Federal Cigarette tax goes up 60 cents a pack on Wednesday.....


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2007
Just thought I'd share some HOPE & CHANGE for ya' all!

Outrage greets states' proposals to raise sin taxes | Business | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Yep...drop the habit, your body will thank you. Use the savings and buy more parts!:cool:
Yup I quit. WTF, over 6 bucks a pack now here. I remember getting a pack at the bar for less than 5. Haven't had a cig for a few weeks now, except when I got wasted on my birthday:rolleyes: Now I just need to get the wife to put them down
I'm thankful that I never had the habit. I even tried to be a smoker for a while in high school. I just couldn't get the hang of it. I decided I liked breathing more than I wanted to hang out in the smoker's section. I don't see how anyone could afford to smoke these days.
I just bought a carton of Camel Light Wides today, I paid about $33 bucks. I should try to buy a pallet of smokes :rolleyes:
As a life long non-smoker, it doesn't affect me. Now if they raise taxes on alcohol, that's another story.
IMO it should go up $6. Does nothing but pollute ur lungs and more importantly our health care system spending billions on tobacco related health care issues.

I realize alcohol isn't much better when it comes to health care costs but if the government is gonna tax something atleast tax those items that rape our health care system with the eventual care they will need sooner or later in life.

It's kinda common sense isn't it?
We can hope that Next it'll be fatty foods that get the socialist taxation. Since it's alla the fat bastages that Really tax our helath care system...
I just bought a carton of Camel Light Wides today, I paid about $33 bucks. I should try to buy a pallet of smokes :rolleyes:
Damn i just bought a carton of camel lights , thought id get one more before increase they were 57.00 bucks , it would still be cheap for me after the increase down by you:mad: :biggrin:
IMO it should go up $6. Does nothing but pollute ur lungs and more importantly our health care system spending billions on tobacco related health care issues.

I realize alcohol isn't much better when it comes to health care costs but if the government is gonna tax something atleast tax those items that rape our health care system with the eventual care they will need sooner or later in life.

It's kinda common sense isn't it?

We can hope that Next it'll be fatty foods that get the socialist taxation. Since it's alla the fat bastages that Really tax our helath care system...
Yep... Why not go ahead and impose a big fat tax hike on fast food. Talk about horrible for ya.

Yet somehow I imagine that wouldn't go over too well.
Yep... Why not go ahead and impose a big fat tax hike on fast food. Talk about horrible for ya.

Yet somehow I imagine that wouldn't go over too well.

Probably not a bad idea... But yea, might be a little harder to do. Couldn't agree more tho. Overweight people due to eating fatty food all day every day taxes our health system just the same if not worse.
6 bucks a pack? Just think about it, for the price of another two... you could be smoking crack.
Probably not a bad idea... But yea, might be a little harder to do. Couldn't agree more tho. Overweight people due to eating fatty food all day every day taxes our health system just the same if not worse.
Yep. And after that, hopefully liquor gets the ramrod next. It's bad for you and stuff.

Then I will keep my fingers crossed that there can be some new high taxes applied to motorcycles. Riders are bound to get in a wreck eventually and the cost of those accidents is outrageous. High-powered cars will hopefully be the next to get hit. There's no need for that sort of thing anyway and I am sure there are those who will argue they are somehow bad for you.

Yes, there is sarcasm absolutely dripping from my post. And sure, it's a "slippery slope" argument to a degree. But jeeze... Some of this "hope and change" crap flowing these days is getting frighteningly ridiculous. And the attitude of "Go ahead and tax it... Doesn't hinder anything I do" is not too good considering one day things you do partake of will be likely on the "to screw" list.
Yeah just wait, it will be the alcohol next. They're already talking about raising the tax on it 10%. Geez, if I can't have my smokes anymore (which I'm almost glad they went up cause it keeps me from wanting one!) at least give me my beer on the weekend and after a day of work. THen it will be all the greasy fat-fried food I love, like mcdonalds fries, bucket-o-skins, onion chips, cheeze balls, churros, and funnel cakes. It's gonna suck.
I smoke cigars myself and we just had a price hike here. Everything doubled so I'm sucking on commits right now. Then the extra tax comming up? Our obombanation is getting closer I fear.
You guys are looking at this the wrong way....this is what the government does....they stick it to a certain group of people, everybody else says "good, right on, phuck them, doesnt affect me"....well guess what? Before long it WILL roll around to something that you do....and when you dont like it everybody else that doesnt participate in your group says "good, right on, phuck them, doesnt affect me".....the government gets theirs and the majority doesn't care......thats how it works.....so when a new "environmental tax" is placed on slicks or racing gas, or FEE's to Race, dont be sore at the guy saying "good, right on, phuck them, doesn't affect me".........
I quit 6 1/2 years ago.Not easy at all.Went cold turkey and I smoked 3 packs a day. New Ports on top of it.I cant believe what the charge for smokes.when I started I think they were 85cents a pack:eek:
After 6 1/2 years I feel alot better. Good luck to all that try to quit
Most people don't get it. IEATV8s is dead on. Wait til they tax gas heavily. It's coming and then the b!tching will start. The oil companies are starting to get taxed even more. They're not gonna eat it, the consumer will.