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Buell motorcycles?????????????


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May 24, 2001
been thinking about getting 1

just wondering how these bikes are viewed by harley davidson owners

are they accepted as harley's or looked down on???
I owned a 2000 Cyclone for almost six years and it was the most fun bike I've ever ridden. Sold it for financial reasons but I'll be getting another in the next couple of years. As far as harley folk, I got everything from disses to props for it, but who cares what a bunch of fat guys in leather vests think?:p If you want to "fit in", get a fatboy or a jap bike. If you want an American sport bike with torque like a Buick, get a Buell. I have ridden and enjoyed a ton of bikes but nothing compares to a Buell.
I don't own either one but here are my personal observations.(I've been riding for over 30 years)

Either one caters to the posuer crowd. They don't do anything exceptionally well but than they dont do anything exceptionally bad either.

Anybody really serious about a sportbike will buy a import 4 cylinder.
Anybody really serious about a V-Twin sportbike will buy a Ducati

HD posuers look at Buells pretty much as second class citizens. The largest HD dealers in the country are down here in FL and every one of them has a seperate Buell showroom just because of this. Many have seperate buildings far away from their HD building.

They sell an awful lot of Buells in Europe. HD makes the XR1200R for the European market but not for North American. Again the Buell is to radical to be called a HD.

Buell makes a single cylinder beginner bike. HD does not. Furthering the stereotype that Buells aren't in the same class as HD.

Can you look cool riding a Buell without a helmet?

To the hardcore Buell guys, Eric Buell is a sellout. He sold out to HD to make a quick buck. Now he is back for a repeat of the good old days. There's an inner faction at work here. Old school versus new school Buell.

Sounds like you want to go fast and buy American at the same time. Well you'll be fast....just not as fast as anything built off shore.

....You know up here where I'm at they have bike shows all over the place. One even averages 600-700 bikes on a Thursday night. One closer to me at the local Hooters gets about 100 on Wednsday night. Even the import sport bikes scorn the Buells. Maybe they should paint them all red. Seeing as Buell appears to be the Red Headed Stepchild of the motorcycle world.

You're still a posuer if you have a new bike that ain't paid for. :rolleyes:

Personally I've never given a chit what people think about me. But than I've been riding the same bike for 27 years now. Yes I am a stuck up bastard when it comes to motorcycles.;)
I owned a 2003 Firebolt XB9R,very great starter bike in my opinion the brakes and exhaust are very unique to any other bike,top speed 125(5 speed)!! I enjoyed the 3500 miles i put on it,then sold it and acquired a 200mph+ HAYABUSA now this is my bitch,175mph with no lid on is stupid,but oh well you only live once!! Most harley guys do look down on the buell i guess because only the motor is harley heratige,but that is the buells downfall!!
Wow fish, usually your posts are pretty good but you missed it big time here.

"Either one caters to the posuer crowd. They don't do anything exceptionally well but than they dont do anything exceptionally bad either."

I agree about Harleys, but Buells handle as good as anything for real world street riding.

"Anybody really serious about a sportbike will buy a import 4 cylinder.
Anybody really serious about a V-Twin sportbike will buy a Ducati"

I don't believe he's looking for a track bike. Ducatis are cool, but require more frequent maintenance and more expensive parts. Funny, but the posers I see are all on the "big four".

"To the hardcore Buell guys, Eric Buell is a sellout. He sold out to HD to make a quick buck. Now he is back for a repeat of the good old days. There's an inner faction at work here. Old school versus new school Buell."

Teaming up with a major manufacturer to make your dream of an American sport bike come true is selling out?

"Sounds like you want to go fast and buy American at the same time. Well you'll be fast....just not as fast as anything built off shore."

In the real world on a curvy road, you'll be just as fast on a Buell as any other guy on a sport bike, given equal riding skills. I've personally proven this plenty of times and I don't claim to be a pro.

"You're still a posuer if you have a new bike that ain't paid for. :rolleyes:"

I'd like you to explain this one further. Do you have to be rich to avoid poseur status? If you're referring to me, my bike was paid for.

"Personally I've never given a chit what people think about me. But than I've been riding the same bike for 27 years now. Yes I am a stuck up bastard when it comes to motorcycles.;)"[/QUOTE]

Once again we agree. What bothers me are Americans who spout anti-import crap when talking about cars and then are convinced that Jap and Euro moto technology is superior without really knowing the facts.

TurboGTA, this is the kind of discussion you can often expect about Buells. You would think Americans would be supportive of an American sport bike company, but...
I'd recommend you test ride everything you can get your hands on and buy the bike YOU like. Definitely ride a Buell or two.

Fish, we can schedule a Ky ride any time you want. I've got two Buells to choose from and you can bring whatever you want. Btw, what is your 27 year old bike?
I owned a 2003 Firebolt XB9R,very great starter bike in my opinion the brakes and exhaust are very unique to any other bike,top speed 125(5 speed)!! I enjoyed the 3500 miles i put on it,then sold it and acquired a 200mph+ HAYABUSA now this is my bitch,175mph with no lid on is stupid,but oh well you only live once!! Most harley guys do look down on the buell i guess because only the motor is harley heratige,but that is the buells downfall!!
...and it was sold to a friend of ours until i decided one night that i was gonna try to ride a bike for the first time and ride it i did..... into a stationary garbage can at about 30 mph. Me and the bike ended up in Intensive Care.


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as with anything everyone is different. I have been riding buells for the last 10years. I have met boths sides of the harley coin. guys that think they are awesome, and those that shy down on them. I would have to say in my experiences mostly they are accepted. I worked turning wrench on the factory Buell roadracing team for a few years and at AMA events our bikes were the only ones that the Harley guys were into at all. Every now and then the ducattis or aprillia would get some interest, but not like the draw that our Buells did. On the other hand they also got lots of attention from the sportbike crowd as well. This made it a great "cross-over" bike. I never chose it fot these reasons. I went with a Buell, because I wanted to be a little different than all the guys out there with sportbikes that all looked the same and sounded the same. (and I got it real cheap because it was our C-BIke left over from the 2000 season)

If you are an unexperienced rider I wouldn't suggest one. They are "twitchy" compared to a good smooth japanease 4 cylinder.

Good luck in your search.
Here is a picture of my 2000 X-1 Lightning.


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A new XB buell will take turns better than a Jap bike, and sound good doing it. The torque of the V-twin is better than an inline 4 coming out of a turn.
I'd love to own an 1125, those motors were built from the ground up with an end result in mind. That said, I own a British sport bike (not a Daytone 675 :() so my opinion probably means nothing.
hey turbofishstick, where do you get off calling h-d owners posers? so you been riding 30 years(who cares)yet you don't mention what you own or do you even own a bike! i know quite a few harley owners that would just love to show you what kind of "posers" they are including me. there's no reason to talk smack about peoples preferences in things no matter what they might be just to make up for your own short comings. i think buell's are decent bike's and i think being american made is even better! i have a h-d and they are nice bikes also, no complaints with either.
F*** what anyone thinks. I love my Harleys and if you're in to sport bikes a Buell is the way to go.

The sportster engine is top notch. Buell engineering is top notch.

Get one and ride proud.
ramblings of an "outsider"

ok....putting on my flame suit 'cause I probably have NO business posting on this subject, but here goes....:biggrin:

first, let me explain my perspective. I've never owned a motorcycle although I've got plenty of friends and family that have or still do. I never claim to even know how to ride although I have managed to stay upright on other people's bikes several times. I like motorcycles, a lot - just never been motivated enough to buy one. I *do* actually read about them from time to time because they are such facinating examples of engineering and manufacturing. Having never owend a bike, but knowing a little about them, I think I may have an unbiased perspective.

to me, the Buell is a logical choice for a turbo Buick enthusiast. both packages seem to follow a similar mindset and "thumb thier nose at convention". Both are American made with a rich history and both manage to embrace newer technologies. And think about it, just like some HD guys looking on Buells, a lot of American V8 guys scorn the turbo Buicks because it's only a 6 and has a turbo which they assocaite with foreign technology. A lot of import car guys scorn the turbo Buicks for the same reason the import bike guys talk smack about the Buells - because they're American which they associate with poor quality and performance. So where does that leave the turbo Buicks and Buells???....kind of in a no man's land with "haters" in both camps. However, at the end of the day, the turbo Buicks are an amazing package that delievers a lot of enjoyment to those who have learned to appreciate them and from what I've seen, the Buells are pretty much the same way. It seems like both turbo Buicks and Buell motorcycles appeal to those who want to do things differently. The guys that are content to "follow the heard" go buy Mustangs or F-bodies and Kawasakis or Harleys (no offense, I've got nothing against any of these).

Am I way off base here?
Buell M2 Cyclone

Well let me first start by saying Eric Buell isn't a sell out! I personally know him along with 5 people who wroked building the Buell's when they first started. HARLEY WANTED TO MERGE WITH ERIC!! and it WAS A GOOD BUISNESS MOVE, PERIOD!!!
I personally hung around several people who were there from the very beginning.
Bobby bachelor - Painter
Mark daily - assembly
Mark kuzman - fiberglass
Kim - secratery

I watched the company grow from the beginning to now and they have come a long way!

Now onto the bikes:

I rode several models of buell's and even the new one's, I'm not a big fan of the way the new buell's sit, They have the rider all crunched up and though it may be fine on a course I just don't prefer to ride daily like that.
The older style bikes were ALOT more comfortable (I think).

Here is a pic of my old 1999 (Buell M2 Cyclone)
It had:
Thunderstorm racing heads
Meg's step down aluminum header
screamin eagle programable ign.
Forcewinder intake
(and more that I can't think of right now)
I painted it myself
I done the seat myself in convertable top cloth (keeps you from sliding!)
This bike was a beast!!!

Here she is:

Very insightful post. I don't think anyone can top that response.

I have noticed that the topic kind of went south as to if Harley Riders "respect" the Buell, and might be taking a turn towards this bike vs. that bike.

I digress to something my friends teams first rider once said about the Buell (an X-1R) after the first time he raced it.

"It handles like a wet sponge, it is too F****ing loud on straights, it wants to stand up around every corner, my hands are numb........dont change a thing."

I have noticed that the topic kind of went south as to if Harley Riders "respect" the Buell, and might be taking a turn towards this bike vs. that bike.
I agree! I forgot, it was very late last night. I just got back from the race track..

Anyhow, I was born and raised in Milwaukee WI and I built custom harley's for a living there for years & years and the Buell was pretty much respected by most of the harley riders and I would think even more now a days. In this day and age there are less "Die hard" Harley riders and what I mean by that is, As the Die hards would say there are more "credit card bikers" now than ever before! The die hards used to be the dirty greasy bikers that built there bikes themselves from scratch in there houses. Those are most likely the ones NOT to respect the Buell although even they will always respect the Buell over a jap bike anyday!!

When I drove the Buell's I never noticed any Disrespect...

Scot W.
I owned my 2000 X1Lightning for 6 years (thats where the x1 came from on my screen name). I have never had a problem being accepted by HD groups or sport bike groups. HD riders accept Buells like "family", and MOST sport bike riders accept and like the Buells because they are unique and different, not to mention they more than hold their own on everything but top end speed. Unless your going 100+ on a regular basis, you cant beat a Buell. Just my .02
BTW, I bought my Buell from an exclusve HD bike club member


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That pic is a little small, I'll try this...


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