Earthquake Amps??? Other questions?


Sep 14, 2001
I know you use them AusioWiz, how do you like them? Anyone else have experience with them? Any other suggestions in the same price range or slightly higher, I was contemplating Phoenix Gold as well.

I'm in the process of rebuilding my system again. After looking for a chrome PPI PC2600 to match my PC6600 I've given up. Thinking of buying a pair of Earthquakes. Probably a 85W x4, and a 150W x2

Here's my setup
Boston Pro 4.5lf front doors
Infinity Kappa (uniplanes) 8" under front seats
Boston Rally 4" in rear deck
Boston Pro 12" in trunk

I also need a passive crossover to do this with only 6 channles of power. I was gonna put the 8" Infinitys and the Rallys on the same channel and use a crossover of about 120-250hz. Anyone know of a good place to find a passive crossover like this? I've looked everywhere online, and my local shop is a joke, it it aint on the shelf they don't wanna sell it.

I might eventually scrap the 8"s and put a pair of Boston 6.5lf(s) in the rear side panels like MCSS383 has. I figure that'll make for clearer Mid-Bass, I just can't afford to take that one on yet.

I'm gonna be selling the Chrome PC6600 too if anyone is interested.
Originally posted by PRSRIZD_V6
I know you use them AudioWiz, how do you like them?

I like them alot, they play very clean and have quite a bit of power. I have had mine since the end of '97 and they are still going strong.
OK how about a good passive crossover to run the 8" and the rear 4" components on the same 2 channels (rear) of the amp?

I think I'm gonna go with the Earthquakes.... seem like a good quality bang for the buck. MY PPI doesn't quite make enough power for the Boston Pro 12" anyhow.
Originally posted by PRSRIZD_V6
OK how about a good passive crossover to run the 8" and the rear 4" components on the same 2 channels (rear) of the amp?

For that, I would try to use the amps active x-over for the high-pass going to the 8" midbass, then run a passive 2-way x-over for the 8ers low pass and the 4" high pass (at the same freq). For the x-over, just go to They sale pre-built passive units, parts to build your own, kits (including PC board) to make your own, etc etc. They also have some info on the value of the capacitor and inductor for achieving the right frequency.
Oh, for the 8" in those warned, you will have rattles in those panels and in the headliner if you don't do something ahead of time to fix it. To fix it, go to and order some 1/8" thick Volara closed cell foam. Not only will it stop those rattles, it will help reduce a little noise and even a slight thermal help too. Its not very expensive either. Shipped, I paid $60 for 100 ft^2 of it. You won't need that much so it will be cheaper. Shipping charges are high since the box they ship it in is long (60" roll).
Originally posted by mcss383

For that, I would try to use the amps active x-over for the high-pass going to the 8" midbass, then run a passive 2-way x-over for the 8ers low pass and the 4" high pass (at the same freq). For the x-over, just go to They sale pre-built passive units, parts to build your own, kits (including PC board) to make your own, etc etc. They also have some info on the value of the capacitor and inductor for achieving the right frequency.

That's what I planned on, was setting the amps high pass around 80-100Hz, then getting a passive crossover around 250Hz, to split the signal to the 8"s and the component sets.

On another thought I had considered running the 4" component sets off the same channels of the amp in 2ohm, and leaving the 8"s to run off the remaining channels, but I don't really like the 2ohm idea. I would like to maintain fade control too.

I'll check out that site, thanks!
They do rock!

My friend was a dealer for Earthquake and we did a side by side comparison to a RF amp and I was very impressed with them (especially since our competitor was right down the street ;) ) It played just as clean if not cleaner than the RF with equal power to boot for about $60.00 less than the RF. I am still a big fan of RF but when you are talking the same performance for less money then the Earthquake is an excellent choice.