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Attn , be on the look out for


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Active Member
Oct 12, 2005
Georgia buick buyers, looking for T-types, and GNs might be casing you! I lost my white 87 t-type to them this morn at 2 a.m.
They are 2 young blk males, That want to see the cars, not even drive them... they act mostly normal, promise to buy at asking price, you can tell something is sketchy.

The car I lost was a white t-type, chrome pkg, t-tops double tinted 5%, w/ white 15" mesh enkeis, and VERY clean...77,000 miles looks like 7,000 to see the car. LUCKILY, they didnt take the GNX, 2 BRAND NEW GNs, an 86 GN, the ZR1, Typhoon, SS impala, nothing else...they took the cheapest car..the one they came to see originally. The only people who have come to see cars in person as well.
Pic link below;
Oh, and YES, all other cars are fine, and have been moved to a different location. Safe is better than sorry! If the thieves knew they walked past a $65,000 GNX to steal a $12,000 t-type..what do think they'd say?!! Proof thieves are fools.
I had a similar experience with my Buick Limited. I got a phone call a few weeks ago and the buyer wanted to see my Buick at my house and pay my asking price. I stated that I have it in storage and I would meet him at a certain location we could both agree on. He insisted if I could just bring it to my home and he would see it there. It was kind of fishy to me so I told him again it would be best to meet somewhere. We finally agree on a location and time to meet and guess what he never showed up and the ph number he gave me was no good and I never heard from him again. DAMM THIEVES!! :mad: :mad:
It was in the garage when taken...Beside the GN in the pic.
That pic shows the 38 mile GN, 500 mile GNX, Typhoon, then a lil of the 2,000 mile 90 ZR1..and the white at the edge is the t-type that was taken. Not pic'd E55 AMG, S500, Lightning, and TRD sequoia...AND THEY TOOK A T-TYPE!! Any bets its on 24"s and gettin a fishin lure paint job by now?!
GregInAtl said:
Oh, and YES, all other cars are fine, and have been moved to a different location. Safe is better than sorry! If the thieves knew they walked past a $65,000 GNX to steal a $12,000 t-type..what do think they'd say?!! Proof thieves are fools.
Greg: Very sorry to hear of your loss, but glad that all they decided to get was the t-type. And I know that this is not a good time to disagree with your statement at a time of a loss such as this one, but it would be my guess that they took this car intentionally knowing that they could get rid of the parts, if necessary, much easier than any of the high ticket items. Advertising a real GNX turbo for sale shortly after a theft could have been their downfall. Glad to hear that you came out of it with minimal loss. They also probably figured that you and everybody else concerned would make less of an attempt to recover this vehicle. You were fortunate indeed, and i hope that recovery is swift. Unfortunately, some thieves are reasonably "street smart", and if caught, I imagine these thieves will turn out to be well seasoned thieves.
Just my opinion but i would never invite a perfect stranger to my house or storage facility to see anything i have. If they want to see it they can meet you somewhere public - like right next to the police station ;) if they dont show - iguess they werent that serious. but for real I really do not think it is a wise decision to show at the your property. I've heard this scenario TOO many times.... i hate to say it but - TRUST NO ONE especially when it come to your Buick.
Wells, and Limited, you are both correct. They stole what they thought they could get least repricution over. As far as not bringing them to the house, I agree. BAD idea...especially if you saw the house..... It was only because it had been raining, and the car they wanted to see orig was our 38 mile GN in plastic. A car that sees NO incliment weather. Once there, they switched to the T-Type...easier target?! Probably.
We live and learn, I for one have things to learn, nice cars dont make us street savy 100% of the time.
You are right... Live and Learn.... and take it from me when money is involved you learn alot faster :eek:
Wow that is a nice looking car too! It's too bad that you can't trust people. I feel funny sometimes when I see a nice car and want to go talk to the owner about it. The last thing I would want is my car stolen and figure they think the same. Guess that's why cruise nights are good. You at least get a chance to ask some questions about a car in an open situation. Hope you get your car back and the crumbs get a good beating.
Royal-T-Ltd said:
You are right... Live and Learn.... and take it from me when money is involved you learn alot faster :eek:

Agreed, this has been as much fun as slamming your weiner in a sliding glass door.
Now I know that I know what to do next time.
GregInAtl said:
Agreed, this has been as much fun as slamming your weiner in a sliding glass door.
Now I know that I know what to do next time.

OUCH :eek: look on the bright side.... all those other beautiful cars you have.... I'm sure the car was insured. At least you have spares. Take this as a learning experience. Put As many security devices as you can on your cars. Good lighting and Alarms on you house and garage. Good neighbors. - Hopefully it didnt get stripped. maybe you can get it back. I hate THIEVES and Jealous people Get your own Damn CAR!!!! :mad: .....sorry this kinda stuff makes you sick. I remember when my brothers '84 was stolen. :mad: I'll try to dig up pix... that'll get you real mad
Will do!!!! I live in georgia myself, about 3.5 hrs south of you in atlanta though. Man I hate a thief !!!! Daniel :mad:
need boost said:
Will do!!!! I live in georgia myself, about 3.5 hrs south of you in atlanta though. Man I hate a thief !!!! Daniel :mad:

WHere abouts? I am 2 hours south of him...Hit me up in a pm..
This is not a PC statement but I think the biggest problem was "They are 2 young blk males" looking to buy an 11K plus car for cash that wanted to come to your home. Personally, I would bring the cars back and sit in a dark corner to catch the bastards red handed and give them a taste of what they deserve!!!!! But thats just me? And they can come back 6 months from now after you have forgotten about it and them because they know what you have and where you live now!! Very sorry for your loss but whatch your ASS now buddy!!!!
Hey, I can't figure out who has a nicer collection, Vipers or Greg??? LOL.
bigal614 said:
This is not a PC statement but I think the biggest problem was "They are 2 young blk males" looking to buy an 11K plus car for cash that wanted to come to your home. Personally, I would bring the cars back and sit in a dark corner to catch the bastards red handed and give them a taste of what they deserve!!!!! But thats just me? And they can come back 6 months from now after you have forgotten about it and them because they know what you have and where you live now!! Very sorry for your loss but whatch your ASS now buddy!!!!
BIg Al- not pc at all - A thief is a thief- FU#* color dont even bring race into this situation - we [as hot rod/collectable car owners] need to use comon sense to protect our valuables... FWIW - the biggest car thief i new of in school was a white guy - and i grew up/live in a diverse city.