Dumbsh*t and more

This whole thread just reafirms my dicision to never go to Bowling Green or be a member of the GSCA again. There are just so many other clubs and enjoyable events that are run much better than this POS.

Originally Posted by Bill Anderson -

I am sure he will be in Columbus. Try to make time to talk to him about it, he is about the nicest guy you will meet. I think his feelings were hurt more than anything, he was treated awfully. He is a LOOOOONG time club member and was told this year by the BIG GUY race director that he could neither run
S16T nor S16BB because he didnt have a turbo OR a V8.

That is right smart azz I did tell him that as unfortunately that is the way the rules are set up at this time. That is an issue that I will be addressing for cars such as Mr. Dotsons to see if there is a way to fit him into the V8 class. You know Bill I really do hope our paths cross as I have asked you not to provoke me but in typical Bill Anderson fashion you love talking sh*t behind a keyboard. I made my feelings toward you clear and you still want to act like a little girl. I even called your shop and left my number with your dad. There are not too many people that I despise but you are one of them. You just don't know how to leave well enough alone and talk entirely too much sh*t. Now go on and act offended as if I am threating you so that you can garner some much needed attention, I could give a sh*t less. When we meet I will tell you exactly what I think of you in person and what ever happens, happens. Very few people pizz me off as easliy as you do and I hope you have the same size ballz if we ever meet in person cause I can assure you I will. Sometimes Billy boy it is better just to leave folks alone. This ain't Maryland and I don't play silly azz games. You have my number.

Jim C.

I will not answer this post how I think I really should out of respect for my friends,fellow enthusiasts and customers who do not deserve to be subjected to anymore mindless dribble such as you have posted.You obviously have some deep rooted personal issues that I cannot help you with, I build cars, I am not a therapist.You have gone on some type of crusade to attack me personally having NEVER spoken to me,shook my hand or as much as even made eye contact in passing. I asked you why you always had to post about your size or how much of a bad ass you are and posted about Dotson not getting his prizes...search for it and prove me wrong.
Your rantings and all these BS posts about how you've SUPPOSEDLY spent time in jail or how you are going to knock Daves teeth out and get him a gold "grille" or how you are going to cross paths and deal with me man to man and blah blahblah blah are not funny nor are they intimidating in the least.Trying to stroke your fragile ego aint gonna get you very far around here pal.
Same crap you pulled on T6P about how you were going to stroll through "Camp Cal" in BG 2006 and kick everybody's ass there too and what happened???? You tip-toed through there not saying a word UNTIL you got back from BG and posted something linke "I had my Long Duk Dong t shirt on and you guys were afraid to say anything to me."HAHAHAHHA Give it break, nobody is scared of you and you still dont get it..... You post to me that YOU HAVE NOTHING TO SAY TO ME and what do you do???? call my shop and ask for me on the phone. Dont call my shop period.I am publicly stating this: you will be treated as you deserve, if you call,I will put you on hold and let you sit there listening to elevator music the entire day if you desire, maybe that will help with this disorder you have, I dunno????
The ONLY way we will ever meet in person so you can check out the size of my ballz is if you WALK INTO my pits, I'm not hard to find.I'm not sure about what is meant by the Maryland comment but I dont need your number, I am married.
I will not answer this post how I think I really should out of respect for my friends,fellow enthusiasts and customers who do not deserve to be subjected to anymore mindless dribble such as you have posted.You obviously have some deep rooted personal issues that I cannot help you with, I build cars, I am not a therapist.You have gone on some type of crusade to attack me personally having NEVER spoken to me,shook my hand or as much as even made eye contact in passing. I asked you why you always had to post about your size or how much of a bad ass you are and posted about Dotson not getting his prizes...search for it and prove me wrong.
Your rantings and all these BS posts about how you've SUPPOSEDLY spent time in jail or how you are going to knock Daves teeth out and get him a gold "grille" or how you are going to cross paths and deal with me man to man and blah blahblah blah are not funny nor are they intimidating in the least.Trying to stroke your fragile ego aint gonna get you very far around here pal.
Same crap you pulled on T6P about how you were going to stroll through "Camp Cal" in BG 2006 and kick everybody's ass there too and what happened???? You tip-toed through there not saying a word UNTIL you got back from BG and posted something linke "I had my Long Duk Dong t shirt on and you guys were afraid to say anything to me."HAHAHAHHA Give it break, nobody is scared of you and you still dont get it..... You post to me that YOU HAVE NOTHING TO SAY TO ME and what do you do???? call my shop and ask for me on the phone. Dont call my shop period.I am publicly stating this: you will be treated as you deserve, if you call,I will put you on hold and let you sit there listening to elevator music the entire day if you desire, maybe that will help with this disorder you have, I dunno????
The ONLY way we will ever meet in person so you can check out the size of my ballz is if you WALK INTO my pits, I'm not hard to find.I'm not sure about what is meant by the Maryland comment but I dont need your number, I am married.

This is exactly what I was talking about. You want to drag everyone else into this so that you feel justified in your actions and on top of that distort the facts. I don't tiptoe anywhere. As for the rest of your above bullsh*t, it is just that. You simply stir up sh*t and try and twist thinigs into something they are not. I have watched you do it and that is why I have never liked you. As far as making eye contact with you or shaking you hand if you get your head out of your azz you would remember me saying that I did not like you and there-by stayed away but you cannot do the same because you want to be a wiseazz. You wanted me to PM you last week but now you don't want to know the answer to your question. These kind of chickensh*t tactics are exacly why I don't like you or any of your nuts swingers who jump on the bandwagon with you. As for the Maryland comment the meaning was simple - your smart azz brand of humor up there is not appreciated down here. So I will say it once more - Don't make dumb azz comments about me and you won't hear anything else from me.

Jim C.
Wow, I’m not sure how to respond to this. I have been a GSCA member since I bought my car in 2000. I’ve attended the GSCA nationals 4 times since. Is this the treatment I am to expect from GSCA staff towards its members???

Why would I want to continue being a member of a club that conducts itself in such a manner? A club that allows its representatives to belittle and threaten physical harm to its members like you did here in this thread? How would they expect to retain their current membership, but to increase it as well??


Before I get too upset let me address a couple of the comments you made in your first post...

1) "When you went to the tower and asked the track staff where the Race Director Jim Rodgers was you had your facts wrong. Jim Rodgers is not the Race Director."

You are correct, I did go to the tower and ask for Jim Rodgers. This was because I was told by other racers that Jim Rodgers was the one I wanted to talk to. I didn't know till later, and after you told me "to get out of here", that YOU were the director. If a general racers meeting were held, that problem wouldn’t have happened.

2) "When I was standing 4 feet from you while Brock (Track staff) explained to you that the card another gent drew just happened to be your number in line, that they would pull you out and IF there were not enough cars to pair up that you would get a by run at the end of that bracket you proceeded to go on about how he told you that you had a by run period and I find it amazing that you were the only one that could not pay attention to that fact. You were wrong yet, I offered to try and offer you a condolence prize even though I clearly heard what he said and you had your facts confused yet again. After you telling me what you were going to do that is when I told you - c'ya."

YOU ARE WRONG JIM. You were NOT there when I was first told I had a by-run. The gentleman that presented me with the car told me that I had a by-run, to pull up under the tower, and once all the cars in the class ran that I would be asked to pull to the line and make the by-run. He said NOTHING else. I did EXACTLY as told, and no one told me that anything had changed (How hard would it have been to say something?). Again, if a general racers meeting were held, that problem might not have happened.

A condolence prize? What are you talking about? You never said anything of the sort? Beside, I didn’t want a prize… I wanted to race! I worked on my car for months getting it ready for this race. I spent thousands of dollars on parts, and thousands of dollars on the trip to Bowling Green. All that to get knocked out in the first round due to miscommunication between track staff and racers – something that was out of my control.

P.S. How many by-runs did the Regal Modified class have in the 1st round? I heard 3, and that 1st round would be run again (I didn’t witness this first hand, but was told this by two racers there Saturday). Is that correct? If so, then how flawless is your by-run card presentation?

3) "Then you tell Richard Lassiter that I told you that you had a by run. Wrong yet again. Brock even stated that he was the one that told you about the by run gamblers card."

That is ABSOLUTELY false. I never spoke with Richard Lassiter. He rode off on his mini bike before I could speak to him, and that was after you blew up (like you also did here in this forum) and told me to “get this car out of here, I don’t have time for this anymore”.

P.S. What's a "by run gamblers card"? Please don't tell me that it was a way that I could have gotten into another race/class, because that's what I asked YOU. I asked if there was any way that I could buy back into the class or jump to another bracket. You said NO.

Finishing, I’d just like to say that what you obviously don't seem to remember that this (the GSCA Nats) is an event for CLUB members. Granted, there are a lot of seasoned and professional racers there, BUT there are also a lot of less experienced racers too. This is something you guys should always keep that in mind. Taking a little extra time to explain things to everyone would pay off in the long run and help avoid situations like this.

Conducting yourself like you’ve been doing does nothing but alienate fellow club members, make the club look bad, and make you look like a fool.

-Banning Cohen.
Sorry for having to drag this BS over here but since I cannot post over there (I have no idea why.) I had to address it in this forum.

Posted by JBanning - So the money that went to club dues, event registration fees, and daily racing tickets gets you the privilege of tracking down your winnings yourself?

Question for Ron or Rick Jegl?


Banning let me lay out a couple of things for you -

You have a habit of paying attention half azzed and then offering up your opinions and stirring the pot knowing that there are those that just love to take issue with most anything and in particular the Nats. As such they just love jumping on the band wagon and yelling at the top of there lungs. What am I talking about you ask. I will lay it out for you -
Now since you don't have your sh*t together about anything else you decide to start a Nats bashing thread. You know even if you had been allowed to run again you couldn't even get your car to start and we helped you get it up to the circle track area despite your antics.

Jim C. - GSCA Race Director

1. Banning's post was about payouts, right? How is your rant related?

2. This is a personal attack against J Banning. Talk about paying attention "half-azzed"! I've known J Banning for years and I've never once seen him act with anything other than the highest integrity and he's helped literally hundreds of racers and Buick enthusiasts to enjoy the hobby and lifestyle. Did it ever occur to you that he just wants this national event to be run well for the sake of the racers involved? Your comment, given his reputation among those who know him and across the boards, makes you look like a complete idiot. I'd suggest that maybe that's not an accident.

3. If you're personally ticked off that's one thing, but is this really how the GSCA represents itself (you posted using your GSCA title)? After seeing this attack and the previous ignorant remarks made by Jim Rodgers in his official GSCA capacity I will never attend another GSCA event unless leadership changes. You might say 'who cares', but after the attendance at this years nationals (how many cars were in the typically HUGE B2 class?) the clear answer is: The GSCA should care AND all buick enthusiasts who love this event in BG should care.

This is a disgrace. "Going fast with class?" Shame on you and the GSCA.

Also having known Banning for a few years and the work he has done for the members of MAGNA the events he helps organize the 100's of V6 Buick owners he has helped. I take this as an attack on the organization that I am pround to belong to.As an x-member of the GSCA back in the 90's his frustrations are one of the many reason's I left. He is what the GSCA used to be about Going Fast With Class...I used to be proud of that sticker and license plate frame cause back then it was a great organization. Banning I feel for you and I hope you get your car fixed and Head to Columbus where you will see what going fast with class is really all about...
This thread is truly pathetic. Banning is one of the most selfless, helpful persons I have ever met. He treats every Buick owner and his/her car like they are his own family. There is no part he would not loan and help install. He is a classy racer who has won quite a few events. If he was confused about something, I can guarantee he was polite in his questioning of the circumstances.
Physical threats towards Billy are also sad. How old are you? Solving verbal disputes with treats and/or violence is not a "southern reaction", but usually is reserved for uneducated and uncivilized people. You give southerners a bad reputation and I for one resent it. I can't believe the other leadership in the club would have you act in any capacity which allowed you to represent them, or maybe I could?!
I am embarrassed for you, reading your responses. They are soooo childish. The fact that they are directed at a person with the character of Banning's, makes it even worse. I suggest that you re-read what you have typed. I would also think you would apologize to both people involved. You may have HAD real issues, but your message was lost in your immature translation of the events.
Wow, I’m not sure how to respond to this. I have been a GSCA member since I bought my car in 2000. I’ve attended the GSCA nationals 4 times since. Is this the treatment I am to expect from GSCA staff towards its members???

Why would I want to continue being a member of a club that conducts itself in such a manner? A club that allows its representatives to belittle and threaten physical harm to its members like you did here in this thread? How would they expect to retain their current membership, but to increase it as well??


Before I get too upset let me address a couple of the comments you made in your first post...

1) "When you went to the tower and asked the track staff where the Race Director Jim Rodgers was you had your facts wrong. Jim Rodgers is not the Race Director."

You are correct, I did go to the tower and ask for Jim Rodgers. This was because I was told by other racers that Jim Rodgers was the one I wanted to talk to. I didn't know till later, and after you told me "to get out of here", that YOU were the director. If a general racers meeting were held, that problem wouldn’t have happened.

A general racers meeting? How about looking through your packet and or checking the website to see who is who. There is already too much going on for us to add a general racers meeting so that you don't have to do to much on your own. It would take an hour to get everyone together and then another 30 minutes to introduce myself and the like. The RRA's run the heads up classes but if you have suggestions regarding the brackets I am all ears. I would never turn down a good idea. I would love to have RRA's for the bracket classes.

2) "When I was standing 4 feet from you while Brock (Track staff) explained to you that the card another gent drew just happened to be your number in line, that they would pull you out and IF there were not enough cars to pair up that you would get a by run at the end of that bracket you proceeded to go on about how he told you that you had a by run period and I find it amazing that you were the only one that could not pay attention to that fact. You were wrong yet, I offered to try and offer you a condolence prize even though I clearly heard what he said and you had your facts confused yet again. After you telling me what you were going to do that is when I told you - c'ya."

YOU ARE WRONG JIM. You were NOT there when I was first told I had a by-run. The gentleman that presented me with the car told me that I had a by-run, to pull up under the tower, and once all the cars in the class ran that I would be asked to pull to the line and make the by-run. He said NOTHING else. I did EXACTLY as told, and no one told me that anything had changed (How hard would it have been to say something?). Again, if a general racers meeting were held, that problem might not have happened.

Yet again you have your facts confused. I was standing roughly four feet from Brock when he told you that your car number in line was the same as the car number and what was going on. On top of that when you kept on about being told you had a by run you even went so far as to tell ME that I was the one that told you that. Brock laughed and stated that no he was and you just stood there without comment.

A condolence prize? What are you talking about? You never said anything of the sort? Beside, I didn’t want a prize… I wanted to race! I worked on my car for months getting it ready for this race. I spent thousands of dollars on parts, and thousands of dollars on the trip to Bowling Green. All that to get knocked out in the first round due to miscommunication between track staff and racers – something that was out of my control.

The bottom line is that it was within your control and if you had paid attention this would not be an issue. You never let me tell you what the club was prepared to do because you were too busy telling me how everyone was wrong. After try to explain it to you THREE time I gave up and asked you to pull your car out. When you sat there looking at me without comment I then told you to pull it out. I will not hold everyone else up due to arguing with you.

P.S. How many by-runs did the Regal Modified class have in the 1st round? I heard 3, and that 1st round would be run again (I didn’t witness this first hand, but was told this by two racers there Saturday). Is that correct? If so, then how flawless is your by-run card presentation?

What has this got to due with the price of tea in China or for what happened to you for that fact. There was a snafu in that class and it was straightened out. I have yet to hear from one of the racers in that class about anything and until I do I don't see an issue with it. You are trying to use that as an venue to continue on your tyrade about the GSCA.

3) "Then you tell Richard Lassiter that I told you that you had a by run. Wrong yet again. Brock even stated that he was the one that told you about the by run gamblers card."

That is ABSOLUTELY false. I never spoke with Richard Lassiter. He rode off on his mini bike before I could speak to him, and that was after you blew up (like you also did here in this forum) and told me to “get this car out of here, I don’t have time for this anymore”.

That is not my understanding but I did not personally see you speak with him so I will concede that fact. However, when you sit there arguing with me even though I tried to find a medium I don't have time to do so. Every time I tried to tell you what was going on you simply interjected with "He told me I had a by run". I gave up.

P.S. What's a "by run gamblers card"? Please don't tell me that it was a way that I could have gotten into another race/class, because that's what I asked YOU. I asked if there was any way that I could buy back into the class or jump to another bracket. You said NO.

Google it under bracket racing. I said no because if I let you do so then I stand the potential for there to be other problems should something happen with another racer. It is not rocket science.

Finishing, I’d just like to say that what you obviously don't seem to remember that this (the GSCA Nats) is an event for CLUB members. Granted, there are a lot of seasoned and professional racers there, BUT there are also a lot of less experienced racers too. This is something you guys should always keep that in mind. Taking a little extra time to explain things to everyone would pay off in the long run and help avoid situations like this.

Conducting yourself like you’ve been doing does nothing but alienate fellow club members, make the club look bad, and make you look like a fool.

-Banning Cohen.

Banning, I realize what the club is and I also realize that just because it is for the members does not give you the right to stir up sh*t regarding payouts over having your own issues about being put out. It is the typical tactics that I have seen again and again. Prime example, it was thought that the club need stricter safety enforcement and that someone else to handle the payouts. As such the club turns over the final safety inspection per class to the class and people still bash the club. All sponsored payout are now handled between the sponsors and the racers and still you have something to say. The bottom line is that there are a minorty of crabs (and I say crabs because ya'll like to come at folks sideways never showing your true intentions.) that want to polute the entire community with your rhetoric. I will let you in on a secret. Years ago I went to a Super Chevy show and they treated some folks including myself badly. I don't go around bashing them and stating how everyone should boycott them and the like. I just don't go, it is plain and simple. Within the Buick community there is a minority to love to stir up the pot to promote their own agenda, whether it be to promote another event or just to jump on the bandwagon with their buddies to seek approval they continue on. These actions have devided this community to the point that it may or may not be repaired. As such those of us that choose to go to the Nats will continue to do so until it is no longer possible and I am sure withhout doubt that there are those of you who will contiue to sling sh*t from your soap boxes.

As for looking like a fool, if you are refering to the issues between myself and two of the other members here I will let you in on a little secret. That has nothing to do with my position within the GSCA nor the Nats. It has only to do with me being sick and tired of watching them year after year degrading others and laughing at their expense. As far as looking like a fool...... Well I guess sometimes you just have to take the good with the bad. You take care.

Jim C.
1. Banning's post was about payouts, right? How is your rant related?

2. This is a personal attack against J Banning. Talk about paying attention "half-azzed"! I've known J Banning for years and I've never once seen him act with anything other than the highest integrity and he's helped literally hundreds of racers and Buick enthusiasts to enjoy the hobby and lifestyle. Did it ever occur to you that he just wants this national event to be run well for the sake of the racers involved? Your comment, given his reputation among those who know him and across the boards, makes you look like a complete idiot. I'd suggest that maybe that's not an accident.

3. If you're personally ticked off that's one thing, but is this really how the GSCA represents itself (you posted using your GSCA title)? After seeing this attack and the previous ignorant remarks made by Jim Rodgers in his official GSCA capacity I will never attend another GSCA event unless leadership changes. You might say 'who cares', but after the attendance at this years nationals (how many cars were in the typically HUGE B2 class?) the clear answer is: The GSCA should care AND all buick enthusiasts who love this event in BG should care.

This is a disgrace. "Going fast with class?" Shame on you and the GSCA.


No one is making half azzed remarks here but you. You state this is a personal attack on Banning. No it is not. It is about him not paying attention. Had he done so he would realize that the money offered up by the sponsors is now handled between the racer and the sponsor due to the antics of some over the past years. He started a post on TBS about how NOW the racers have to pick up their sponsored prizes from the sponsors and insinuated that it was somehow the clubs responsiblity. IT IS NOT. Is Banning a good guy? I don't know the man and have nothing against him. This is related to the things that happened with him at the Nats and his lack of attention. Then he goes on TBS and starts a thread about how the GSCA is now making the racers deal with the sponsors in a derogitory manner. I can see how that is promoting the Going Fast With Class Turbo Buick lifestyle. Tell me Scott, are you a current member and how many of club events have you been to over the last 10 years? I am curious since you state you will no longer be attending. The changes that the club has made this year have been geared only towards the members. Ya'll also use the fact that these cars are dwindeling to spout your mess about how the club is folding. The bottom line is that turbo Buicks are suffering in general do the amount that are left. That amount gets smaller every year. Add to that the fact that there are not half of the vendors supporting these cars that there were 10 years ago and of course venues will get smaller. If everyone is boycotting the Nats and that is the reason they have not been quite as large as before then please by all means point out to me ONE OTHER event that has the attendance the Nats does.

Jim C.

PS- As for Rodgers, I have watched people pick at that man for several years now. He and I may not see eye to eye about everything but I can say this - He does what he says he will and he has given ALLOT to this community. It took allot of balls for him to step up and race that Hemi car even though he knew the car was having issues. Hot Rod even commended him for it but there are those here that want to bust his balls no matter what he does so I could care less what some of you think of him. I judge people on a case by case basis. Those weasels on these boards that pick and prod really need to find another hobby. I think they are pathetic for as much backstabbing as they do.
This thread is truly pathetic. Banning is one of the most selfless, helpful persons I have ever met. He treats every Buick owner and his/her car like they are his own family. There is no part he would not loan and help install. He is a classy racer who has won quite a few events. If he was confused about something, I can guarantee he was polite in his questioning of the circumstances.
Physical threats towards Billy are also sad. How old are you? Solving verbal disputes with treats and/or violence is not a "southern reaction", but usually is reserved for uneducated and uncivilized people. You give southerners a bad reputation and I for one resent it. I can't believe the other leadership in the club would have you act in any capacity which allowed you to represent them, or maybe I could?!
I am embarrassed for you, reading your responses. They are soooo childish. The fact that they are directed at a person with the character of Banning's, makes it even worse. I suggest that you re-read what you have typed. I would also think you would apologize to both people involved. You may have HAD real issues, but your message was lost in your immature translation of the events.

I see that bandwagon is full today. Again, if Banning has an issue and we can resolve it I will gladly do so. What happened there was unfortunate but the facts remain. I am really suprised to see that he has yet to say "Well ya know it is kind of a moot point as my car wouldn't start anyway." but so be it. As for his character, I don't know the man. I do believe that the post he put on the other board was a pot shot pure and simple. That is not showing much character. If you are going to bash an evernt and a club then why attend? I find it odd that there seems to be so many of you that are offering your opinions having Anderson Performance listed in your signatures. I am not ashamed and I do not take kindly to being provoked. As for being in the South I could really care less what you think of that issue or that you take offense to it. I don't talk out of two sides of my head or start things unprovoked. This all got to this point with Banning with the post that he started on the other board. Then here comes the bandwagon.

Jim C.

PS - I am also curious as to how many who swear they aren't coming anymore have even crossed through the gates in the last 5 years. The GSCA busts it's butt to put on a good race and every year there are some of you who want to tear it apart. That is what is truly pathetic.
I have been attending nationals since 2001 and have a host of pictures here in my office to remind me of what I consider to be some of the most enjoyable times of racing and camaraderie that I've ever had. Hats off to the GSCA for those times. That's why I'm so troubled by all of this-- this event is something worth cherishing and working to improve.

Part of any decent process of improvement (or just keeping the status quo in place) is considering criticism. I did not rejoin the club this year because, knowing I would not attend nats, I did not see value in doing so and felt like some of the actions of the club in the past year were troubling. Maybe you don't care about losing this customer, but the above are two specific reasons to leave that have the potential to affect the club. Maybe I'm only one of five people in the world who think this way, but wouldn't it be worth it for the GSCA to think about?

I did not say anything about the club folding. I did say that attendance was low this year because I believe that to be true after hearing it from multiple independent sources that I know and trust. I say that because I'm concerned.

If attendance suddenly falls, why is that? How can the GSCA encourage people to attend, gain new members, and reach out to past members? These are the types of questions that a good club would be asking in an open forum, without hostility. There are many possible explanations for a drop in attendance, but I find it hard to believe that cars could age enough over a one-year period to cause a drop like what was reported.

I did not call for a boycott here or say anything about that in this message. I simply said the GSCA should care that attendance has fallen. I don't know enough to comment on which events have what attendance, but I have seen new events and Buick groups emerge in recent years. If I were involved in the GSCA I'd ask why, and whether there were things the club could do better.

I did say that I will not attend unless the leadership changes. I believe in taking a stand when it comes to the people and things that I care about. This event is one of them. I will not support an organization whose representatives behave like they have in recent months, and call into question the integrity of someone like J Banning.

I believe the best way that I can bring about change (particularly given the GSCA's historical reaction to criticism) is to take the action most likely to be heard. For this one person that is saying I won't come back until things change and hoping that my little action is heard by someone with the power to change things. And yes, I would encourage others to do the same. Not out of malice, but out of genuine interest in this event and the club.

I'm old enough to know that there's no sense of arguing with people like you. I've added the above to explain where I'm coming from and my hope that things will change. This is my last post on this thread.

There are those of us and I am only speaking for myself that have tried to address issues in the past either by mail or on the GSCA website only to get no responses or post's deleted...many many years ago I offered to help get sponsors on the website only to be ignored even left messages only to be ignored..even went to Columbus only to be ignored..of no issue with the majority of members of the GSCA it is the upper management..and after I found out it was all for profit club I opted out....if the GSCA management cannot respond to members question on their own website then they are going to voice opinions on other "Buick" boards...again my opinion but I always felt that the V6 and hybrid guys were always looked down upon,but that it was another avenue to increase revenues...after many times it has been stated by GSCA management that it is a buisness...I a buisness I choose not to spend my money at
There are those of us and I am only speaking for myself that have tried to address issues in the past either by mail or on the GSCA website only to get no responses or post's deleted...many many years ago I offered to help get sponsors on the website only to be ignored even left messages only to be ignored..even went to Columbus only to be ignored..of no issue with the majority of members of the GSCA it is the upper management..and after I found out it was all for profit club I opted out....if the GSCA management cannot respond to members question on their own website then they are going to voice opinions on other "Buick" boards...again my opinion but I always felt that the V6 and hybrid guys were always looked down upon,but that it was another avenue to increase revenues...after many times it has been stated by GSCA management that it is a buisness...I a buisness I choose not to spend my money at

Well stated :)...
There are those of us and I am only speaking for myself that have tried to address issues in the past either by mail or on the GSCA website only to get no responses or post's deleted...many many years ago I offered to help get sponsors on the website only to be ignored even left messages only to be ignored..even went to Columbus only to be ignored..of no issue with the majority of members of the GSCA it is the upper management..and after I found out it was all for profit club I opted out....if the GSCA management cannot respond to members question on their own website then they are going to voice opinions on other "Buick" boards...again my opinion but I always felt that the V6 and hybrid guys were always looked down upon,but that it was another avenue to increase revenues...after many times it has been stated by GSCA management that it is a buisness...I a buisness I choose not to spend my money at

Most who have dealt with me personally will tell you that I am pretty reasonable dispite my dispostion when provoked. I am always open for new ideas and would never look down or ignore somones critique. I do however take issue with those that continue year after year to beat the same old drums. Is this to say that you have do so, no. I am only making a point. I would love to talk with anyone who would like to see changes so that we can put our minds together and present the suggestions and requests to possibly bring about change. Time changes and sometimes so must we. As such again, I will state that I am always open to hear what someone has to say so long as it is done respectfully. I believe that personal issues and personalities aside this could be a perfect opportunity to move things forward but I fear that the input from those who claim to have issue with the club will be at a minimum as if they did so they would have nothing more to b*tch about.

Jim C.

PS - I will also state that your post is the most reasonable thing I have read here period. My own included.
I see that bandwagon is full today. Again, if Banning has an issue and we can resolve it I will gladly do so. What happened there was unfortunate but the facts remain. I am really suprised to see that he has yet to say "Well ya know it is kind of a moot point as my car wouldn't start anyway." but so be it. As for his character, I don't know the man. I do believe that the post he put on the other board was a pot shot pure and simple. That is not showing much character. If you are going to bash an evernt and a club then why attend? I find it odd that there seems to be so many of you that are offering your opinions having Anderson Performance listed in your signatures. I am not ashamed and I do not take kindly to being provoked. As for being in the South I could really care less what you think of that issue or that you take offense to it. I don't talk out of two sides of my head or start things unprovoked. This all got to this point with Banning with the post that he started on the other board. Then here comes the bandwagon.

Jim C.

PS - I am also curious as to how many who swear they aren't coming anymore have even crossed through the gates in the last 5 years. The GSCA busts it's butt to put on a good race and every year there are some of you who want to tear it apart. That is what is truly pathetic.

Having Anderson in my post has nothing to do with it. I would have stated the same thing if it had been Cottons, Hartlines, Dan Strezos, JCC, or even Ron Joseph. It is in response to your childish threats. I have never been to the Nats. I could not attend for years due to my job. I can attend now , but choose not to because of the issues raised the last several years. This actually upsets me because attending has been a dream of mine. Banning has been one of the biggest cheerleaders for the event. When I have a complaint at a business and their attitude is "whatever, why do you come back?, don't come back", then I don't come back. It does not make sense to me that you want send people away because they have a concern or complaint. Have you ever heard the saying" The customer is always right!" If the leadership responded appropriately to the concerns instead of going on the defensive and firing back, people would not need to complain so loudly. As far as you not caring, I never would have doubted that. You have made it very clear what type of character you have. None. "Class" is one of the words in your tag lines, I suggest you look up the definition!!!
Sorry for having to drag this BS over here but since I cannot post over there (I have no idea why.) I had to address it in this forum.

Are you sure you cant post over there? Please explain cuz I dont believe you?
If I am wrong please accept my apology, but please prove me wrong first!
BillyRValentine said:
A general racers meeting? How about looking through your packet and or checking the website to see who is who. There is already too much going on for us to add a general racers meeting so that you don't have to do to much on your own. It would take an hour to get everyone together and then another 30 minutes to introduce myself and the like. The RRA's run the heads up classes but if you have suggestions regarding the brackets I am all ears. I would never turn down a good idea. I would love to have RRA's for the bracket classes.

Other events I've been to have racers meetings. The one at Indy last year took 30 minutes, maybe?

BillyRValentine said:
Yet again you have your facts confused. I was standing roughly four feet from Brock when he told you that your car number in line was the same as the car number and what was going on. On top of that when you kept on about being told you had a by run you even went so far as to tell ME that I was the one that told you that. Brock laughed and stated that no he was and you just stood there without comment.

Yes, I got the track officials confused. Regardless though, I know what I was told, and it isn't what you've said. You weren't there. It was after I came back from my "by-run" that Brock changed what he was saying to the racers about by-runs.

BillyRValentine said:
The bottom line is that it was within your control and if you had paid attention this would not be an issue. You never let me tell you what the club was prepared to do because you were too busy telling me how everyone was wrong. After try to explain it to you THREE time I gave up and asked you to pull your car out. When you sat there looking at me without comment I then told you to pull it out. I will not hold everyone else up due to arguing with you.

Sorry Jim,
1. I was paying attention, and I did as I was told. If you guys had a little more insight and weren't so overworked and short-nerved this then might not be an issue.
2. I never let you explain what the club was willing to do? HA! You were the one that walked away, not me. I patiently waited for an answer from you from the 1st round to the 2nd round (how long was that?). I probably asked you 5 times who I could talk to in hope of getting this resolved. I went to the tower. Each time I asked you, you said you would find someone that I could talk to. Finally, 2nd round was called to run again and it was THEN that you said you didn't have time to talk about it and to get the car out of there.

Was I upset? After all that... you bet I was! Was I impossible to talk to? Absolutely NOT. There were probably a dozzen people there by the tower that I spoke with while I was waiting on you (I can give you names if you'd like), they'd all back me up on this.

BillyRValentine said:
What has this got to due with the price of tea in China or for what happened to you for that fact. There was a snafu in that class and it was straightened out. I have yet to hear from one of the racers in that class about anything and until I do I don't see an issue with it. You are trying to use that as an venue to continue on your tyrade about the GSCA.

I was just trying to make a point that if there was a "snafu" in one class, perhaps there were ones in other classes... perhaps like telling a racer that they had a by-run and not telling him that things had changed.

BillyRValentine said:
That is not my understanding but I did not personally see you speak with him so I will concede that fact. However, when you sit there arguing with me even though I tried to find a medium I don't have time to do so. Every time I tried to tell you what was going on you simply interjected with "He told me I had a by run". I gave up.

Again, you never presented any options or an answer untill 2nd round and I was in my car ready to run.

BillyRValentine said:
Google it under bracket racing. I said no because if I let you do so then I stand the potential for there to be other problems should something happen with another racer. It is not rocket science.

"Google it under bracket racing". That's nice, you've been a tremendous help.
Having Anderson in my post has nothing to do with it. I would have stated the same thing if it had been Cottons, Hartlines, Dan Strezos, JCC, or even Ron Joseph. It is in response to your childish threats. I have never been to the Nats. I could not attend for years due to my job. I can attend now , but choose not to because of the issues raised the last several years. This actually upsets me because attending has been a dream of mine. Banning has been one of the biggest cheerleaders for the event. When I have a complaint at a business and their attitude is "whatever, why do you come back?, don't come back", then I don't come back. It does not make sense to me that you want send people away because they have a concern or complaint. Have you ever heard the saying" The customer is always right!" If the leadership responded appropriately to the concerns instead of going on the defensive and firing back, people would not need to complain so loudly. As far as you not caring, I never would have doubted that. You have made it very clear what type of character you have. None. "Class" is one of the words in your tag lines, I suggest you look up the definition!!!

The physical threats had nothing to do with anyone except one person and to be honest it doesn't concern you in the least and it has NOTHING to do with this thread or Banning. You are trying to use my personal responses in antoher thread as a vehicle to make up excuses as to why you have not and now won't attend the Nats. You are looking for an azzkissing fest even though your friend has his facts confused and took the oppurtunity to take a pot shot at my friends (The GSCA staff.) with his thread on the other board. I see that you haven't even bothered to address that issue. Maybe it is because his oversight could have been easily cleared up by getting his facts in order. He took it upon himself to take a jab at the exact club that you say he tirelessly promotes without having his facts in order and yet this is the type of character trait that you speak so highly of. The facts remain and you were NOT THERE and continue to spew out chatter instead of facts. As such you want to put yourself in the middle of it without having your facts straight either and then try and make a connection between an issue that I have with another member to Banning. It is a slimy tactic in order to garnish more back up. The amount of attitude the GSCA has given out vs. the amount of BS it has absorbed is now where near even. As for you not coming well it reminds me of a crab boat. You get a few rotten ones in the tank and it ends up tainting a majority of the rest. Do me a favor and keep to the facts if you want to continue this debate. Do not attempt to drag another issue from another thread into this one. The two are not related in any manner with the exception of me posting in both. I have not attacked the character of Banning nor have I threatened him. I simply took exception to his snipe against the club without bothering to state all of the facts. This and my previous encounter with him lead me to think that he did not have his facts in order.

Since you don't seem to have it in order or missed it in one of the previous posts I will say it again. When I post something in an official capacity for the GSCA I always sign my post "Jim C.-GSCA Race Director" when I am NOT I simply sign them - "Jim C.". Understand the difference? If not then there is no need for me to explain it to you.

I will tell you a little secret slim. I have had roughy 10 or so calls today from people saying the exact same thing. Know what that is? They say Jim, we understand what you are doing and why you are doing it and we're glad to see someone make it happen. I will tell you another secret, NOT ONE OF THEM HAS BEEN THE GSCA STAFF. These are all regular people who are tired of seeing a few tear at the fabric of an otherwise tight knit group for nothing more than their own personal gain or entertainment. There are thousands of members and considering the amount of flack I have caught (and it has all been here.) I would venture to say that it is a minute percentage.

Jim C. (Notice the difference.)
Sorry for having to drag this BS over here but since I cannot post over there (I have no idea why.) I had to address it in this forum.

Are you sure you cant post over there? Please explain cuz I dont believe you?
If I am wrong please accept my apology, but please prove me wrong first!

I can now post over there as of this morning but I had already started the thread here. Why take it over there now? Contact the admin there and ask them bacause I am at a losss.I have been a member over there for years but after not being able to log in I made the choice to do so here. I don't know how to prove it to you except to tell you that I requested my password via email and tried to set up a new user account with a new email account and got nadda. I am not angry about it as I had no idea what was going on and was not going to jump to conclusions. Hope this helps.

Jim C.