Here's as much as I know.
There are different brands and qualities of ceramic coats. I've had the best luck when I also ceramic coat the inside of downpipes. This helps keep the outside look good for longer. Also, helps keep the heat in. They have different coatings for the inside. As I remember, it was black and thicker than the pretty stuff they use on the outside. The chrome colors don't seem to hold up as well. They fade to a sort of titanium color over time. My recommendation is to go ahead and coat it a titanium color. That way as it fades, it'll still match. We used to be able to get good quality coatings in California. Over the last ten years, it has been a struggle some times. Over all, I'd have to say that I've had the best luck with Specialized coatings in Huntington Beach. Not sure if they have the "good stuff" right now though.
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