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Anyone know Trae Liberty from Perris CA????????????????????????


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Assuming he doesn't skip town... get caught with basically stolen merchandise, facing felonies and they 'give him till tomorrow' !! Our system at work :rolleyes:
Police have possession of some of my items, he installed fans on his car. Hopefully they get them back today. Sort of weird that they didn't put him in the clink right away. Told me it was because he injured his ankle and was on crutches and they would have to make special arrangements to accomodate him?o_O
Police have possession of some of my items, he installed fans on his car. Hopefully they get them back today. Sort of weird that they didn't put him in the clink right away. Told me it was because he injured his ankle and was on crutches and they would have to make special arrangements to accomodate him?o_O

more than likely he is cooperation with them to help catch the guys who stole the card(s)

that's the problem, always chasing the supplier, but never doing anything to get rid of demand, and as we all know two minutes after the supplier is gone a new one will fill his shoes as long as there is demand.
Tell him you will make a deal and accept his car as restitution for him being a piece of shit thief. You have probably wasted 50+ hours of your own time chasing this dick bag and you probably won't get everything back in the same new condition.
Good to hear everything worked out. Congrats; hope you get all your things back quickly.
WOW - I just read this whole post. Fantastic outcome. I hope they find Cotton's items too.
It was great how everyone tried to chip in and help out. I do a LOT of internet research and if you know all the places to look, it is hard to hide.
I am not going to rehash what you consider to be a bad deal from 12 years ago. We haven't survived all these years by ripping people off like you are implying. In fact, we are one of the vendors that actually gives back to the community. We do this by running banner ads (that raise your bloodpressure), sponsoring race classes at several events, paying contingency to race winners, and putting on a non-profit Buick event in Reynold's. If Shane thinks we need to go, he can cancel our banner and we will move on.
I hope everyone has a happy outcome with this other character.
I am not going to rehash what you consider to be a bad deal from 12 years ago. We haven't survived all these years by ripping people off like you are implying. In fact, we are one of the vendors that actually gives back to the community. We do this by running banner ads (that raise your bloodpressure), sponsoring race classes at several events, paying contingency to race winners, and putting on a non-profit Buick event in Reynold's. If Shane thinks we need to go, he can cancel our banner and we will move on.
I hope everyone has a happy outcome with this other character.

Hey Cal,
There is one in every crowd. Just have my drunk buddy from Tenn send me to see this guy like he sent me to see you on Friday...I'll set him straight.
The Buick world is very glad to have you and Holly.

Hey Cal,
There is one in every crowd. Just have my drunk buddy from Tenn send me to see this guy like he sent me to see you on Friday...I'll set him straight.
The Buick world is very glad to have you and Holly.

LMAO!! See you just never know who will walk up on you..... LOL
But I sure wish I had all this help when I was trying to get Cal Hartline to stand behind the messed up engine rebuild he did for me over 10 years ago. I'm still out over $4000 for a rebuild to fix his mess after 12 years and everytime I see his advertising banner on here, my blood pressure goes up. Like people said, the Buick community needs to be kept informed about scumbag customers, BUT I still feel this applies to vendors that don't stand behind their work.

This was supposed to be a happy ending to a real crappy deal. You should probably address this somewhere else. Don't ruin my happy little moment.:rolleyes:
Lets all chill. I don't think he meant anything. We are Buick brothers here. I've been screwed over on my car. So I know how he feels. But he should have definitely word it different. Good job to the people who got the bad guy caught. Justice is sweet.
Lets all chill. I don't think he meant anything. We are Buick brothers here. I've been screwed over on my car. So I know how he feels. But he should have definitely word it different. Good job to the people who got the bad guy caught. Justice is sweet.

I mean no comment was a little inside joke between Cal, ScotW and myself. We have all been taken at some point in our life, thats true. However...I do have a little problem with whom he said did the taking. There are 2 sides to every story...even a 12 year old story, but pick your battles wisely. Example...bashing Cal on this board is like bashing the Pope while in the Vatican. Not a wise move.

Congrats Mark on recovering your loss. I met James...ttaowner...this weekend. He compared my car to yours. Thats a real compliment for me. I've heard yours is pretty awesome and I dont see mine that way.

Take care
...bashing Cal on this board is like bashing the Pope while in the Vatican. Not a wise move.

Congrats Mark on recovering your loss.

Hey, who's the guy wearing that funny hat, the court jester?:)
Latest on this BS! Still don't have my parts back and the guy got a freaking slap on the wrist. Guess crime does pay.
Just got this back from the detective on the case this morning.

Yes, he has plead guilty to intent to defraud and identity theft. He had to go through the booking process, do 30 days of the Sheriff's Labor Program and is now on probation with search terms. I am currently graveyard shift, but will be on day shift next week. I will go to the court house and get the order from the judge releasing the property and give your information to the Perris Station Evidence personnel to contact you to arrange the release of the property. Can you please give me an updated address and phone number so I can make sure I give them the correct information. Thanks.

Sergeant Sean Vickers #3592
Well, it sounds like you will be getting some stuff back. From the begining it seemed like there was littile hope for justice let alone restitution.