Buick Service Manual for EVERYONE!!

YOU RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I for one appreciate all the time and effort you took to do that and think you are a great guy for offering it to people!!!!
im a computer guy and the iso would be awesome

I think there are too many cheap asses on this site that would think sending you $3 would cover BW costs and the immense amount of time it took to scan everything.

I would at LEAST make a "suggested donation" of $10 or whatever you feel is right...or just have people pay for it. Considering a service manual is $75 or more and a PITA to use sometimes, $10 is a BAAHHHHgin.
Originally posted by WakkoSS
I think there are too many cheap asses on this site that would think sending you $3 would cover BW costs and the immense amount of time it took to scan everything.

I would at LEAST make a "suggested donation" of $10 or whatever you feel is right...or just have people pay for it. Considering a service manual is $75 or more and a PITA to use sometimes, $10 is a BAAHHHHgin.

Maybe they're broke from the speeding tickets. :D
Originally posted by Vendor Defendor
or maybe because we are broke college kids? :confused:

If you're a broke college kid, either get a job or dont play till you can pay. Just like everyone else. Dont cry poverty then expect a handout. Peoples time is worth money.

Do you go to the grocery store and say to the cashier, well, I'm in college so I really cant afford the food here, can you give it to me anyway? Do you ask your insurance broker to talk to the ins co to get you a break? Naw, I didnt think so.....

Look, I aint even close to wealthy...hell, barely comfortable, but I dont ask for anything. If I want something, I save and pay the price. If I get a discount, its because the person wanted to GIVE it, I never ask. Otherwise I just dont buy it.

I said it before and I'll say it again... ever wonder WHY there are only a handful of Buick performance vendors around these days? Because theres no MONEY in this group. Why be in biz if its to break even? Think about that next time you ask for a discount, or a group buy, or say "Hell, I can make it cheaper myself.
Jer, this is awesome. Something I've thought about doing for a while and never did. You figure the cost of the manuals is what? 60,70 bux used? I can't even remember. Plus they take up a bunch of space...hell...I'd pay for them no prob. I think if you do it and dont' charge, you won't get any "copyright" freaks on your azz...I know there have been some of them legal issues in this arena which is unfortunate. That's why Kirban was GIVING away tshirts in BG..so if you give it away...and accept a donation...so be it. Send me the pswd for the ISO too...and post your paypal name so I can send some donations :)
Thanx for all the input guys. Here's the way it's gonna work:

Mailing cost will be a flat rate I haven't determined yet. I need to go to the store and buy mailers, CD's, labels, and figure a good round number for postage.

Download will of course be free, but I will have a Donation button on the site.

I understand alot of Buick guys are cheapos. I've known this for a long time. If someone doesn't want to pay for it that's fine. But if you think about it guys, a little cash is alot cheaper than buying the thing and having to flip through it page by page.

Now, depending on what kind of response I get, I may do more manuals in the future. But I doubt I will spend the time and cash to do it if it's not worth it to me.

I started this project for myself so that I could have something to look stuff up on the computer in the garage. I figured it would be kewl to give other people access to it as well which is why I posted it here.

If my bandwidth takes a super big hit, then I will either stop offering it, or find some other way to distribute it. That will be totally up to me on that decision. With work, my super broke a$$ GN, and a new baby boy here, I've got enough stuff to do.

I didn't do this to make money.
I didn't do this to lose money.
I didn't do this to piss anyone off or call the whistle blower copyright moron brigade on my butt.

I did do this to make things easier for myself.
I offered it to make everyone else's life a little easier.
That's it.

Thanks again guys for the support. I'm on day 2 of electronically linking inside the document. We may be ready for downloads by the end of the week, beginning of next week at the latest.

Oh one more thing. I've gotten so many posts, PM's and e-mails about buying one that I don't think I can keep track of everyone. When it's all done I will have a little webiste setup where you can download and order.

I'll also have them at any Buick event I attend. Hopefully they will be in the back of my newly restored GN!! :D
You can mirror off me till Optonline catches wind of it and throttles me :p
Originally posted by TurboJim
You can mirror off me till Optonline catches wind of it and throttles me :p

hehe Thanks Jim!

While I appreciate the offer, there's no need to get yer ISP on yer tail. I mean, hell they already suck with that whole port 80 thing! :D
Originally posted by Bandit
hehe Thanks Jim!

While I appreciate the offer, there's no need to get yer ISP on yer tail. I mean, hell they already suck with that whole port 80 thing! :D

I can spare about 15gb of bandwidth/mo.

Let me know.

Originally posted by TurboJim
If you're a broke college kid, either get a job or dont play till you can pay. Just like everyone else. Dont cry poverty then expect a handout. Peoples time is worth money.

Do you go to the grocery store and say to the cashier, well, I'm in college so I really cant afford the food here, can you give it to me anyway? Do you ask your insurance broker to talk to the ins co to get you a break? Naw, I didnt think so.....

I said it before and I'll say it again... ever wonder WHY there are only a handful of Buick performance vendors around these days? Because theres no MONEY in this group. Why be in biz if its to break even? Think about that next time you ask for a discount, or a group buy, or say "Hell, I can make it cheaper myself.

Whoa, Jim...settle down. He didn't say "I want it free since I am a broke college kid..." he was simply retorting the "broke from speeding tickets" comment with his. If Neil wants it, he'll buy it like everyone else, not expect it for free. I know Neil and I don't think he deserved that kind of lashing.
I can spare about 15gb of bandwidth/mo.

I'm gonna watch adn see how bad I get hit first. I really appreciate the offer, and depending on how things work out I may be taking you up on it. :D

Whoa, Jim...settle down. He didn't say "I want it free since I am a broke college kid..." he was simply retorting the "broke from speeding tickets" comment with his. If Neil wants it, he'll buy it like everyone else, not expect it for free. I know Neil and I don't think he deserved that kind of lashing.

This has been building up in Jim's sytem for a long time. I think this just broke the bank. I'm sure Jim wasn't attacking him personally.


I got all of the linking done tonight. All is left to do is to make the menus and throw out a couple betas to a few people and make sure everything works.

So, soon guys! Soon!! :cool:
I can also host it for you if need be, I have uncapped cable here, so its pretty much unlimited BW, as me ISP dosnt limit transfers.

Just throwing it out, incase you run into issues
Damn Jere,

I keep buggin you about getting your car fixed.. now I know why it's slowed down. You've been busier then a one legged man at a butt kicking contest.

I'm actually kicking myself for not reading this thread sooner.

Folks, let me tell you, I've watched Jere get into this hobby of ours from the early starts. Back when he didn't know what a turbolink was, let alone anything about tuning or owning one of these cars. Now, he's watched, learned and made a 1000% return into this community. Jere has hosted Buick gatherings, helped fellow Buick members in need (like when I blew my engine to the moon as one example), and many other countless acts. IMO, he has truly earned any bit of donation that you may think of depositing in his coffers. I know Jere to be a selfless person, only caring about doing for others (and his Buick). So please help him out. If you can't donate... a gracious thank you would at least be in order.

Jere... check your email. THANKS
Manuals that are bulky are worth =$75
CD with the useless info removed worth at least $25
The hard work involved & info provided = PRICELESS!!!!!!
Only a Turbo Buick owner would do this much work to help out the rest of us!!