Annual B.O.P. Event at Bristol Dragway?


Turbocharged Sex Cylinder
Feb 25, 2003
I had heard that no BOP event was planned for Bristol Dragway this year, but on Bristol's on-line schedule ( a BOP race is scheduled for September 26-28th. Has anyone heard anything about this?
Bristol is on!!!!!!

I E-Mailed the folks at Bristol a couple weeks ago about that and it IS on.....I will be there. Russ :cool:
BOP at Bristol

The BOP show is still on at Bristol Dragway. The rumor of it being cancelled is false. The dates are Sept. 26-28, 2003.
I'm happy to hear that BOP @ Bristol is on this year, but yet again I'm disappointed about the lack of advertising. If you didn't know to look you'd never know this event was scheduled.
We attend every year and every year we hear participants (promoters, vendors, racers & spectators) complain about the weak turnout.

Has anyone heard any committment to attend from vendors?
There is no rumor, per se'. When I asked Jim Haas if he was going to do this event in 2003, he "eloquently" said "I will not be doing it this year." As such, Jim will not be involved with the event. People took this to mean that there was no event...but obviously that is not exactly what Jim said...

Jim's statement was "strong enough" that many of us TR owners went ahead and scheduled our vacations for 2003 to be without a trip to Bristol, TN. I cannot go now as I am out of vacation.:rolleyes:

Without Jim promoting the event and/or directing it, the event will prolly not have many TR vendors and/or TR participants compared to prior years. It would be nice if a large group of TRs showed up - good luck to those of you that get to go.
Originally posted by Scott231
When I asked Jim Haas if he was going to do this event in 2003, he "eloquently" said "I will not be doing it this year."

As such, Jim will not be involved with the event.

People took this to mean that there was no event.

Jim's statement was "strong enough" that many of us TR owners went ahead and scheduled our vacations for 2003 to be without a trip to Bristol, TN. I cannot go now as I am out of vacation.:rolleyes"

It would be nice if a large group of TRs showed up - good luck to those of you that get to go.

It's a MAJOR BUMMER that the TRUTH didn't become clear and was not offered back in January when we were all asking Qs about BOP 2003.

That probably has hurt the event, as well as people like you who will now not be able to go, for no reason.

Scott, See you in Bristol 2004! :)
There still doesn't seem to be much discussion about this event. The GN site lists information for the 2002 event only.

Does anyone from this board plan on attending? Any vendors?

That's great!! :)

Bristol is definitely the nicest facility in this Solar System!! :)
So what's the schedule at Bristol? All their website gives is a list of the classes for race and show, the entry fees, and the dates Sept. 26-28. What happens when?

Very little advertising and bad weather made for a poor turnout. Whats the saying?.....No sign is a sign of no business?

Bristol is a great track if someone would just handle it correctly.

This is the worst I have ever seen!!!!!

There were no vendors at the event. The guys made the long drive up, selling T-shirts, starters and alternators, but even they left on Saturday. No Buick shops showed up.
There were a few nice turbo cars racing, but not many. I was told 30 cars registered to race, less than half of which were TR's. The racing appeared to be all bracket-style.

Coupla things that were particularly beat...
The track was closed at 5PM on Friday. We were quite disappointed to hear this after we took Friday off from work and drove all afternoon, hoping to catch some night racing.
And the staging lanes stayed pretty empty all weekend, with very few side-by-side races. When my friend attempted to buy a race pass on Sunday morning to do some TnT in his 11-second Trans Am, he was told that 'the TnT session was Friday and there was no time now'. WTF?

On Sunday, no spectators were charged for admission. It appeared that even the Bristol staff had acknowledged the failure of their event. It's unlikely they will try this again next year. It will be difficult to turn this situation around and try to re-establish this event. I think too many people drove a long way only to go home early, disgusted and pissed off.

Fortunately, we had plenty of beer and still managed a good time. Seeing a few nice GN's sure beats seeing none. However, we will probably go to the NMRA event in BG instead of BOP next year. The days of Buicks at Bristol seem to be over.