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David Newton's in the Hospital


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The Darkside

Heavy Metal Thunder
May 25, 2001
I just wanted to let the Turbo Buick family know that our friend David Newton is at Baylor Hospital(Garland) in the ICU unit. His wife informed me that he had surgery on his nose recently & this past Thursday night when he sneezed his nose started to bleed. They couldn't stop the bleeding, so he was taken to the Hospital where they admitted him & placed him in ICU. His wife said he was doing much better today, but the Doctor who performed his nose surgery wouldn't be back from wherever it is he is until Monday.
David is truly one of the good guys, so please keep him in your prayers as well as his wife Tina & son Geoff.

Get well soon David!!!

The Darkside
Well we went to see him today and he doing a little better. His blood pressure is still low. When Dr. Maddox gets back in town they said they are going to bring him in and probably do another surgery. They said once he has the surgery, that he won't be able to do ANYTHING, no work or anything for at least a month which means we won't be at the dyno meet next weekend more than likely. After that on Monday they said they will place him in a regular room where he will stay for 3-5 days maybe longer depending on his condition. He was ok today but he said he still can't sleep very well. He hasn't had any food or drink since Thursday night and they wont give him anything but ice chips. So when he gets out and is cleared to eat solid food I'm personally gonna take him out and get him whatever he wants wherever he wants. I'll keep ya'll updated, I'm going back in the morning to see him.

If possible could anyone take me, maybe and let me tag along in the GN? I'd like to have the GN their so I could see the Horsepower improvements with the recent upgrades and I'd like to video it so my dad could see it because I know he will not make it more than likely when they do the surgery.
David Newton....does he have a black WE4?
Pray everything goes ok! I talked with that guy for a long time as we were waiting for our turn at the track. Really nice man, I hope only the best.
DrkBluT-TyPe said:
David Newton....does he have a black WE4?
Pray everything goes ok! I talked with that guy for a long time as we were waiting for our turn at the track. Really nice man, I hope only the best.

Nope thats not him,you can't meet Dave once and NOT know who he is.He is a big man with a booming voice and a smile on his face most of the time.He was driving a red 72 GS last few times at the track.

I hope he gets in better shape soon.
19GN86 said:
Well we went to see him today and he doing a little better. His blood pressure is still low. When Dr. Maddox gets back in town they said they are going to bring him in and probably do another surgery. They said once he has the surgery, that he won't be able to do ANYTHING, no work or anything for at least a month which means we won't be at the dyno meet next weekend more than likely. After that on Monday they said they will place him in a regular room where he will stay for 3-5 days maybe longer depending on his condition. He was ok today but he said he still can't sleep very well. He hasn't had any food or drink since Thursday night and they wont give him anything but ice chips. So when he gets out and is cleared to eat solid food I'm personally gonna take him out and get him whatever he wants wherever he wants. I'll keep ya'll updated, I'm going back in the morning to see him.

If possible could anyone take me, maybe and let me tag along in the GN? I'd like to have the GN their so I could see the Horsepower improvements with the recent upgrades and I'd like to video it so my dad could see it because I know he will not make it more than likely when they do the surgery.

Geoff,if you need someone to help you get the GN out there I will be available.Give me a call at the house if you want.


I'll give ya a call later in the week, Patrick. My mom said this morning that they had to give him 2 more pints of blood because his nose started to drip overnight again. He was feeling groggy and out of it most of the time she was their. I'm going back later today and I'll keep yall updated.
Get well soon

Hope everything gets better for David.Prayers go out from all the Paris Buick guys.
I went back earlier today and they were again giving him more blood. They said his white cell blood count was very low and they keep putting blood into him and it will not come up and they don't know why. He was coherent while I was their, watching the football games on TV. :smile: They will more than likely be doing surgery tomorrow when Dr. Maddox arrives to fix the problem at hand. After the surgery they will keep him in ICU for a few more days then put him in a regular room for 3-4 days. They said once he's released, he still cant do anything for at least 3-4 weeks. Keep yall updated tomorrow.
Keep us posted Jeoff and let us know if we can do anything to help!

I'm not to far from you so call me if you or your Mom need anything.

Man oh man! What is going on! David seemed to be doing good at Noble.

Geoff, if you guys need anything, please let me know!

If Patrick can't help you out on Saturday, let me know. I plan on going to the dyno day. So if there is anything I can do to help get you and the GN to Keller, please let me know.

My home # is 940-321-2924.


Dang, this caught me by surprise. David is one of the true "good guys" in our hobby, and I truely hate this has happened to him. I dont know what to say other than of course, GET WELL SOON!

Davids a tough ole boy, and Im sure he will kick this in its keister as soon as possible.

Geoff, Hollar if you need something. Will PM you my number.PLEASE keep this thread up to date like you have!
Hey David, get well soon! If I can do anything just let me know. R.B.
Well he's now in a regular room(393). They said they will keep him their for 2 days or so and then release him and then surgery probably this weekend or early next week. When we got in the new room he saw food commercials and acted like a kid in a candy store. :biggrin: They've cleared him to eat soft foods but do not want him chewing a whole lot. God, the new wing rooms are nicer then our whole house! :eek:

Going back tomorrow night. Keep ya updated.
Thanks for the update Geoff...Sounds like things are looking better & that's great news!!! I'll bet he's really happy to finally be able to eat even if it is only soft I plan on getting by there tomorrow, so probably see you there!!!

The Darkside(Thomas)
He got out today guys. :D He does have to go back Monday morning though to decide whether he will need surgery again. He's knocked out right now in bed.
19GN86 said:
He got out today guys. :D He does have to go back Monday morning though to decide whether he will need surgery again. He's knocked out right now in bed.

Sweet, Good Stuff.
19GN86 said:
He got out today guys. :D He does have to go back Monday morning though to decide whether he will need surgery again. He's knocked out right now in bed.

Excellent! I was going to try to give him a call at the hospital today to wish him a speedy recovery. Can you please tell him "Get Well Soon" for me? :wink:

Hey it's me :) still among the living. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. Thanks to everyone who has called, posted, visited the hopsital. It's nice to know I have the greatest friends in the world. I love you guys. Sorry I don't mean to mushy (is that a word?)

I was released from the hospital yesterday around midday. I have to go back to the Doctor next Monday from there I don't know? I am just now getting a chance to reply I have been ordered bed rest for at least 2 weeks.

A couple of weeks ago I nose (Day) surgery for a deavated Septum. I have been having sleep problems Snoring etc. (just ask Mitch :) ) can't sleep at night and falling asleep at the wheel during the daytime.

So I decided to see a Ear Nose & Throat Doctor and had the surgery to help my breathing through my nose. Everything was going well after the surgery, I even went to Noble and felt ok. But in hindsight I probably did rush back it just a little.

Last Thurday night about 9pm I was getting ready for bed and sneezed and that opened up the floodgates, blood was pouring out my nose about the size of a dime, I couldn't get it stop no matter what I did. My wife was gone from the house, she showed up about 5 minutes after I started bleeding. She called 911 for a amublance, they arrived a few minutes later and they tried to stop the bleeding but couldn't, not even slow it down. We were out in my front yard for at least 5 minutes before they took me to Baylor in Garland.

We made it to the ER, and I was already feeling like I wanted to pass out I had already lost a lot of blood. I know I at least passed out once. They gave me 2 pints of blood, my blood pressure was dropping rapidly.

I was scared I thought I was truely going to die right there in the ER.

They finally got it to stop temporary with a balloon they inflated in my nose, and I was taken to the ICU.

Again Friday mid morning the balloons they had put in my nose came out when I coughed and it started all over again. Finally after about a hour and a half and a couple of more pints of blood, they got my nose packed and stopped the bleeding.

Overall they gave me six pints of blood while in the Hospital. I still have my nose packed and that will stay that way until at least until next Monday when see the Doctor again. If it doesn't bleed when they remove the packing I'm home free if it does bleed it's back to the OR. So please keep me in your prayers.

Sorry for such a long email, I just wanted everyone to know what happened.
If anyone would like to call my cell is 214 629 7429 my home is 972 613 9918.

Thanks to everyone and God bless.
Man, you had me scared! :eek: Glad to see you are out of the hospital! :wink:

How do you feel after your "oil change"? After all that new blood they pumped into you, it seems like you should be feeling great! :biggrin:

Tell that doctor to take good care of you because if he doesn't, he's going to have a lot of people on his ass! :eek: :)

Take care David. Hope to see you up and around soon!
