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Anyone running Bison's Alky plenium plate?


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I actully made something similar for a buddy's champion intake manifold . I have a video of a test setup I performed . This was the first test but it has performed well after some fine tweaks .

Nice. Did you get to run it? What were the results? I'm in the planning mode for my new build. Always looking at different things.

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before you go out getting a direct injection kit I feel it'd be wise to collect data on the flow of the nozzle that Julio already supply's with his kit. the car could have individual EGT sensors for each cylinder, and once those numbers are dialed in as close as possible to each other introduce the methanol injection kit and see how the EGTs respond. Just my two cents.. but come to think of it Brian must've done this or something similar to it, otherwise he wouldn't be reinventing the wheel

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Accurately distributing and burning more fuel isn't re-inventing the wheel. Its what more successful racers do to win because their engines will make more power. I was using methanol injection well before 99.999% of guys that race Buicks were. Well before the internet evolved into the joke it is today. You can burn more fuel safely with this if you take the correct approach. No longer just an anti-detonant. This is made to work with any pump/methanol kit out there. What you need is the correct pump and inlet configuration and higher pressures. I've already been close to 700whp with a low CR and stock shortblock using this plate and 93/alky using the standard size holes in the tube. More pump, more volume and more engine will net a lot more power. The more fuel you can burn the more power you can make. You want to see for yourself. Tune your engine on a dyno on 93 octane gasoline at a low manifold pressure like 15psi. Use lambda for a/f. Then with no other change simply cut the gasoline down to 50% with ethanol. Do not change any other settings. No added timing or a/f changes and make another hit. Report back when you are done.

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Nice. Did you get to run it? What were the results? I'm in the planning mode for my new build. Always looking at different things.

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Accurately distributing and burning more fuel isn't re-inventing the wheel. Its what more successful racers do to win because their engines will make more power. I was using methanol injection well before 99.999% of guys that race Buicks were. Well before the internet evolved into the joke it is today. You can burn more fuel safely with this if you take the correct approach. No longer just an anti-detonant. This is made to work with any pump/methanol kit out there. What you need is the correct pump and inlet configuration and higher pressures. I've already been close to 700whp with a low CR and stock shortblock using this plate and 93/alky using the standard size holes in the tube. More pump, more volume and more engine will net a lot more power. The more fuel you can burn the more power you can make. You want to see for yourself. Tune your engine on a dyno on 93 octane gasoline at a low manifold pressure like 15psi. Use lambda for a/f. Then with no other change simply cut the gasoline down to 50% with ethanol. Do not change any other settings. No added timing or a/f changes and make another hit. Report back when you are done.

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I hope you didn't take anything I said as shots towards you because I didn't mean it to come off like that, what I was trying to convey is if a meth kit like Julio's with the nozzle in the up pipe distributed the meth evenly within the intake down into each cylinder, then a direct injection kit wouldn't make significant changes on distribution when compared to a kit like Julio's. But this is all hypothetical talk for me, I don't have any data to back it up. Just thinking out loud

But I didn't think about the positive effects of having more meth to burn as a fuel, which is an upside your plate has since it allows the meth injected closer to the combustion chamber, giving it less time to atomize. It seems like from here the next step would be to run methanol as a fuel, but that seems like a topic for a whole different thread. Definitely interesting though

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I hope you didn't take anything I said as shots towards you because I didn't mean it to come off like that, what I was trying to convey is if a meth kit like Julio's with the nozzle in the up pipe distributed the meth evenly within the intake down into each cylinder, then a direct injection kit wouldn't make significant changes on distribution when compared to a kit like Julio's. But this is all hypothetical talk for me, I don't have any data to back it up. Just thinking out loud

But I didn't think about the positive effects of having more meth to burn as a fuel, which is an upside your plate has since it allows the meth injected closer to the combustion chamber, giving it less time to atomize. It seems like from here the next step would be to run methanol as a fuel, but that seems like a topic for a whole different thread. Definitely interesting though

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You can achieve most of the benefits of the alcohol fuels if you can get the % up over 40% and trying to wet flow a dry flow intake will get you in trouble getting the fuel in the cylinder is what's important. That's where all the action is

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Good luck with that!

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Thanks don't really need luck . It took me all of 20 min to bend the tube and tap/drill the holes so if I don't like the way it's flowing I can toss it and bend another one and drill bigger or smaller holes . Plus I have stuff to calibrate the flow I want at a given pressure . I have no issues with you or your products but it seems like you be hating on me for some reason which I don't really get ?
Thanks don't really need luck . It took me all of 20 min to bend the tube and tap the holes so if I don't like the way it's flowing I can toss it and bend another one and drill bigger or smaller holes . Plus I have stuff to calibrate the flow I want at a given pressure . I have no issues with you or your products but it seems like you be hating on me for some reason which I don't really get ?

Not hating but don't appreciate it whenever someone comes into a tech tread and starts mentioning prices. It's a Dickbeater move. Also your comment about drilling bigger or smaller holes shows how I'll prepared you are to even attempt duplicating a process that yields a properly functioning part repeatedly. You have no clue about even where to begin. How much power have you made? How much fast have you run? What are you running? Is it a stage 2? Should be able to easily blow by me. Post up the combo and numbers. Instead of posting links up and crapping on a tech thread why don't you r&d and make something work?

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Nice. Did you get to run it? What were the results? I'm in the planning mode for my new build. Always looking at different things.

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Yes got it runing and all I can say is that if you aren't going for all out power then Julio's single or double setup can supply more then enough alky for a fast street car . I just built this one because a buddy asked me if it was possible with his champion intake
You can achieve most of the benefits of the alcohol fuels if you can get the % up over 40% and trying to wet flow a dry flow intake will get you in trouble getting the fuel in the cylinder is what's important. That's where all the action is
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There are always other ways of accomplishing a goal, but the target may be out of reach as variables change or limits are pushed.
Many (self included) cringe at the thought of drilling/tapping a Champion ported intake, and the associated labor involved.

The solution you provide supports more CFD analysis, real life data, performance result data, and years of field reliability testing than most will ever care to understand. It is deceivingly simple, yet very efficient, effective and productive. Fact is: I would be looking for a replacement block if it wasn't for this solution.

Last but not least; Those who work tirelessly to gain full depth of understanding of challenges associated with pushing the limits, will always appreciate the solution, the benefits, and associated value of the goods and services you provide. This community is much better informed due to your generosity to share knowledge, as a result of your commitment to this platform. Thank you!
Another 120ish so $300 and you have a complete direct port injection setup is still not that bad imo . Bisions deal is a direct bolt on which is a plus aswell .

I was thinking about that but didn’t install 6 nozzles because I believe the system from Bison has added performance benefits.
Besides, I absolutely refuse to take my intake off, drill holes in the ports, tap, run 6 lines, and do all the damn work. Hahahahaaa.

Would be very interesting to see how a 6 nozzle system would look, and work, on a stock ECM car though.
Is it possible that for whatever reason you are underestimating the system sold by Bison?


Looks to me like Bisons kit is quite a bit more complex than what it's being given credit for. I do have this kit and it is installed. However, I have a jumper that I need to install to test it.

I hope no one minds me providing the images of a Facebook write up (which is what sold me). In the next post I'll post numbers that Bison had from the kit.

All I know is that Bison has probably forgotten more about these cars than most of us will ever know. So, if you want "Tech Advice" on the subject, then I'd say ask the man himself. As, Bison is a walking encyclopedia, a literal wealth of Turbo Buick knowledge.

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Bison is a really modest fella and not very self promoting. However, you can tell there was quite a bit of thought put into the atomization of the fuel being dispersed, the size and location of the holes, the direction of dispersement, the type of materials used and much more, I'm sure. So, theres a lot more to this set up than meets the eye. And it is not just a piece of tubing with some holes drilled in it, that's for sure.

I thought that I had seen a video of this thing spraying once? Not sure who had it or where it came from. However, it was impressive the way it worked that's for sure. So, maybe someone will chime in with it?

Either way, Bad Ass System Bison! And I'm looking forward to trying mine out. (My trans is flaring right now so I'm in no hurry at the moment)!! :-(

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Don't think it was wise to post those pictures. Sum Yung Boi in China is busy copying these now. :mad:
Would you run it with a power plate? And does the EGR tower have to be removed?
Don't think it was wise to post those pictures. Sum Yung Boi in China is busy copying these now. :mad:

Excellent. When the cheap asses pay the price for the copies they will break their engine and probably sell their car

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Don't think it was wise to post those pictures. Sum Yung Boi in China is busy copying these now. :mad:

Lmao! Well, you know what they say. Imitation is the best form of flattery, right? At least you know that they thought it a worthy design then. Plus my guess is that they would need to get hole size and placement just right as well. And I'm not sure that you could do that with just the photos that are floating around out there.

Either way, you have to admit it's a killer design concept!!

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