Argument with some moron about my buick T vs. GN


Jan 31, 2011
Dont understand why MOST people like Grand National over T-type's and Turbo T's the Ttypes and t's have some rare and unique options awesome color's and interiors! and some lighter than GN's therefore making them just a tad bit faster from stock...i had 1 GN and honestly i like my BLUE 87 a little more than my old GN.... I do like GN's dont get me wrong!! but i guess different strokes for different folks right?? point being my blue T got bashed the other day because people don't understand T's especially the idiot driving the vette that we almost got into a physical altercation for talking crap about my Buick.. if it isnt a Grand National its not worth chit he said?? WTF? he think T's are worth penny's becuz its not a GN... chit pisses me off... has anyone gone threw a similiar situation? and seriously whoever thinks there GN is better than a T need to get your head out of your ass.. i have ran into some GN guy's that look down on T's like we who have t's aren't as good? VENTING A LITTLE SORRY :mad:
Let them talk. They all learn in the end... Case in point, I went to a huge cruise in in SoCal. Drove my Grey ttype... While looking for parking I heard some lady ask her husband why anyone would bring an old regal to a car show. Did I get mad? Nope. No worries. Those that know, know...

Fast forward to later that evening. Heading home. Notice a bright orange mopar with mean looking hood. Can't really identify. Looks like grandpa in the pass seat and grandson driving. Pulls up next to me and blips the throttle. It sounded mean. Apparently they were going to break him in on a weak old "monte".. Surprise for him.

Light turned green and I waxed him like the karate kid. It was ugly. I was actually embarrassed for him... Got to the next light and his hood never get to my door as we waited for the next light. Once bitten twice shy... Maybe he'll pick on a honda next time...
that was one the things I hated about owning my T is that no one knew WTF a T was and I got tired of trying to explain the difference or even what to refer it as. cause 99% of the car world has no earthly clue what a Turbo T is. my next TR will be a GN. love the T's but there is just something appealing about saying u own a GN imo. ive had both.
most guys that havent owned a turbobuick dont have a clue! so lets not let the cat out of the bag. just keep humbling there azzes one at a time!
Ironic about tHis post....i just had a convo today while gassing up with a guy coming out who as he was walking up to the cat was saying something about it looking like something special them stopped himself as he read the hood emblem....he was pretty cool though and seemed to really appreciate the car once I told him the t's are 3 times as rare as a gn.....most ppl really just were never educated about these cars....but then again were talking about ppl who think any small block with a double pumper is badass
Haha... well you just need to play it up like it was the old days...

It's just a Buick. With a little V6. Wanna race?
hello; I call em Turbo Buicks and the next thing that would be said you mean a GN and I say no. Then there confused and I like it. The public can't know everything about a TB. Just give em a lesson and talk about how there the same but better.
Which will be worth in 50 years is what people always ask me. I was talking to my Dad about this while we were watching Barret Jackson a couple years back when a ugly green Hemi charger came across and sold for 400,000.
I thought he was going to have a heartattack. He said he couldnt give those things away when he was selling cars back then he said everyone wanted black or blue. They said there was only 15 with that color. Sound familar.
When people come up to me and ask why I have a limited. Its differant and thats what I want. Thats what I say.
Dont get me wrong the sinister look of a gn is awesome
Plus my insurance was cheaper when I got it. $2600 a year on the gn and $800 on the limited:eek: That was the first argument I had about my car was with the agent.He told me I wanted the fast one. I just kept my mouth closed:biggrin:
I love them all But there is nothing better than getting your azz handed to you by grandpas car:biggrin:
wow i was a little pissed earlier i cooled off already at least i know some of you understand my frustration it get's annoying though over all i love these old buicks GN or T i feel that the T's dont get the respect they should from the public though...
i'm almost ashamed to own the same kind of car as the OP.. if you are gonna get to the point of wanting to throw punches because someone else (a Vette owner at that!!) says bad things about your car, then i don't want to be associated with you.
the argument got fiesty when he told me my car wasnt a GN so it wasn't worth chit. im not going to sit there and say who's wrong or right he shouldn't have said that. he thought he was a hot shot listen im 24 yrs old yea my testoserone is a bit high but ive lived on my own and worked since i was 15 for everything ive got. so for him to talk to me like im a old tire because his daddy bought him a vette and because he doesn't have to bust his ass like i do doesnt mean he can go talk to me in a different tone if his dad didn't give him an ass whoppin i WILL a night in the slammer doesn't bother me tv court and be on my way in the am. Treat other's how YOU want to be treated . and in MIAMI ppl are rude and POS so maybe in your side of town people are nicer about things. by the way i love vette's it just so happens thats what he had? im a gm guy cmon i drive a buick im not bashing vette's at all..
Just be thankful you don't own an '86 GN...everyone knows those suck :)


But seriously, once he got to the point where he was talking crap you should have just said to line 'em up and let's see where it goes. My father is somewhat the same way...he'd like to have a GN. I've found a few Turbo T and T-Types but he said he doesn't want one because it's not a GN. He even stumbled across a WE4 at a decent price in SoCal and passed because it wasn't a "GN".
Did you race him? You should have, and told him he has nothing to lose.

What year Corvette did he have anyways?
the argument got fiesty when he told me my car wasnt a GN so it wasn't worth chit. im not going to sit there and say who's wrong or right he shouldn't have said that. he thought he was a hot shot listen im 24 yrs old yea my testoserone is a bit high but ive lived on my own and worked since i was 15 for everything ive got. so for him to talk to me like im a old tire because his daddy bought him a vette and because he doesn't have to bust his ass like i do doesnt mean he can go talk to me in a different tone if his dad didn't give him an ass whoppin i WILL a night in the slammer doesn't bother me tv court and be on my way in the am. Treat other's how YOU want to be treated . and in MIAMI ppl are rude and POS so maybe in your side of town people are nicer about things. by the way i love vette's it just so happens thats what he had? im a gm guy cmon i drive a buick im not bashing vette's at all..

If it helps, I've got an 82 GN and some of the members on the board don't consider it a GN. I had one guy tell me he's owned every year GN that they made. I asked him to show me pics of the 82 he had and he didn't consider them a GN because they didn't come with a turbo. Well guess what, they did!:biggrin:
I know what you are saying. Have had a couple GN owners say that my car is not a "real" turbo buick because it is white. WTF. I think it is funny because they don't have a clue that the T's are rarer then a GN.

Don"t feel bad most corvettes don"t like my T either,well they don"t like the rear anyways:p

You have to keep in mind that the vast majority of people don't really know much about cars. When I was at PINKS with my car, there was a small crowd of people around my car with the hood open. One of the guys asked me if I still had the V6 in it....

Some of us prefer not to take verbal abuse or insults from big mouths.
It is our prerogative.

You should also be ashamed for making such a moronic statement. You weren't even directly insulted by this situation and you're throwing punches because someone said bad things about someone else.
The epitome of ignorance.


i'm almost ashamed to own the same kind of car as the OP.. if you are gonna get to the point of wanting to throw punches because someone else (a Vette owner at that!!) says bad things about your car, then i don't want to be associated with you.