Fast and the Furious 4 Movie - Gathering

yeah man i really wanna go. I'm still in the "kid" category i guess and kinda wanted to see it regardless lol (1 was entertaining, 2 was hilarious, 3 was stupid and sucked and 4 looks pretty cool). i also like attention and think it'd be badass to have our cars parked out front. Like i already said, i'm down for sure just let me know! ...and i'll be at Towers this friday for any of those that are also going!
The Plan...

We are trying to make this next Friday 4/3 so we can hang out a little, then go so the movie after. So instead of meeting at the end of the month, lets' meet at Towers on 4/3.

I figure a 9:30ish movie at I-75 Sherdian Movie theater. People don't want to take their cars, this gives them time to go home and get their other cars. I suggest purchasing tickets online, ahead of time so you can just pick them up when we get there.

We didn't get a huge response in favor of bringing the cars, so I could not work a deal with the manager for primo spots not knowing the numbers cars
etc and people, for revenue to the theater.

Hope to see you at Towers, I have the black GN.. LOL
so you guys arent gonna meet at Towers this friday? (3/27) ...and i'm still gonna bring my Buick to the movie - its my DD therefore i kinda dont have a choice lol. so if this is of any persuasion for u guys to bring yours, please do!
Count so Far

That's 4 confirmed to meet on 4/3 at Towers. Some people are still going to meet this Friday too.
well just to repeat, i will be going both nights. anyone else who is going THIS friday please say so, just so i dont end up by myself!
then after the movie we can all walk out to find our cars were either hotwired or flatbedded out of town then shipped up to parts unknown

YOUR ABSOLUTLY RIGHT!! that's what i was going to say :tongue:
that would be just plain nuts.
well just to repeat, i will be going both nights. anyone else who is going THIS friday please say so, just so i dont end up by myself!

Definitely this Friday for sure. There are 35 members on the sftbc yahoo email list and several others that don't frequent this site or use email that know the meet is the last Friday of the month.
YOUR ABSOLUTLY RIGHT!! that's what i was going to say :tongue:
that would be just plain nuts.

Its not a deserted movie theater in the middle of no where or a bad neighborhood or anything like that. It is crowded and well lit with 100's of people walking around. Every time I have been there I have seen police hanging out in front of the place.

I have taken my GN there plenty of times and never had a problem.
I think the next person that makes a post referring to the Fast and the Furious should be shot then hung. Not necessarily in that order either....

Sarcasm alert:

Really. I can't go watch a movie about ricers having fast cars even if a GN is in it because I am just so serious about cars that I can't even watch it for one second.

But I can watch movies like the Lord of the Rings and stuff...because "magic is real"...

Seriously, not trying to be a hater, but come on...its a movie...who cares? I remember my buddy (who I bought my olds from) telling me he had to leave the theater during the first movie because it was so "fake". Please...

Flame suit on...

Im havent been able to make any meets, trying to. but I dont understand whats the big deal. Its a movie, and I think if you can get security in valet parking y not im driving the GN to the movies for sure to see the movie. Its a great idea to get some recognition for our cars.

Y such hate on ricers, lol i have seen plenty of "ricers" that will burnNN and put to shame a buick on the highway. lol Just a different type of car, imo
i plan on it. and i'm skipping a hockey tournament game for this so dont let me down guys!!!:mad:

Don't get your hopes up. You may just be the only one that really is thinking about going with the cars. Just think about this, only the same people show up to Tower shops every month for the meet. The rest are all just all talk. Ill be out there for the meet, but you guys are on your own with the movie.
Don't get your hopes up. You may just be the only one that really is thinking about going with the cars. Just think about this, only the same people show up to Tower shops every month for the meet. The rest are all just all talk. Ill be out there for the meet, but you guys are on your own with the movie.

alright so i guess the tournament it is then...
Just came back from seeing the sneak preview of the F&F 4..........

I just got back from watching the sneak preview of the F&F 4…………….. :biggrin: :biggrin: We can all stop wearying the GN is only in the opening scene only about 5 to 7 minutes. That’s all not even a full 15 minutes of fame.:wink: What you see in the previews is it. No more mention of it the rest of the movie.

Now for the movie all I have to say is it’s alright. It’s should be called F & F 2.5. Its time to have some fliyrice. :biggrin: :biggrin:

I'll be at Towers Friday night I may do a drive by with the GN by the muvico, They are going to have some fliyrice out there from 5pm to 12am.

Maybe I get some take out....:biggrin:
Friday Night at Towers

TTT - Still on Friday Night..

BTW, Tower Shops is located on I-595 and University Drive, 1 block south in the Home Depot Shopping Center.

I will try to get us the back row area to park together.
I say you guys should go its a chance to hang with buick guys and youll prolly have chicks checkin ur cars out since they are in the movie id go if i were closer how often to buick guys get the chance to gather have fun show off all etc etc i watched the first two movies at the drive in with a bunch of guys from work we all went and picked gfs fams etc and met up... it was fun everyone revving engines before they left besides it will take lots of balls to try to take a car when they are all parked together in a section with people checkin them out cause they just saw the movie who knows the manager may even let yall park out front to draw more people to come see the movie i also heard from someone on here that got to see a sneek preview that the movie had a plot and was pretty good...just my .02 By the way he also said the gn was in the first like 18mins i think of the movie ;)
saw the movie yesturday, the gn has more air time than just about every other car in the movie. good movie.. :cool:
not out , crazqban and i had special screen passes, the gn does get more air time, i don't want to give the movie away , all i can say is i liked it alot.