! It sounded like metal on glass!
Yes metal on glass ! I greased mine up tonight. Will post the results next time I drive my car.

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