Good question that hinges on how fast the pump can be turned.
To determine if the pump is the problem, pressure should be better than whatever the reading you are getting.
Plug a guage into the turbo feed line and cross your fingers.
I have a PreLube System and my #'s with cold oil are 45/50, and 30/35 hot (with the pump modification and the heaviest spring) using Rotella 15/40.
If this is a new setup, you most likely have a problem that can be corrected
pulling the front cover and having a eyeball view of the situation.
I WOULD consult with the builder, before getting too far along with this little exercise. This is NOT your problem yet but it will be if you fail to have a visit and at least let him understand you are having a situation and that you would like his input... (and if he's worth his salt, he'll be pulling with you to get things corrected)... Good Luck