Getting ready to clean up and repaint the top of the core support and radiator hold down. Anybody know for sure what "shade" of black they originally were??
Gm spec 4350m for under body under hood is performance based only. States black and a maximum and minimum gloss range.
A 50 @ 60° is as glossy as a supplier might get by with.
And it is a gloss just a mid gloss or a little less.
Alot of times semi gloss rather than satin will show more of the imperfections like scratches nics dings etc.I've always used satin and it looked great.
My core support was all dirty and greasy i cleaned it and waxed it it looks great. If i were to paint it im mot sure prob somewhere in the middle not too shiny not too flat. I wouldnt mind doing the whole engine bay flat black.