Can we get a Houston Cruise Night put together?


Active Member
Apr 16, 2007
I love crusing in my GN a lot more than showing it (cause it only looks good 20/20 lol) and was wondering if we got any other Houstonians that feel the same way. I know JD is trying to put something together for friday, but thought I'd throw it out there to get some feedback.
I talked to JD about this, and I'm in. Cars tune is feelin alright an there's nothing to do around here.
There's always the Otto's BBQ cruise-in on Saturdays, on 59 South in the Fountains shopping center. Niftee 50's cruise-in on the NW side is huge, but the turbo Buford's are too "new" to rate parking inside their controlled area.
Niftee 50's cruise-in on the NW side is huge, but the turbo Buford's are too "new" to rate parking inside their controlled area.

I hate discrimination. When will people judge our Buicks for who they are and not how old they are? We should protest Niftee 50's! Maybe have a march?
any other houston buick guys? probably gonna meet tonight on the northwest side (somewhere along 290) and then make our way around some freeways and over to westheimer. Its going to be really disorganized but should still be fun.
I'm up for something, but have one up on jacks waiting to re-install a JD rebuilt tranny and the other one is in front of that one inside the garage. I would be game for cruising with some other fellow Houstonian Buick peeps.
I need to do that too! I swear I go through alky like I used to go through oil (before John fixed it).
I'd be in like Flynn! Now all I need is a nice hand from JD to help me put the tranny that he built so well back in!!! ;)

I enjoyed our cruise and as far as I can tell nothing broke on MY car, so when can we do it again? This time lets stick to Harris County, lol.
I had a good time. Bummer bout Ryans trans. I was suprised that JD walked on me like that since I have more combo. With my old turbo to add insult to injury. But, my une errs on the side of caution, and a few more degrees of timing ended my embarrasment. :tongue:
Man I haven't been out with the car in about a NE side run, lots of good roads out past Lake Houston...and some good restaurants / watering holes along the way.

Let me know and I will knock the cobwebs off the T and gas her up.

Man I haven't been out with the car in about a NE side run, lots of good roads out past Lake Houston...and some good restaurants / watering holes along the way.

Let me know and I will knock the cobwebs off the T and gas her up.


I'm in.
I had a good time. Bummer bout Ryans trans. I was suprised that JD walked on me like that since I have more combo. With my old turbo to add insult to injury. But, my une errs on the side of caution, and a few more degrees of timing ended my embarrasment. :tongue:

Even though it will be pricey, looks like Ryan gets a new ptc 9.5 to replace his broken one after he saves up. John you just had to make a few tuning adjusments to bring me down from my 70mm high lol. Oh well it was a blast.

2tone hope u can make it to the next cruise, keep an eye on that tranny fluid level, although with the new deep pan cavitation shouldn't be an issue.

Possibly another cruise around town after the nifti fifties on the 12th?
Guys I had a blast and was able to get some help with figuring out what was wrong with my GN. Thanks both JD and John!
Hey John I sent my address to your phone just let me know what's up.
I will be in for the next cruise! just let me know when and where. Jon Hanson