did you know TR's and TTA's are Rice ?

firebirdnation said:
Once again, you have to try to keep it going, but nobody really gives a damn besides you and me. People are tired of reading this crap. Lets end this silly game, can you agree to stop talking trash so that we can put this behind us?
I haven't talked crap (I have made fun of you, but you made it very easy) ..or threaten people.. If you want to leave just leave..I haven't quoted you for a while and ignored you...But you started again...If you want it to end Leave or stop posting in this thread. Hell start another thread about your what was it a 383 turbo project you were thinking of and I glad give you any help you would like... or even a thread I'm Bored and have nothing better to do and I shot you a reply..maybe swap some vids...
firebirdnation said:
So you have a history of going to other sites and causing trouble for the admins here? This is nothing more than a PITA for site admins.
Aaa he said they came here...
firebirdnation said:
They were both full of personal flames, therefore we deleted most of them in order to prevent this from going into the toilet.

Got a question for you, based on the above quote...I posted on your site, with facts and info, matching that Lou guy attitude for attitude- NO flames, NO foul language- and my posts were deleted....but you left Lou's alone.

Why? Does the truth hurt, and you gotta protect your boy?

Is that board so afraid of other opinions that it'll shut down every post that doesn't cater to Lou's opinion? I'm passionate about these cars, and have been posting and participating on the various Buick boards for years- and NONE of my posts have been deleted because of arguments/differences of opinion/ etc.

What goes, Homer?
why did you delete all my post ? they were opinions just like lou but i guess he has been here longer so he can talk S**t and i cant right ?

Dude, why do you come of with such an attitude? I deleted the majority of them because I don't have time to sift through each one to delete. Perhaps you didn't notice, but I also deleted Lou's posts as well. This has nothing to do with anyone being here longer, it had to do with a thread getting out of control and so I deleted the majority of the thread. I was going to delete the entire thread, but I decided to at least keep the basic part. Feel free to post as long as you can do it without flaming. I don't have time to deal with personal flame wars.

lou is the only one who is allowed to flame because bob is his ( PAL ) personal azz licker
firebirdnation said:
Since you wish to spread lies, I have posted the entire discussion in for your members to read. Please note this thread was originally deleted due to the childish behavior, but I wish to set the record straight. I didn't think Big Geek would want this posted, but I will go ahead and let curious on lookers see the truth.

http://www.firebirdnation.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=11460 :)

Sorry, man, but not only are you a really bad liar, your editing skills suck, too....

there is nothing but edited garbage in that thread you posted...and, when you attempt to read the original "3.8" thread on your site, it's choppy, and makes no sense whatsoever. Really, if you're going to attempt to make another look foolish, you should ensure that you don't stick you foot in your mouth.

Posts on your site were from people wanting to help YOUR member with a valid question......then to straighten out the misinformation that Lou was babbling about. All you left was incoherent nonsense that made no sense.

Might want to play nice around here, cause you'll get your balls busted if you're playing stupid- as has just been demonstrated.
friggin laughable.....I say we have a TB.com vs firebturdnation shoot out and see just how slow our little 3.8's are... :cool: Any takers on whipping up on some mullet-mobiles :eek:

Hey Pete...wassup....
I am on call and got woke up so I figured why not. I got my own thread over there now. He claims not to edit but h*ll he can't even get his lies straight. He even went so far as to change the title of my post but SWEARS he hasn't edited anything. Mmmmmhhhmmmmm..... Yeah. It has been changed to BillyRValentines AKA Big Geek posts or some sh*t. LOL. OK, back to bed while visions of mullets dance in my head. :D I have my Captain Louie and Bob-o the bobble head underoos on now. Maybe we should just change their names to Poncho and Lefty. :eek:

Jim C.
ATTI2D said:
friggin laughable.....I say we have a TB.com vs firebturdnation shoot out and see just how slow our little 3.8's are... :cool: Any takers on whipping up on some mullet-mobiles :eek:

Hey Pete...wassup....

I really don't think it would be far....for them I mean. You would be hard pressed to find a group of GN/T-types on this site running slower than low 12's. They would be hard pressed trying to find a group of guys running faster than high 12's. Our site probaly breaks down to something like 5% 13-14's cars, 30% - low 12's cars, 50% - 11's cars, 10% - 10's - cars, and 5% 9's. The majority of those cars running 13-14's is show cars or GNX guys keeping the cars stock for collectors/value reasons. Heck, we could sell off those 500+ GNX's and buy ever Firebird off that board :biggrin: Anyways, to add to the fun, we should have it set up that each car has to drive 50 miles before racing...nah, that would elminate most of their cars running faster than a high 12 while doing nothing to us lol You would think I hate V8's by reading this post but I really love all cars...well demestic that is although I do respect some import tuners.
My mind is blown, WTF happend here!

Firebird Nation,

Sir, I recieved your PM and was thinking what now :confused:

After reading ALL this crap, I will respond here instead of a PM! So WE ALL CAN SEE!

On both my boards I don't delete or edit things for this very reason. Once you start it snowballs into a scest pool. People are internet savy enough to call BS on this type of behavior. The only reason for a deletion of a thread is when legality, spam, or porn IMO. Lock it but don't delete it becuase it will bite you in the ass!

I was told another "board owner" was trying to contact me yesterday by Bruce. Your PM was to try to solve this before it gets out of hand. Yet this things turns into a 6 page war overnight......

I looked at a few of the threads on your board and to be honest was PISSED when I saw my name or this boards admin mentioned at all. I am not, and neither are you, responsible for what members post on another BB. I hope you don't think you can control what people do away from your site. What was posted on your site has NOTHING to do with TurboBuick.com!

With that being said, please DO NOT COME ON MY SITE questioning my Admin. I have no intentions of posting on your board in response to this childish BS! Post away here if you like but I will not allow anyone to bash this board or its members. I will not edit or delete anything to achive this goal either so.......

If you want it to end it on your site, ban them, but I have NO control or interest in trying to control others actions off of TurboBuick.

I will say this, TurboBuick owners are usually a different breed :biggrin: they are usually smarter than the average bear and on the whole have a vast knowledge of cars and racing. Farthest thing there is from the ricers......

Far as Jim C., you got your hands full there bubba :eek: Far as I know his intrigurity has never been questioned in this community and is one that will fight to the end over the "truth!"

Jim C. and Jim S. are diffently two different people! I have met Jim S. in person and know him to be a straight up guy as well.

I will leave this thread open for now but will close it if this continues, but not delete it!

In closing, please EVERYONE leave TurboBuick.com, ME and MY ADMIN out of this circus!

WOW, You know what you guys need a life. A mullet huh?, thats funny I never had a mullet in my life. I grew up in NY not some Alabama trailer park. Man I came here and I tried to appoligize for my actions, I know I was wrong for jumping like I did on GN's and TTAs and to be honest I really do not know why I did, it was like what a month ago, I guess I was in a bad mood. I still think Jim is full of shiot about 10's on a GN for under 3k, muchless not even having to touch a suspension or enhance braking though now he denies it unless I am confusing him with another GN dude on here. But I do remember the number $2995 and that the persons car is in the 10's or will be. Whatever. The fact remains that one guy jumped on the site disagreed but instead of posting proof like others did he started with me and unfortunately I didn't think and allowed myself to get dragged into this BS. Yes, TTA#229 and me had both got into flaming along with Jim and a couple of others, so the flames came from both sides, not just me. Though I was wrong for my first two posts and again I appoligize the fact still remains it was a generalization with exageration and thats it, I never singled out a single individual until this BS started.
Like I said Three guys came on and were gentleman about it and it could have turned around and maybe have been a chance of either proving me wrong or proving me right for my feelings on turboed cars but unfortunately there were people like Jim that can only get thier rise from stuff like this. Then I come on here and like the children instead of facts or even just posting what a jerk I was with adding in comments of proof that I was wrong resolved to childish acts like posting personal **** of mine in hopes that one of you guys would be dumb enough to mess with me because someone needed something to make up for his own pathetic life. You guys call me a tool for myspace, but what erks you is the fact that I have a beautiful family, I have alot of friends, you saw some pics of some of my past cars, really nicely done cars with my own hands, you saw a Harley that runs nitrous that I built and still own, you found out I know some guys in the industry that guys like you only get to meet on the discovery channel. So I am the tool huh? yet I did not need to search each of you out for dirt, I did not ever attack any of you people behind your back and I was man enough to realize my faults and appoligize for it even in the face of all this diversety.
So I made a mistake and allowed my emotions to dictate it, thats it , did I jump all over you for your misinformation on a RAIII or get mad because you ignored the proof of the stock times being in the 12's from Drag Times? Did I make fun of anyone because I was able to tell you never knew Pontiac put out a Formula like mine? Muchless able to know the history on Muscle car and/or Pony car stats and why dynoes are the only real source for proof? Nope, yet you guys call me the tool. Even after appoligizing, I do not know what a 101 times?, you still ignore my sincerity and carry on with the insults. You are childish and to be honest I do not care anymore, I felt bad, I know my actions were wrong and I appoligized multiple times..... what else can I do? So you guys just keep carrying on thats all, if anything you are only making yourselfs look as bad as you are trying to make me look. Maybe if you put as much effort into your lifes as you do trying to trash on others you would be home getting laid instead of getting your thrills on here.
When you guys get bored and actually want to talk intelligently or if there is any real adults on here that can put this behind them, I would like to get some of the links that were posted again and actually research this as I also did admit that the last time I was around a GN was in the late 80's to about 1991 or 92 and his topic on what GN's are capable of today does interest me.
As for Bob, he is a good guy and you are wrong about him backing me up as to why he edited and deleted, if anything he was pissed for my actions aswell and he also edited me out and deleted some of my posts, I think he was more about just getting this to end.

RamAirThree said:
WOW, You know what you guys need a life. A mullet huh?, thats funny I never had a mullet in my life. I grew up in NY not some Alabama trailer park. Man I came here and I tried to appoligize for my actions, I know I was wrong for jumping like I did on GN's and TTAs and to be honest I really do not know why I did, it was like what a month ago, I guess I was in a bad mood. I still think Jim is full of shiot about 10's on a GN for under 3k, muchless not even having to touch a suspension or enhance braking though now he denies it unless I am confusing him with another GN dude on here. But I do remember the number $2995 and that the persons car is in the 10's or will be. Whatever. The fact remains that one guy jumped on the site disagreed but instead of posting proof like others did he started with me and unfortunately I didn't think and allowed myself to get dragged into this BS. Yes, TTA#229 and me had both got into flaming along with Jim and a couple of others, so the flames came from both sides, not just me. Though I was wrong for my first two posts and again I appoligize the fact still remains it was a generalization with exageration and thats it, I never singled out a single individual until this BS started.
Like I said Three guys came on and were gentleman about it and it could have turned around and maybe have been a chance of either proving me wrong or proving me right for my feelings on turboed cars but unfortunately there were people like Jim that can only get thier rise from stuff like this. Then I come on here and like the children instead of facts or even just posting what a jerk I was with adding in comments of proof that I was wrong resolved to childish acts like posting personal **** of mine in hopes that one of you guys would be dumb enough to mess with me because someone needed something to make up for his own pathetic life. You guys call me a tool for myspace, but what erks you is the fact that I have a beautiful family, I have alot of friends, you saw some pics of some of my past cars, really nicely done cars with my own hands, you saw a Harley that runs nitrous that I built and still own, you found out I know some guys in the industry that guys like you only get to meet on the discovery channel. So I am the tool huh? yet I did not need to search each of you out for dirt, I did not ever attack any of you people behind your back and I was man enough to realize my faults and appoligize for it even in the face of all this diversety.
So I made a mistake and allowed my emotions to dictate it, thats it , did I jump all over you for your misinformation on a RAIII or get mad because you ignored the proof of the stock times being in the 12's from Drag Times? Did I make fun of anyone because I was able to tell you never knew Pontiac put out a Formula like mine? Muchless able to know the history on Muscle car and/or Pony car stats and why dynoes are the only real source for proof? Nope, yet you guys call me the tool. Even after appoligizing, I do not know what a 101 times?, you still ignore my sincerity and carry on with the insults. You are childish and to be honest I do not care anymore, I felt bad, I know my actions were wrong and I appoligized multiple times..... what else can I do? So you guys just keep carrying on thats all, if anything you are only making yourselfs look as bad as you are trying to make me look. Maybe if you put as much effort into your lifes as you do trying to trash on others you would be home getting laid instead of getting your thrills on here.
When you guys get bored and actually want to talk intelligently or if there is any real adults on here that can put this behind them, I would like to get some of the links that were posted again and actually research this as I also did admit that the last time I was around a GN was in the late 80's to about 1991 or 92 and his topic on what GN's are capable of today does interest me.
As for Bob, he is a good guy and you are wrong about him backing me up as to why he edited and deleted, if anything he was pissed for my actions aswell and he also edited me out and deleted some of my posts, I think he was more about just getting this to end.


Appreciate your candor- my main beef isn't with you, its with your admin Bob and his wayward (and failed) attempts at censorship. I have nothing against you or your cars, but I deal in facts- objective, cold, hard, facts. The facts are that the information you posted regarding the turbo cars was incorrect, and not based in anything but subjective data. My posts were informative, correct, and backed up with non-biased, objective , third-party data to substantiate the info I presented.

Had you agreed that there is more to life than Firebird 101, then I don't believe things would have gotten to this point. TB members on your board lauded loud and clear their respect for Pontiacs, as well as muscle cars in general. Yet, you slam our cars as rice (and, yes, I realize that you've stepped up and apologised.)

Never attacked you- I attacked your data. Whether you take it personally or not is up to you. When a member of your own board asks a question, and the folks with the correct information attempt to assist him- is that wrong? Further, your seemingly open hostility to all things not Firebird/not naturally aspirated shows a very closed minded approach to performance cars (the subject matter at hand), and your open attacks on the guys trying to assist shows your lack of maturity.

Finally- the tool Bob. Yes, I said tool. Comes over here wanting to play flamer, and ends up getting his ass handed to him for his lies and deceptive posts- and he brought it on himself. Then, he wants to cry to the owner to get this thread closed and deleted. Shame. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely....

I've probably been banned over there, but that would be in character. No worries...I'll just happily motor along at 24 MPG and 400+ hp..... :D

Now, all that being said, welcome to this side. Take the time to research these little pressurized Buicks (and Pontiacs) and you'll find a fine bunch of guys that enjoy tire shredding power AND luxury options in the same car- and guys that will do their damndest to help another member with tech, performance tips, and repairs. That's the difference here- it's about the cars, AND the people.
ATTI2D said:
friggin laughable.....I say we have a TB.com vs firebturdnation shoot out and see just how slow our little 3.8's are... :cool: Any takers on whipping up on some mullet-mobiles :eek:

Hey Pete...wassup....

It's much better here than in Mexington!!!! :D :D :D

How's the build going?
RamAirThree said:
... did I jump all over you for your misinformation on a RAIII or get mad because you ignored the proof of the stock times being in the 12's from Drag Times?

Lou, being a family man from Queens, I bet you don't get to the track much. That is totally understandable.

Ram Air III T/A didn't run 12's stock. Ever.

They were low 14 second cars. With slicks and headers mid 13 second cars.

Because one guy on drag times runs one 12 second pass under perfect conditions with who knows what level of car or track prep does not mean your car OR ANY OTHER Ram Air III T/A will ever run that fast.

My '86 Buick ran 12.26@110.5 with the stock turbo, stock intercooler, stock fuel injectors, 100% stock, 90K mile, never rebuilt motor with NO internal modifications, stock suspension, stock wheels, Full stock interior, 100% unmodified, stock rear end, stock body, stock frame, stock bumpers, a spare tire in the trunk, 1/2 a tank of gas in the tank, spinning, on radials... And I drove 120 miles each way to the track getting 23 mpg.

If you still don't believe me, Here is video proof

Most of us have owned Muscle Cars before. I think we had 9 big block muscle cars at one time.

I think it can be safely said we know what we are talking about.

Until YOU go to the Track and run a 12 second timeslip with your RAIII, you can't say it runs 12 second quarter miles. Period.
SouthernCal GN said:
It's much better here than in Mexington!!!! :D :D :D

How's the build going?

Welll...its going..Im still in the machine phase...and in no hurry to get it back together...until I read crap like this. Then I miss going out and pounding some v8's :D Oh well...everything going good for you and yours?
ATTI2D said:
friggin laughable.....I say we have a TB.com vs firebturdnation shoot out and see just how slow our little 3.8's are... :cool: Any takers on whipping up on some mullet-mobiles :eek:

Hey Pete...wassup....

I'd drive out from Seattle to participate...notice I said DRIVE, not TRAILER......
ATTI2D said:
Welll...its going..Im still in the machine phase...and in no hurry to get it back together...until I read crap like this. Then I miss going out and pounding some v8's :D Oh well...everything going good for you and yours?

absolutely...gotta go to work, but I'll touch base later...
My 70 Chevelle SS396, with completely stock everything except the motor, M21 four speed, ran 13.38@105. The motor was punched out to 415 cid, with all kinds of HP goodies. The car was chassis dyno'd at 350 hp, with would be around 425 at the flywheel, we figured. The SS also came with the heavy duty F-41 suspension.

A stock turbo buick with a couple hundred bucks in mod's will run a hell of a lot faster than that. What, mid 12's I think I read somewhere? THAT is impressive, plain and simple. By seat-of-the pants, my GN is faster than the chevelle ever was, and I don't have a huge amount of mod's on my GN.

Mark my words, I AM a big block nut. Every vehicle I've owned for the last umpteen gagillion years has been a big block. My GN is the first v-6 I've ever owned, and I am SOLD on them. Don't get me wrong, I still love my BBC's, but there is nothing more impressive than a little v-6 that will kick the sh!t out of any stock BB powered car from the muscle car era.

Oh, and for you doubters, it doesn't take $20k to make a BB run 10's. I have a '78 malibu with a BBC 468. The entire car, everything, cage, tranny, suspension, fuel sys, everything, cost $12k to build, and I run 10.9x. The motor was the most expensive at about $5.5k. The car was a stripped out POS when I bought it.
SGRIM said:
After reading ALL this crap, I will respond here instead of a PM! So WE ALL CAN SEE!


Thanks, It's not often you find a mod to post up like that :cool:
RamAirThree said:
WOW, You know what you guys need a life. A mullet huh?, thats funny I never had a mullet in my life. I grew up in NY not some Alabama trailer park.

The mullet comment is more of a state of mind if you know what I mean. As for growingup in Queens that is cool. I didn't grow up in an Alabama trailer park either as a matter of fact I have lived all over the world but keep ending up back here where I was born. I like the South. :D

RamAirThree said:
Man I came here and I tried to appoligize for my actions, I know I was wrong for jumping like I did on GN's and TTAs and to be honest I really do not know why I did, it was like what a month ago, I guess I was in a bad mood. I still think Jim is full of shiot about 10's on a GN for under 3k, muchless not even having to touch a suspension or enhance braking though now he denies it unless I am confusing him with another GN dude on here. But I do remember the number $2995 and that the persons car is in the 10's or will be. Whatever.

OK Louie, you see this is where even after you appologize you lend yourself out to get busted up again. I NEVER said that one could put a GN in the 10's for 3-K and if your partner in crime hadn't deleted the posts you would see that. I WILL say it again, I put MINE in the 10's for roughly $5995.00 (Give or take a few hundred from memory. I will break it down again for you should you like dollar by dollar.) So please stop confusing the facts. It is an arbitrary figure as it was from memory but tell me and I will list everything out again as there is nothing to hide and no magic to it. Just plain and simple parts and tuning from people that found out what worked and shared with the rest of us.

RamAirThree said:
The fact remains that one guy jumped on the site disagreed but instead of posting proof like others did he started with me and unfortunately I didn't think and allowed myself to get dragged into this BS. Yes, TTA#229 and me had both got into flaming along with Jim and a couple of others, so the flames came from both sides, not just me. Though I was wrong for my first two posts and again I appoligize the fact still remains it was a generalization with exageration and thats it, I never singled out a single individual until this BS started. Like I said Three guys came on and were gentleman about it and it could have turned around and maybe have been a chance of either proving me wrong or proving me right for my feelings on turboed cars but unfortunately there were people like Jim that can only get thier rise from stuff like this. Then I come on here and like the children instead of facts or even just posting what a jerk I was with adding in comments of proof that I was wrong resolved to childish acts like posting personal **** of mine in hopes that one of you guys would be dumb enough to mess with me because someone needed something to make up for his own pathetic life. You guys call me a tool for myspace, but what erks you is the fact that I have a beautiful family, I have alot of friends, you saw some pics of some of my past cars, really nicely done cars with my own hands, you saw a Harley that runs nitrous that I built and still own, you found out I know some guys in the industry that guys like you only get to meet on the discovery channel. So I am the tool huh? yet I did not need to search each of you out for dirt, I did not ever attack any of you people behind your back and I was man enough to realize my faults and appoligize for it even in the face of all this diversety.

Louie, again this is where things take a turn. You are remembering things the way you want, not the way there were. I answered the original posters questions and even posted links for him. I then turned my attention to your slanderous comments and posted links for you to read without busting your balls at that point. When you came back and told me people could write anything and that you had been there and done that and knew it to be BS, I even posted the parts list (New and used.) regarding what it took to get my car into the 10's. When you called BS a second time THAT is when I began busting your ballz. You are twisting it again. You got pissed off when your boy Bob-o got into the mix. He got upset when I posted the link to your myspace profile which was already public. At that point it went on between he and I regarding, law suits, internet toughness, homosexuality; etc. That is when you came rolling back in. As I have said, I was busting your balls and if you took offense to me posting your link then I appologize. You stated that you did not but if things have changed then it still stands. As for your family, that is completely off limits. I would never stoop to bring ones loved ones into a stupid azz internet debate. I wish both them and you the best. I told you then and I will tell you now we could agree to disagree but it it my contention that you are following Bob-o's lead and he is walking off a cliff.

RamAirThree said:
So I made a mistake and allowed my emotions to dictate it, thats it , did I jump all over you for your misinformation on a RAIII or get mad because you ignored the proof of the stock times being in the 12's from Drag Times? Did I make fun of anyone because I was able to tell you never knew Pontiac put out a Formula like mine? Muchless able to know the history on Muscle car and/or Pony car stats and why dynoes are the only real source for proof? Nope, yet you guys call me the tool. Even after appoligizing, I do not know what a 101 times?, you still ignore my sincerity and carry on with the insults. You are childish and to be honest I do not care anymore, I felt bad, I know my actions were wrong and I appoligized multiple times..... what else can I do? So you guys just keep carrying on thats all, if anything you are only making yourselfs look as bad as you are trying to make me look. Maybe if you put as much effort into your lifes as you do trying to trash on others you would be home getting laid instead of getting your thrills on here.
When you guys get bored and actually want to talk intelligently or if there is any real adults on here that can put this behind them, I would like to get some of the links that were posted again and actually research this as I also did admit that the last time I was around a GN was in the late 80's to about 1991 or 92 and his topic on what GN's are capable of today does interest me.
As for Bob, he is a good guy and you are wrong about him backing me up as to why he edited and deleted, if anything he was pissed for my actions aswell and he also edited me out and deleted some of my posts, I think he was more about just getting this to end.


Lou, I don't think you are a bad guy and I hope that you will hang around and learn more about Turbo Buicks. I do take issue with the slant that has been put on things and the behavior of Bob-o. I hope that he will "FIND" those old posts and put them back in their entirety but I have a feeling that this will not happen. I am not sure why you have back peddled on some of the things you said and the way things were really laid out there but there is nothing that I can do to change that. You have relegated yourself to the ricer comment but it is deeper than that. One cannot call another group liers because they are unfamiliar with the others choice in cars nor discount proven methods of achieving specific goals. That is where my issue truly lies in regards to you. As I said I am willing to step up and agree to disagree and move on.

Jim C.
Shane, thank you for standing behind your members. I appologize for this running over to this board and appreciate your views on the matter and the BB rules overall. It speaks volumes about the future of this site. :D

Jim C.