Buick Service Manual for EVERYONE!!

Originally posted by TurboJim
If you're a broke college kid, either get a job or dont play till you can pay. Just like everyone else. Dont cry poverty then expect a handout. Peoples time is worth money.

Do you go to the grocery store and say to the cashier, well, I'm in college so I really cant afford the food here, can you give it to me anyway? Do you ask your insurance broker to talk to the ins co to get you a break? Naw, I didnt think so.....

Look, I aint even close to wealthy...hell, barely comfortable, but I dont ask for anything. If I want something, I save and pay the price. If I get a discount, its because the person wanted to GIVE it, I never ask. Otherwise I just dont buy it.

I said it before and I'll say it again... ever wonder WHY there are only a handful of Buick performance vendors around these days? Because theres no MONEY in this group. Why be in biz if its to break even? Think about that next time you ask for a discount, or a group buy, or say "Hell, I can make it cheaper myself.


Oh, count me in too :D
Ok guys I pulled a late one. **yawn**

I got the "beta" done and I'm gonna send it out to a few close friends and let them check everything for errors. A day or two of that and it will be available.

Tomorrow I'm going to go get all the supplies I need and find out how much it costs to ship a CD. Then I will get the web page ready and everything should be ready to go by Monday, maybe sooner. I will post here when it's all done.

Once again though, most of the work is done! So it'll be ready **VERY** soon!!!
I'm in and you guys need to lay off us young guns, just cause were not old and bald doesnt mean we cant have these cars yeah i m broke, but i would rather have one of these cars and be broke than a Honda Civic. Were not crying poverty just making a point to many people jack up prices to ridiculous stuff just to make a buck so LAY OFF!!!
Hey Jer,I would also like to purchase a copy.I just got my car fixed after a 65 mile an hour run in with a deer. let me know how to get it.Hell I'll pick it up in person,Im pretty close to you.Thanks for all the time and effort you put into this.Just think guys,you won't be able to get the pages all oily so you can't read em.Thanks again Kerry Ward
A first draft of the disc has been prepared. Jeremy and I are cleaning up a few things on some of the pages. Jeremy is still working goofy hours and has lots to do other than this.

It is close.:)
I donated and I am slowly downloading. I would strongly consider those offers you got for mirrors as 8 KBS is barely above 56K speed. I think someone closed the wrong thread.

Yeah it looks that way.

I think I am going to have to hold off to find a mirror.

Sully, send me a PM with your number, so I can give you a call. I'm going to shut down the download server here in a few. I want to make sure you get your copy.

Everyone else, looks like you might have to wait until tomorrow.
OK guys I got slammed WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too hard.

I'm going to set up a mirror tomorrow.

To the 2 people who donated so far. PM me with your phone number and I will make sure you can get a copy.

I'm sorry for the delay guys but I honestly didn't think I was gonna get hit that freaking hard.
Donation is done, and I'll wait to get to the dowload... just let me know when.

"Funny" how there is only a couple donations, yet heavy BW usage.

I was ready to donate, checked out the pics, and now the donate link is gone..... Let us know when you get it back up. I'm also more than willing to host this for you on my webspace here at Rutgers. Our connection is pretty ridiculous and there are no bandwidth/transfer limits to worry about. Thanks for all your hard work, looking forward to getting this, hopefully before the weekend so I can do some work on the car!

Ok, 3 people that donated. hehehe

Jade I sent you a PM, I think you answered my questions in this post however. hehehe
25 unique IP download attempts within 30mins.


Not to mention the number of hits the web server hosting the page got. (download server and web page server are on different old crappy machines).

I really apologize for the trouble guys. I will get everything fixed tomorrow.

As I said before, you three guys that donated get in touch with me and I'll make sure you can get the manual tonight.