Sorry if I offended. I think that horizon thing is soo funny. How did you know I was Gay? HA HA. If you think its gay if I street race thats fine. when I have my foot in it you can bet I'm paying attention to whats going on around me. what I consider to be really dangerous is the countless fools every morning tearing up and down that very same street at 55 to 60 mph weaveing in and out of traffic running red lights, tailgateing, all the while they have a cell phone plastered to their ear! Now thats what I call endangerment. I feel more confident takeing my family out cruseing, looking for a little stop light action than I do takeing the kids to school. I'm really not trying to make you mad. And again I say I'm sorry. I understand your opinion. I may be old but after 25 years of marriage I've learned that if she says to race the guy next to me at the light, I'm gonna do it. It's way safer that way than to argue with that woman. Are you gonna run with the big dogs? Or sit on the porch? Later......Danny