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Current ISAC Software Demo


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T6P.Com/ Administrator/Webmaster
Staff member
May 27, 2001
I have attached the latest version of the ISAC software we have available for people to download and play around with. This software works okay offline and this is how it will be delivered in production. There are no drivers to install, just plug the unit into your USB port and go. The drivers are Windows native.

Anyone interested, we'd be interested in any feedback you might have.


For those of you with beta units this software is an upgrade for the software sent with your unit. No flash update is needed
It's the new product described in the stickies at the top of this page.
Here's some log files. They can be loaded into the software and viewed.

Ill grab the config file and upload it in a bit for anyone that wants to see it.


Pretty cool. A couple of stupid questions for you though. The log files all look the same to me -- there were three when I unzipped the file. I think they also look like the default file. What am I missing?

Second -- did you upload the config file yet? What is the purpose of that?
The config. file stores the settings programmed that you have chosen, after it is set up manually.

Just in case you modify something or set it up for another car and then wish to go back to the original setup for your car. Stores your defaults.

It reloads the parameters in there, so you don't have to go back in there and do it manually. :smile:
Ah. I noticed that the default file is an ISA file and the log files are ISL files. I wonder if that has something to do with my issues loading the log files.
to load and save log files right click in the graph window
Got it. Very cool. So, after a run you'll also be able to right click and save the log. Are there any triggers that control when the logging begins? I couldn't see any on the config tab.

I know you have bigger fish to fry than getting the manual together, but I would encourage to maybe post a draft when it's ready b/c it will help in understanding the features. After looking at the logs, I wanted to dig deeper into all of the settings and learn more. Downloading the software, the log files and the manual would definitely be the full package.

Looking forward to getting one when they're ready.
The logging isnt fleshed out yet in the software. It will be before the unit is released to the public. What Im hoping happens, and Bob and I talked about this before, is that the test button becomes your "Logging Armed" button via a drop down in the software. At this point, you can set up your triggers, etc.

The manual also isnt finished. We're going to do some more photos, etc and will be working with a local guy on the manual. I know the software looks daunting but in reality, its pretty easy to use. The boost controller is really the only thing that has any complexity to it.
It would be kind of cool if it could somehow display on the scanmaster for some off the alerts like low alky and spraying so you could hide the IASC box behind the dash.
I studied the software a little bit more. I understand now that I need the config files for the logs then I'll be able to see the settings that led to the results. I would be interested in seeing those if you want to share them. It would be cool to see both the alky and boost control settings that resulted in the logs.

Here's another noob question for you. How do you decide what trim setting with alky or boost is right for your application? For alky do you use pump rate/psi if you want to ramp up the alky as boost builds? Why use the A/F ratio? And for boost, why use one trim setting over another?
For the alky, you can use both. You set your turn on point based on RPM, Boost and TPS. Then you set your initial flow rate. Then you set your rate of rise per PSI. After that, you can use the sliders to tweak the flow of the alky because at some points, youre not going to want a linear rise. That comes in very handy for building boost. You can bring the system on later and richen it up faster.

Then, you can use the wideband to help correct the pump delivery back to the target AF ratio. The window of correction for the alcohol is about +/-15%.

Using the wideband correction and overlaying it, you can actually get the alcohol dialed in very quickly and at that point disable wideband correction if you want. If you overlay AF ratio, target AF ratio and AF correction, you can see how much the controller is taking out or putting in to try to get you to your target AF. At that point, its just a matter of tweaking the sliders to get it where you want it.

Far as the boost controller, each setting has its own benefit. Boost versus gear works very well for cars with manual transmissions, boost versus RPM would be a good setting on the street and boost versus time would be good to use at the track. You can toggle between the 3 by just having different config files.
I think I got ahead of myself thinking the trim settings were the first thing you set. If I'm understanding correctly, you set the injection parameters first, then trim settings, and overlay A/F control on top of that if you want to. If you have a wideband for BS3 or XFI will you be able to (or want to) use the ISAC wideband feature? I imagine you will have to choose whether you want to use the ISAC wideband or your BS3/XFI.
If you have anything that already corrects fuel, you'll either need to zero it or not use the ISAC correction feature. You dont want two things trying to correct at once. What I did on Shane's car is get the MAF Pro close on fueling and then lower the lean correction limit to 0 and leave the rich correction limit alone. Truth be told if you're running an engine management system with alcohol, you really dont want the wideband correcting to begin with because once alcohol starts going into the engine, the AF is going to drop like a stone and when that happens, your engine management system is going to pull all the fuel it can back to it's limiter.

But to answer your question, yea, you set up your curve first, so say, bring the system on at 2800 RPM, 4.0V on your TPS and 8 PSI with an initial turn on of 25% initial flow rate. Then you add in % of enrichment per PSI, I think I have Shane's car at 3.5% per PSI so at 24 PSI, that's 81% flow rate. From there you can tweak the sliders to make the curve not linear. You can take some alcohol out when the car is spooling up and then add more back where you need it.

Keep in mind too, with this system, you can run two pumps in either dual mode or staged mode. If you run them in dual mode, it will run them both at the same flow rate. If you set them up as staged, it will max out one pump and then start to bring on another pump as the first pump reaches 100% flow rate. This is useful if you wanted to run two different size nozzles and bring the second one in later.

The box does all kinds of other stuff too. It will drive a shift light, has 2 built in window switches for 7th injectors or other things you could do with it like opening or closing a solenoid if your alcohol system has one.

We built this box to have a lot of expansion capability. There are multiple inputs and outputs so really there isnt much we can't do with it. Something we're kicking around right now is adding EGT functionality as an option to wideband. Essentially set up your target EGTs and the ISAC will control alcohol delivery to try to get to the target EGT. This is how the KAM engine management system we have on the BWR car works. Each cylinder has its own EGT probe and the engine management system will correct each cylinder back in real time to keep the temperature where you set it. This should be just a software upgrade as well.. we really thought ahead with the hardware so it wouldnt need a bunch of revisions. There hasnt been anything Ive called Bob about and said "Hey, do you think we can make the ISAC do ____________" that he hasnt figured out a way to work in. We've discussed EGT control, traction control, data logging was an afterthought as well but Bob built the device with enough memory to do it so it was no big deal to add it in.