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firebirdnation said:
To set the record straight and to try and stop the flaming by being honest. Are you going to tell me that if you seen someone spreading lies about you on a public forum that you would not stop in to set the record straight?

Well it doesnt seem that you have stopped anything. Came here, tried to put somethen to rest, but didnt happen. Tried to prove your point and look like you didnt say/do anything wrong, but more just made things worse.
RamAirThree said:
you know what JIM you are a blatant liar dude, and instead of accusing Bob of hiding behind deletions and edits I think it is more about you doing it. So you call yourself a man and even when someone in an attempt to appoligize to everyone on here to do the right thing you still look to make trouble. Again I never said GNs were slow, that is a lie, I just do think they are more expensive then a V8 dollar for dollar. I especially do not believe you can do 10's for under 3k and with a non touched undercarriage tell me you are doing optimal 10's aswell. Thats it.... I do not like the idea of relying on turbo instead of raw muscle and that just how I feel, just like you feel differently. The only thing I did wrong was the comment and I am even here to correct that and look at how you reply. You are a real winner dude let me tell you. Oh and I did not bow down dude or see the light, I still do not care for turboed cars. Its just after some thought I realized I was wrong in my choice of words depicting a generalization of GN's and TTAs. I was wrong for that and I am here to appoligize for that. Which is more then I can say for the way you are acting.


Exactly, since Jim doesn't have a job, he spends his days starting flame wars. And even when people try to end them, he does his best to keep them going.
jurassic five 7 said:
Well it doesnt seem that you have stopped anything. Came here, tried to put somethen to rest, but didnt happen. Tried to prove your point and look like you didnt say/do anything wrong, but more just made things worse.

Live and learn I guess. There seems to be two people here whom are intent on keeping this thing going. I held off coming over here in hopes it would be put to rest after I deleted the posts, but it seemed to continue, and Jim continued to post lie after lie. Then when I put back all his posts, he wanted to lie some more. He sure acted like a good little boy until I mentioned how I seen what he was posting over here.
firebirdnation said:
I already did, did you forget that you said you went over to FBN after I came here? If that were the truth, than you would have to be lying because I had already delete all the related posts in an attempt to put this whole thing to rest. Therefore, you are a liar, and a bad one at that. I posted it back up, but you don't like the fact that your idol looks like an idiot. Sorry, but those are his words and the entire thread.

Ahhh, now I have YOU by the ballz Bob-o. Those posts were not deleted until a good while after the new thread was started. You are bouncing again. Stay the course. You call him a liar yet you fail to mention that you didn't delete those posts until after you and I began our verbal volleyball. Care to rethink that statement?

Jim C.
firebirdnation said:
Exactly, since Jim doesn't have a job, he spends his days starting flame wars. And even when people try to end them, he does his best to keep them going.
I don't see you doing any thing to stop it...Yep I called you a IDOT first because of Deleting, Censoring posts.....Then coming here acting all Innocent. You got called on it...So who got OWNED
Ttype83 said:
That's right when you can't CONTROL try to get someone else to DELETE...

Actually, I see this as useless and I think posting about someone else on a forum where they are unable to defent themselves is childish. In addition, to talk all your crap about Lou, and post all his information as you did was unethical and wrong. Of course since you don't have a life, and it's not your information which is posted on a public forum, you have no problem with it. I am sure the admin of this site wouldn't want his personal information posted on a public forum and then to be continually slandered by members. Put yourself in someone elses shoes once in a while and you may be able to see the light.
BillyRValentine said:
Ahhh, now I have YOU by the ballz Bob-o. Those posts were not deleted until a good while after the new thread was started. You are bouncing again. Stay the course. You call him a liar yet you fail to mention that you didn't delete those posts until after you and I began our verbal volleyball. Care to rethink that statement?

Jim C.

Interesting, but why could none of the members here find them then when I came over here? Seems you are telling tall tales again.
firebirdnation said:
To set the record straight and to try and stop the flaming by being honest. Are you going to tell me that if you seen someone spreading lies about you on a public forum that you would not stop in to set the record straight?

I actually tried to stop this early this morning by contacting site admin. I seen where this was heading, but so far nobody has acted to delete your on going thread of flames.

Ummmmmm........ Tell Shane what you really think. Don't sugar coat it.

Jim C.
firebirdnation said:
Actually, I see this as useless and I think posting about someone else on a forum where they are unable to defent themselves is childish. In addition, to talk all your crap about Lou, and post all his information as you did was unethical and wrong. Of course since you don't have a life, and it's not your information which is posted on a public forum, you have no problem with it. I am sure the admin of this site wouldn't want his personal information posted on a public forum and then to be continually slandered by members. Put yourself in someone elses shoes once in a while and you may be able to see the light.
First..Again I'm not Jim C. and when you POST links to WEB SITES on the internet how does that become unethical...God that one is justout there....Dude you are so deep in right field you can't even see the game.....Please come back in..
Ttype83 said:
I don't see you doing any thing to stop it...Yep I called you a IDOT first because of Deleting, Censoring posts.....Then coming here acting all Innocent. You got called on it...So who got OWNED

I reposted the thead in its complete form. I am sorry you don't want to admit that, and it would be nice if a member here whom say the thread before it was deleted would admit it, but I probably have a better chance of getting hit with lightning.

But, your credibility is shot since you were caught in a lie.
firebirdnation said:
To set the record straight and to try and stop the flaming by being honest. Are you going to tell me that if you seen someone spreading lies about you on a public forum that you would not stop in to set the record straight?

I actually tried to stop this early this morning by contacting site admin. I seen where this was heading, but so far nobody has acted to delete your on going thread of flames.

The reason why you edit posts on your site is to avoid childish flame wars, but then you come over here with.... a childish flame war.

You edit posts on you site because moderators on your site say things that make them look stupid and they get called out for stupid statements... THEN the edits happen.

You and Lou should chalk this up as a learning experience.

I know I have. I didn't think there were any car people over the age of 30 that didn't know what a 3.8L turbo buick or TTA was capable of.

You learn something new every day.
UNGN said:
The reason why you edit posts on your site is to avoid childish flame wars, but then you come over here with.... a childish flame war.

Actually, according to Jim, you guys allow flame wars here. I am following your rules as any good guest would. If you didn't allow flames, you would have deleted all the flames here.

You edit posts on you site because moderators on your site say things that make them look stupid and they get called out for stupid statements... THEN the edits happen.

Please post evidence to your claims.

I know I have. I didn't think there were any car people over the age of 30 that didn't know what a 3.8L turbo buick or TTA was capable of.

I have never said anything regarding the TTA or turbo buick. Wrong guy.
firebirdnation said:
I reposted the thead in its complete form. I am sorry you don't want to admit that, and it would be nice if a member here whom say the thread before it was deleted would admit it, but I probably have a better chance of getting hit with lightning.

But, your credibility is shot since you were caught in a lie.
Not even a nice try...I never lied...but you did
jurassic five 7 said:
'Don't come around here no more''

Dude, can you not put yourself into someone elses shoes for 2 seconds? Do you want your personal information posted on a public forum and have people taking cheap shots at you?
firebirdnation said:
Do you always ask for other males phone numbers and post your photos to other guys, or did I also edit your photo into the discussion? :D

I like this one Bob-o, can't play I'm being intimdated by an internet tough guy, the peace maker or the "who me?" card so we now are turning to this. OK, I'll play along. I don't usually send them out to just anyone just "certain" people. You know how sailors are!!!!! What a dumbazz. Thank you Bob-o, I would venture to say that you have made my point for me and people can now decide what they want. I have to go play my Village People MP3's now. Cheerio Schnookems!!!!!!

Jim C.