Stock GN back in 1994 i got 24-25 highway. About 10 years ago with 9:1 CR, 200/200 cam, LU converter and ***** foot i got 30mpg. Last week i averaged slightly over 20mpg with my blue car cruising around 65mph. It has an XFI and less than 8:1 CR with a 212/212 and PTC 9.5" I was cruising at 15.2:1 and 44* advance. Actual mileage would have been higher but i sat in traffic for over an hour idling away. If you had 9.5:1 and a very small close to stock spec roller cam and lockup with lean cruise you would get closer to 30mpg highway if you drove 55-60mph. Routinely these cars get terrible mileage. Around town mileage will be crap and if you have a heavy foot you will really kill the mpg. My daily driver Park Avenue gets over 30mpg on the highway. Same displacement. The Park Avenue has a lot less rolling resistance and with a higher CR and tiny cam it has a huge advantage over a 25 year old g body with low CR and cammed to make power. I have never seen any benefit/loss running various injector sizes.