Carbon Seal Backing Plates and Dynamic Plates


What's An Intercooler
Staff member
May 26, 2001
Hey guys i was wondering if you might be able to help me out. i sent patrick a pm so we will see what he says but till then i figured i would post here as well.I was hoping you can help me out. Im trying to read up on upgrading turbos. I have a hotair car with a TA-54 that i had modded by precision turbo along time back. well anyways i was reading up because i wanted to maybe go bigger and my question is whats with the carbon seal backing plates. can you please explain what this is to me. From my research I found that for the most part the later turbo's being designed use dynamic sealing so i can no longer upgrade because we cant get the carbon seal backing plated anymore. I was told that the carbon seal backing plate works best for a draw through type induction system (like the hotair cars) and since pretty much all turbos are using the dynamic im screwed. From what i have read it looks as if i run the dynamic plate it will draw oil threw the turbo and push it into the intake but if i can run the Carbon seal backing plate it will be fine. can someone help out. i want to upgrade one last time and call it good.
The stock 84-87 TR's use carbon seal plates. It just refers to the type of oils seal. The dynamic seal uses a piston ring type seal that is part of the thrust collar on the thrust assembly. Id call the turbo vendors and ask them for more info because you can get a lot of different combos as far as compressors and backing plates these days. I find it hard to believe they cant set you up with a carbon sealed backing plate for a larger wheel.
i just want the largest TA series i can get and i was told that is a TA-66 but the problem from what i have read is you cant get anything but a dynamic seal thus its going to leak since its a draw threw. i dont understand what makes a draw threw any different then a blow threw on the turbo the air still enters and leaves the turbo the same ?????
I think turbonetics can hook you up with this. I dont know why, but somehow the gas going through the turbo with the air eats the seals up, thus the need for special seals. Anyway, if I am not mistaking they can set you up with any turbo you want with the right seals. May cost a tad bit more, but they can do it.

It has to do with where the throttle is.

In a hot air car, when the throttle is closed, there is vacuum in the compressor housing which will suck oil past a dynamic seal.
ok looked at a few sites and came up with this. Turbonetics | Billet Backplates turbonetics has all kinds of crabon seal plates listed? so does this mean i can call limited or precison and have them make me a TA-66 with a carbo seal plate?

I want a TA-66. Who do i call to get a TA-66 with Carbon seals? Also now that i sent my Ta-54 off to precision turbo to have them rebuild it did they replace the carbon seals that it had with dynamic or is there any reason for them doing that. When they called me and told me what was up with it they where like this is for a hotair car right and i was like correct. anyways i just want a bigger turbo and want to do it right for the last time. Does anyone make a bigg BB turbo in a TA series? Something like a TA-66 BB would be sick. thanks for everyones help so far.
Try giving Jack Cotton a call. He just put together a sweet ceramic ball bearing, billet backing plate, TA turbo for me.

i might have to do that but maybe he will post up or send me a pm. i cant really call till i get back to the states.
i sent mr. cotton a pm so we will see what he says. now the question is is there a noticable difference between precisons ball bearing and turbonetics ball bearing setup. i would think precisons would be better but i dont know if i can get the correct backing plate from them and go with a bb setup.i wish there was someone to represent precision on here and see if they can get me a turbo with the carbon backing plate. i have been running precsion turbos and limited turbos since i first got into these buick and i have never delt with turbonetics so im kinda on the worried side. im also wondering if they can put the new style wheels in a TA series cover as i know there is some new technology out there. humm