did you know TR's and TTA's are Rice ?

SVORay said:
OK enough kids :rolleyes:

You can go back and forth your entire life on this subject and never win...either side. Although I am wondering how you can get a V8 NHRA appoved cheaper than a V6? I've raced V8's at the track for years and never seen anything saying a V6 needs more junk than any other car on the track. I mean as an example, you got to have a drive shaft loop right? They cost about 25.00 bux on my buick and 60.00 bux on my V8 truck...and I need two for the truck. Well so far It's more cost effective for me to run my Buick than my V8 :confused: I'm not trying to be a smart ass about this but I do plan to run my Regal and need to know this stuff if It's true.

You just got sucked into this one by Vortex Bob. I hope you brought a personal flotation device. LOL!!!

Jim C.
BillyRValentine said:
You just got sucked into this one by Vortex Bob. I hope you brought a personal flotation device. LOL!!!

Jim C.

Actually, it is you whom has been trying to get others to back you up. The only person causing trouble is you, and we have made it clear that we only have a problem with you and nobody else. Since you decided to run back here and continue to talk crap after being banned from FBN, we had to come here. I did not want to come here and play these games with you, but you seem to thrive on such childish games. We would not be here if you hadn't used this site as your launch pad in an attempt to start a site war. This all rests on your shoulders my friend.
firebirdnation said:
So you ok if someone posts Kenneth Morain's personal information on a public forum and he is flamed. I would never do such a thing, but I don't think you would take it so lightly if someone happened to do such a childish thing, would you?

Bobble, it is no longer personal information when the person in question makes it public. One understands that he/she has given up their right to privacy when they post such information in a PUBLIC forum such as myspace and make it open to the public. I thought you were the internet law guru. After all you had a lovely time trying to chastise me.

Jim C.

PS-Louie, says himself he has no issue with it. It it medication time again? We will wait until it kicks in if that helps. :tongue:
SVORay said:
Well I tried :(

Anyways, don't stay on here all night, remember you got a GN/T-type to support :cool: You can't do that if they boot your butt!

Will do, it is nighty night for the Jimbo in a minute anyway.

Jim C.
BillyRValentine said:
Bobble, it is no longer personal information when the person in question makes it public. One understands that he/she has given up their right to privacy when they post such information in a PUBLIC forum such as myspace and make it open to the public. I thought you were the internet law guru. After all you had a lovely time trying to chastise me.

Jim C.

PS-Louie, says himself he has no issue with it. It it medication time again? We will wait until it kicks in if that helps. :tongue:

So you have no problem with someone doing the same to you? Dude, you came here talking your trash, that is the other reason I am here. If you had not run your mouth, we would not be here right now. I don't have to chastise you, you do that part all by yourself jimmy.
firebirdnation said:
Actually, it is you whom has been trying to get others to back you up. The only person causing trouble is you, and we have made it clear that we only have a problem with you and nobody else. Since you decided to run back here and continue to talk crap after being banned from FBN, we had to come here. I did not want to come here and play these games with you, but you seem to thrive on such childish games. We would not be here if you hadn't used this site as your launch pad in an attempt to start a site war. This all rests on your shoulders my friend.

Wow, a new tactic. Well no worries, since I am the only member here and replicate myself I can be pizzed at me if I want to. I do realize what a detriment it is going to be losing you. Flush!!! Goodbye Bob-o. Say hello to Mr. Hankey for me!!! :D

Jim C.
RamAirThree said:
Ok what ever dudes and to the guy who computer froze on myspace calling me a moron, all I can say bro is its the year 2006 get off dial up already.

I am out,

My computer froze too! I have cable and it's more like your site has too much BULL**** on there! You have slideshows goin, music and just a bunch of CRAP!
firebirdnation said:
So you have no problem with someone doing the same to you? Dude, you came here talking your trash, that is the other reason I am here. If you had not run your mouth, we would not be here right now. I don't have to chastise you, you do that part all by yourself jimmy.

Ummmmmm. No as if I make it public then so be it. If I take a picture of myself in my Village People thong while singing "In The Navy" and post it only to have you link it somewhere else then so be it. Maybe I will be the next one singing "She Bang!!!"

OK, but you are late. Everyone here knows that I am a sh*thead already, but I am truthful and consistent. Something that you have not shown yourself to be thus far. You bounce around more than a superball.

Jim C.
BillyRValentine said:
Will do, it is nighty night for the Jimbo in a minute anyway.

Jim C.
Maybe for you .... :p I still have 5 1/2 for hours to go...

SVORay Thanks for the concern ;)

Just trying to show soneone when they delete, censor then lie about it people wouldn't believe them out of their little circle... But it apears that once you go down that road there is no turning back... Power Corrupts...
jurassic five 7 said:
My computer froze too! I have cable and it's more like your site has too much BULL**** on there! You have slideshows goin, music and just a bunch of CRAP!
Dude you need to get a DELL ..Ok I couldn't help myself :D
Ttype83 said:
Maybe for you .... :p I still have 5 1/2 for hours to go...

SVORay Thanks for the concern ;)

Just trying to show soneone when they delete, censor then lie about it people wouldn't believe them out of their little circle... But it apears that once you go down that road there is no turning back... Power Corrupts...

Once again, you have to try to keep it going, but nobody really gives a damn besides you and me. People are tired of reading this crap. Lets end this silly game, can you agree to stop talking trash so that we can put this behind us?
firebirdnation said:
Alright Jim, we can bury this now, all you have to do is stop talking trash and we can end this. Deal?

Go phuck yourself Bob-o. I am out anyway, my nutz still itch and now I have stinky fingers and a funky odor coming from my keyboard. I think you have proven my point for me. Take care, All of my other personalities please meet me at the exit. Elvis and company are now leaving the building. Goodnight all, except you Bob-o, you can pucker up, plant your lips in the center of my sphincter and suck inward. You are still a cowardly sh*t and refuse to tell the truth.

Jim C.
Man, I just had a flashback to 2000 when those "Musclestang" idiots came over here and told us how fast their 1998 Cobra's were because Bob Cosby's was and they themselves had run a 12.99 with a 9 before their 4th transmission broke, so 10's were right around the corner....

ahhhh the memories
BillyRValentine said:
Go phuck yourself Bob-o. I am out anyway, my nutz still itch and now I have stinky fingers and a funky odor coming from my keyboard. I think you have proven my point for me. Take care, All of my other personalities please meet me at the exit. Elvis and company are now leaving the building. Goodnight all, except you Bob-o, you can pucker up, plant your lips in the center of my sphincter and suck inward. You are still a cowardly sh*t and refuse to tell the truth.

Jim C.

Damn dude, you are a punk, I can't understand why people would rally around you. Keep your gay fantasies to yourself, you are making me sick. :biggrin:
UNGN said:
Man, I just had a flashback to 2000 when those "Musclestang" idiots came over here and told us how fast their 1998 Cobra's were because Bob Cosby's was and they themselves had run a 12.99 with a 9 before their 4th transmission broke, so 10's were right around the corner....

ahhhh the memories

So you have a history of going to other sites and causing trouble for the admins here? This is nothing more than a PITA for site admins.
firebirdnation said:
Damn dude, you are a punk, I can't understand why people would rally around you. Keep your gay fantasies to yourself, you are making me sick. :biggrin:

Because they would rather deal with a truthful sh*thead than a lying p*ssy that wouldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it. People like you make me sick with your delusional bullsh*t and propaganda. Later lier.

Jim C.
No we have a history of edumacating misimformed idiots that think they know it all.
BillyRValentine said:
Because they would rather deal with a truthful sh*thead than a lying p*ssy that wouldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it. People like you make me sick with your delusional bullsh*t and propaganda. Later lier.

Jim C.

Damn dude, did I cut you that bad? I understand you look like a homo, but you did that to yourself.