I am new to Buicks and about to begin on my newly purchased 84 T-type. Before I do, I was curious about the traditions of Buick enthusiast. For example:
I have driven a Land Rover for about 8 years now and in the Land Rover community they have their own little do's and dont's. Like adding chrome to a Land Rover is a big no-no. Land rover trim and accessories are always done black and changing any of that or adding any chrome to a Land Rover will likely just get you the finger every time you pass another Rover. Its not to say you can't do it, just don't expect other Rover drivers to give you the "wave" when they drive by and your rover is sitting on 20" chrome wheels.....it won't happen :biggrin: I am an offroad guy so I never had to worry about it...but I see them get run out of forums all the time for it rofl They sign up all happy then post a pic of their Rover and bright new 20+" sparkling rims then they get about 20 replies all pretty much saying the same thing....your an idiot don't come back.
With that explained....what are some of the "rules" for T-Type and GN's. For example, I was thinking of adding the front bumper trim to make the front look more like this..
Is stuff like that looked down on from the Buick community? My car is white as well and when I found the above pic I pretty much would like to use it as a guide to how I want this to look once I am done. The wheels will be different of course, but the body and how it sits is what I am looking at.
I have driven a Land Rover for about 8 years now and in the Land Rover community they have their own little do's and dont's. Like adding chrome to a Land Rover is a big no-no. Land rover trim and accessories are always done black and changing any of that or adding any chrome to a Land Rover will likely just get you the finger every time you pass another Rover. Its not to say you can't do it, just don't expect other Rover drivers to give you the "wave" when they drive by and your rover is sitting on 20" chrome wheels.....it won't happen :biggrin: I am an offroad guy so I never had to worry about it...but I see them get run out of forums all the time for it rofl They sign up all happy then post a pic of their Rover and bright new 20+" sparkling rims then they get about 20 replies all pretty much saying the same thing....your an idiot don't come back.
With that explained....what are some of the "rules" for T-Type and GN's. For example, I was thinking of adding the front bumper trim to make the front look more like this..

Is stuff like that looked down on from the Buick community? My car is white as well and when I found the above pic I pretty much would like to use it as a guide to how I want this to look once I am done. The wheels will be different of course, but the body and how it sits is what I am looking at.