Buick Service Manual for EVERYONE!!

I'm happy to donate as well-- I assume the info will be on the new site that you post.

I noticed that the new post that the link refers to is dead.

i was wondering the same thing? where do i donate? well, no rush, i am sure you will have this figured out one of these days...


If you need hosting let me know, i have the BW, ill set up a FTP if need be, but if ur having problems finding a host, let me know.

I've been watching this thread, waiting for the chance to download. I have no problem with making a donation, just need to know where. I was thinking about doing this myself, but only got as far as scanning the 1st section. It was very labor intensive. I'm glad someone had the patience to do it. Thanks.
That's AWESOME!!!

Thank you Jeremy and Scott!

I'm down with the ISO download and Paypal donation. Just post a link (or links if you mirror).

Where do I go to buy this download-able manual? I looked at your homepage (Bandit), I don't see what to do.

Signed, Ready and Willing Customer
Here's an update guys.

What happened last night was I opened it up for download from my house. My connection got SLAMMED! So I promptly took the site down.

I thought to myself, maybe I should jsut stick with mail order. But I said I'd make it available for download so that's what I'm gonna do.

I signed up with a hosting company early this morning and they told me within 24 hours of signup, my account would be setup.

So, as soon as they get my account setup, I will repost the link for everyone!

I'm in the works of getting this all ready to go so just give me a little bit more time guys! Thanks! :cool:
If its possible, I would prefer a CD. I have no problem with paying for the shipping, pluss a little extra, you know, for the effort;) .

Originally posted by BOOSTD
If its possible, I would prefer a CD. I have no problem with paying for the shipping, pluss a little extra, you know, for the effort;) .


Yup I'll be offering that as well. Everything will be made clear on the donation page. That page will be back up as soon as I have a place to host the cd image.

Hang in there!
if you can point me to where it is at for download, I want it. I would also like to give a donation for the effort.
OK I'm very interested in this too.
I don't want to be a killjoy here but isn't this boardering on copyright infringment? Any use of the "GM" logo could send the rath of the allmighty down on you big time. Aren't some vendors going thru some crap over just the "turbo 6" logo?