Again, please tell me how it produces 'a better product'. Alcohol is alcohol, no matter what the process is to produce it. If the proof of the final product is 199.0 proof or better, I am failing to see how one feedstock over another produces a superior end product. The final proof and quality has nothing to do with the feedstock.
This was point I made in a few posts above about these articles and how they mince words. Your are right, Alcohol is Alcohol. Its the processing costs that get rolled into the "NET" energy gain or loss when using alcohol fuels... ie "green" fuels..
So if we can get rid of the 5 step process we use now, and go to a 2 or 1 step one.. the net gain of ethanol goes up, NOT the quality of the product as we already know.
The key with E-85 or any political issues is that we must read between the lines and use a little common sense. Unfortunately there are people that are getting roped in to believe that one type ethanol is better than the other or C02 produced by one type of carbon based fuel is somehow different than another
These universities all fight for funding for these projects. When money is involved its fairly obvious to me what could happen to some facts and how they are stated.