Pump (part # E2000 from Auto Zone) has only been on the car for a couple of months, + I havent really been using alky that much lately. I found out today that it wasnt working, put power to it and it wouldnt pump at all, just made a sort of clicking sound.
Should I be adding/using some type of lubricant with this pump? Ive been using 70% Isopropyl lately. If Im using anything else it will most likely be 50/50 Denatured/H2O. Or did I just get a defective pump?
Should I be adding/using some type of lubricant with this pump? Ive been using 70% Isopropyl lately. If Im using anything else it will most likely be 50/50 Denatured/H2O. Or did I just get a defective pump?