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Any new developements on the TA alum head?


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Re: heads

Originally posted by Mease Performance
they are out dewd! ;) Why dont you stop talking smack and buy a set!:cool:


I did, dewwwwwwwwwddddddddd,

and still waiting, dewwwwwwwddddddddd!
''I have elected to go with 1.94" intake valves for this set which is also capable of 2.02" intakes''.

Are these intake valves centered enough in the combustion chamber to work on a 3.8 block without having to "fisheye"the block?
Also for the price quoted above"$1800-$1900"complete.......what hardware does that include??
Seems kind of steep on the price unless you are talking about roller rockers/valve covers etc included. [/B][/QUOTE]

No response to this question.........i guess i can assume the heads will not work with a 1.94 or larger intake valve without modifying the block!

What is included for $1800-$1900???????????????????????? as intercooler states.:confused: :confused:
Originally posted by Turbonics
Maybe one day you will find a way to mature & communicate without being PERSONALLY rude.

Here's a silly childish set of "roll-eyes" for you, too, since you use them so often in your posts ---> :rolleyes:

These heads have reportedly been "90 days away from release" for well over a year.

Those are the posts that had NO VALUE, since they just strung people along.

Jump & pile on the guy who made THOSE posts!

If you ever contributed to the buick comunity with any kind of product developement, you would not be making posts because you would know what it takes to make things happen and also know that things don't always go as planned.

Nick is just trying to say that your post does not positively contribute to this thread... so please...

how is that for polite?

now back to the subject.

I had one of these blocks at my booth at the nats and all i can say is WOW. these are a work of art. We as a buick comunity owe TA a good bit of gratitude for even considering such a project.

While i was at the SEMA show a week ago, I talked to many aftermarket part manufactures about our buicks and some of the parts we need (for instance a deep sump pan). Excluding Eagle, they all laughed in my face. Some of you guys don't seem to understand how small and limited this market is. If it was not for the few specialty part manufactures that share our sheer love of these cars we would have nothing....
Don't forget to give a MAJOR THANK YOU to the number of Buick enthusiasts who sent their deposits or prepaid orders in LONGGGGGG
ago, for either the block or the heads.

They have had to get their hopes up seeing the Block Is Coming Soon, or the Heads Are Coming Soon posts for YEARS now, about every 90 days, only to be let down over & over. There's been a lot of false hope generated by all those Coming Soon posts!!

Seeing where Intercooler had just been told a "few more months", what are you going to do? Laugh, or cry? I chose to laugh. (Did I post inaccurate info?) Seeing "a few more months" once again, made a reflexive laughter very relevant, and if your $$$$ were involved in the project, you'd see the logic real quick.The 10th time you hear the same line that didn't prove true the previous 9 times you'd heard it, who is going to jump up and say "OH, BOY, JUST A FEW MORE MONTHS! YAY!!"

Let's do remember whose $$$$ helped capitalize these 2 endeavors. Not having to borrow that money has helped to keep the prices down, right? Are any thanks offered to the customers who put their bucks on the line to pull this off?

And since this has not been an act of charity on the producer's part, but an effort to meet a need and to make a profit (like any business), it is ultimately always the customer that makes it possible.

The reason the SEMA folks laughed about TR parts development is they do not see enough
potential customers from TR owners to make a decent return on investment. (Dave Roland posted elsewhere about not being able to get a straight answer other than "I don't know" from Eagle at SEMA).

So, let's try & remember not to take the relatively few remaining TR customers for granted, or try to run them off with neglect, rudeness or other directly personal comment.

Customers are the EMPLOYERS of every vendor anywhere, including here. It's their $$$$ that spins the wheels of our economy. Don't believe it? Treat anyone of them with disrespect & watch your business enterprise suffer.If you do not treat others badly, why would you think it's o.k. when anyone else does get treated poorly? Never seen a sign anywhere posted " Notice To Customers: The Vendor Is Always Right!", have you? But everyone likely has seen the reverse.

Ever notice how the VERY BEST in any interactive public endeavor seemingly ALWAYS also genuinely enjoy and cherish their relationships with others? This would include the vendors whose customers show their appreciation by giving them their loyalty and $$$$ for treating them decently.

Let's always remember to also THANK & APPRECIATE the TR enthusiasts & customers who TRULY make it ALL possible, including helping to finance the TA heads and block projects.
You know what's crazy guy's. The import crowd has MUCH more options then we do. For example DART ENGINE BLOCKS, carbon fiber parts GALORE. Thank god we have people like T.A and CHAMPION who develop parts for us.
Turbonics,I understand your views,and you are right that vendors need their customers.Who exactly has been treating anyone badly here though?I have had a quick response from Nick ANYTIME I needed an answer.I would not go so far as saying that we the customers financed this project.I would almost bet that it is a break even situation at best for TA right now on these blocks and heads.Profit is probably more in the long term on an endeavor like this.Fortunate for me I am a patient person,and I am in no real hurry because it takes time to get a great product.I also understand what can happen when a product is rushed to market without testing.That means alot of dissapointed customers with broken parts and no support.I am grateful that there is a vendor out there taking us to a whole new level and is giving us proven parts instead of just a theory of what they can do.Better to get there slowly than never at all.
Originally posted by Turbonics
Don't forget to give a MAJOR THANK YOU to the number of Buick enthusiasts who sent their deposits or prepaid orders in LONGGGGGG
ago, for either the block or the heads.

They have had to get their hopes up seeing the Block Is Coming Soon, or the Heads Are Coming Soon posts for YEARS now, about every 90 days, only to be let down over & over. There's been a lot of false hope generated by all those Coming Soon posts!!

Seeing where Intercooler had just been told a "few more months", what are you going to do? Laugh, or cry? I chose to laugh. (Did I post inaccurate info?) Seeing "a few more months" once again, made a reflexive laughter very relevant, and if your $$$$ were involved in the project, you'd see the logic real quick.The 10th time you hear the same line that didn't prove true the previous 9 times you'd heard it, who is going to jump up and say "OH, BOY, JUST A FEW MORE MONTHS! YAY!!"

Let's do remember whose $$$$ helped capitalize these 2 endeavors. Not having to borrow that money has helped to keep the prices down, right? Are any thanks offered to the customers who put their bucks on the line to pull this off?

Yes, your post is VERY "inaccurate" as well as being way off topic. If you have a problem with delivery of your TA block and heads, let's hear your story. Actually, do not remember seeing your name on the block deposit list?

The people that sent their deposit of $500 for the first run of blocks did not hardly finance this project, as it will be a few more years before TA will even get the development $$$$ returned, much less show a profit on them. The mimimal deposit was to have the purchaser placed on the delivery list for the first run of blocks. There were even deposts left over for the second run.

The TA heads have not been "coming for years" as you state. There were no deposits taken for these and NO promised delivery dates as usual in most design/developemnt projects of this type. If you would have followed the all the info posted concerning the head project, you could have seen that the comments you made are not true.

So all your comments are because you cannot get a TA block and heads, not just to stir up a contraversy? Well, as soon as I receive your certified funds on Monday, I will pack and ship you a new TA block alum and set of TA heads.:)
how much are the new heads? what valves come with them, can you buy them just bare?
Originally posted by Nick Micale
Well, as soon as I receive your certified funds on Monday, I will pack and ship you a new TA block alum and set of TA heads.:)

Are you saying you have them sitting waiting to ship to whoever wants or is there still a list thing going?I've been waiting for them to become an avalible product before I buy as I too have been burned by waiting on lists and pre ordering things as it seems others have too.

I guess you could say "money talks and BS walks!"

So either pony up or shut up!
I would just like to say thanks for all the vendors that spend all the time and money that they do developing, testing, and mass producing parts for our cars. We should all praise Jason, Bruce, PTE, Champion, TA Performance, and all the others that make parts for these cars if it was not for them we would all have 13 sec cars. I dont mind waiting for anything and I definetly dont want to complain.
After all the complaining everyone does were very lucky they dont tell us to go f*** ourselves and start making parts for Mustangs and LS1's. Thanks again guys,
Jay McKinnon
Originally posted by TTA850
Are you saying you have them sitting waiting to ship to whoever wants or is there still a list thing going?I've been waiting for them to become an avalible product before I buy as I too have been burned by waiting on lists and pre ordering things as it seems others have too.
Thanks, Steve

My comment was to point out what Woody said so well, "either pony up or shut up"!

Yes, I do have one TA block available as the customer has delayed his build for a few months. I will be able to replace it with one from the next production lot.
Originally posted by BigChinooks
Nick do you know how much the ta heads cost and what they come with??

Not sure of how TA will be pricing their heads. We will be taking orders to customer specs as to valve size, springs, port work or any special requests.

Our first set is now in process and should be done in a couple weeks. At that time we will have firm prices and flow numbers.
Thanks Nick for the updates.I will be contacting you soon about reserving a set of the SE heads.Is the $150 deposit Intercooler mentioned true? If so,I will be calling you this week.Thanks

Patrick Smith