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Funny story for you guys.......should I marry her????? Odds are that I should!


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Well Jeremy, you are an awesome person and Ashley is wonderful gal. Over these past few years I have gotten to know you pretty well and I am glad I did. My advice is that; marriage is a compromise between two individuals in most cases raised differently (you know the up bringing). Therefore, most people have different way of approaching things. What is normal for you may be something outrageous for her. Women are not stable like us guys, all we want is peace of mind. On the other hand, they want everything done their way. They will raise hell according to the mood they are in for small things like leaving the door unlocked, farting or belching. Sometimes those things are acceptable to them and sometimes not. WTF. Anyway the point I am trying to make is that; be ready to see things with open mind, it may not be right thing in your eyes but trust me you will end up doing what she wants so that you can have peace of mind. There is no such a thing as a problem free relationship, it all come to how you deal with the situation. If you focus on what makes her happy and she focuses on what makes you happy then most of the problems go away. Trust me it works I have been married for over 13yrs and have no regret what so ever, She is my best friend ,actually my everything. If you don’t support each other for your passions then you will be upset that she is doing this and that she wants and having fun and vise versa. If that happens then jealousy takes over and all of sudden there goes the relationship to hell in a hand basket.
Obviously my passion is cars and my wife knows that so she lets me have what ever I want, she takes pride in it. On the other hand my wife is private person, she likes to write, read, dance, cook and more importantly her own space. She is an introvert and I respect that and I do whatever I can to encourage her passion. She also likes old things that why when we bought the “Turbo Farm” I got all the space for my toys and she got the turn of the century farm house that was built in the 1870s. So you see both of us got want we wanted. It was a compromise.

I think you and Ashley will do great, obviously, you know her more than any other girl you’ve been with. Most of all, both of you guys can provide the little speed racer Noah with stable parenting where both biological parents are in the picture and raise him right. If he turns out any thing like you, I am positive that he will, then there is nothing more that anyone can ask.

Let me know the date:biggrin:


:eek: Well Said. ;)
Well Jeremy, you are an awesome person and Ashley is wonderful gal. Over these past few years I have gotten to know you pretty well and I am glad I did. My advice is that; marriage is a compromise between two individuals in most cases raised differently (you know the up bringing). Therefore, most people have different way of approaching things. What is normal for you may be something outrageous for her. Women are not stable like us guys, all we want is peace of mind. On the other hand, they want everything done their way. They will raise hell according to the mood they are in for small things like leaving the door unlocked, farting or belching. Sometimes those things are acceptable to them and sometimes not. WTF. Anyway the point I am trying to make is that; be ready to see things with open mind, it may not be right thing in your eyes but trust me you will end up doing what she wants so that you can have peace of mind. There is no such a thing as a problem free relationship, it all come to how you deal with the situation. If you focus on what makes her happy and she focuses on what makes you happy then most of the problems go away. Trust me it works I have been married for over 13yrs and have no regret what so ever, She is my best friend ,actually my everything. If you don’t support each other for your passions then you will be upset that she is doing this and that she wants and having fun and vise versa. If that happens then jealousy takes over and all of sudden there goes the relationship to hell in a hand basket.
Obviously my passion is cars and my wife knows that so she lets me have what ever I want, she takes pride in it. On the other hand my wife is private person, she likes to write, read, dance, cook and more importantly her own space. She is an introvert and I respect that and I do whatever I can to encourage her passion. She also likes old things that why when we bought the “Turbo Farm” I got all the space for my toys and she got the turn of the century farm house that was built in the 1870s. So you see both of us got want we wanted. It was a compromise.

I think you and Ashley will do great, obviously, you know her more than any other girl you’ve been with. Most of all, both of you guys can provide the little speed racer Noah with stable parenting where both biological parents are in the picture and raise him right. If he turns out any thing like you, I am positive that he will, then there is nothing more that anyone can ask.

Let me know the date:biggrin:


Prasad,that my friend was well said.
Well Jeremy, you are an awesome person and Ashley is wonderful gal. Over these past few years I have gotten to know you pretty well and I am glad I did. My advice is that; marriage is a compromise between two individuals in most cases raised differently (you know the up bringing). Therefore, most people have different way of approaching things. What is normal for you may be something outrageous for her. Women are not stable like us guys, all we want is peace of mind. On the other hand, they want everything done their way. They will raise hell according to the mood they are in for small things like leaving the door unlocked, farting or belching. Sometimes those things are acceptable to them and sometimes not. WTF. Anyway the point I am trying to make is that; be ready to see things with open mind, it may not be right thing in your eyes but trust me you will end up doing what she wants so that you can have peace of mind. There is no such a thing as a problem free relationship, it all come to how you deal with the situation. If you focus on what makes her happy and she focuses on what makes you happy then most of the problems go away. Trust me it works I have been married for over 13yrs and have no regret what so ever, She is my best friend ,actually my everything. If you don’t support each other for your passions then you will be upset that she is doing this and that she wants and having fun and vise versa. If that happens then jealousy takes over and all of sudden there goes the relationship to hell in a hand basket.
Obviously my passion is cars and my wife knows that so she lets me have what ever I want, she takes pride in it. On the other hand my wife is private person, she likes to write, read, dance, cook and more importantly her own space. She is an introvert and I respect that and I do whatever I can to encourage her passion. She also likes old things that why when we bought the “Turbo Farm” I got all the space for my toys and she got the turn of the century farm house that was built in the 1870s. So you see both of us got want we wanted. It was a compromise.

I think you and Ashley will do great, obviously, you know her more than any other girl you’ve been with. Most of all, both of you guys can provide the little speed racer Noah with stable parenting where both biological parents are in the picture and raise him right. If he turns out any thing like you, I am positive that he will, then there is nothing more that anyone can ask.

Let me know the date:biggrin:


Prasad, you are the best guy I know man! If we ever do actually tie the knot, I would hope you would accept our invitation to be part of our wedding! Not saying for sure if that would ever happen but if it did, I would hope for a "Turbo Buick" Wedding! Sound familiar?? Yeah, I saw the pictures from your wedding! It's absolutely amazing how family oriented and close knit the Turbo Buick community is. I have met all of my "true" friends through these cars. I actually think they are the main reason Ashley initially grew fond of me. She saw how pasionate I am about these things and admired that commitment. It's knd of funny how the other buddies I have that live locally only want to talk on the weekends when it's party time but I am on the phone with my Turbo Buick buddies at least 10 times a day. Austin is starting to come around! It's funny, I spend my days working at work with him and we talk about the cars non stop. When ever I need a hand, he is right there to help out. That is vise versa of course. I have frinds that live 2 blocks from me and cant make it over to my house for anything. Austin drives 45 minutes to my house on the drop of a dime. Remember when we had that conversation "What would I do if GM never made Turbo Buicks?" Dude, I think of that conversation all the time! I really dont know what I would do? I hate Mustangs, dont care much for Camaro's, and really have no interest in the old muscle cars. I can honestly say these cars have brought a lot to my life. It's funny, Noah loves Hot Wheels cars and chooses them over any other toy. He really has no interest in any other toys. He's only 1 year old and pushes his cars around makes the "VVVRRRRRUUUUM VVVVVRRUUUUM" noises already. I wonder if it's genetic? :biggrin:
I can only of right now...that my future son/daughter has the "carnut" gene. Sounds like your boy definately has it! :D

It's nice to hear how close all of you Buick guys are. I know I am still new to the TR crowd, but I can only hope to build freindships like the ones you guys have. It's rare these days to meet people that are as genuine as you guys are. Good luck Jeremy, with Ashley and Noah. Prasad, I do hope to meet you sometime...Jeremy has nothing but great things to say about you...and he seems to be a good guy himself. Take it easy boys, and have a HAPPY/CRAZY NEW YEAR!!!!!!--------We all know Jeremy will!!!!:eek: :D
Marry that girl Jeremy, and I want an invite:biggrin: Sounds just like the lovely woman I married June 6 1992. Best thing EVER happened to me:cool:

Thanks guys for all the kind words, I treat people the way I like to be treated as I found out most us do in the Turbo Buick world anyway. We are a special breed of people. We are into helping others first over helping ourselves. Most of the time it's a good thing but some times you get carried away and you find out later that none of your things are done. Trust me I know, I have started numerous projects then I put that aside to help someone else’s project.

Jeremy, I see so much of my self in you from the first time we met back in 2004or 2003?? How passionate you are about these cars and willing to help anyone. And yes I do remember the conversation we had about "if GM didn't make Turbo Buicks" I can't even start to think how empty my life will be on the hobby side, maybe I'll just sit around all day and smoke a fatty!!!! I am sure I will have plenty of company well,that is story for another day. Anyway, all I can tell you is that what goes around come around. Once again you and Austin are coming around to take care of the barn from the own kindness of your heart. You guys are taking matters into your own hands with me saying a word. That's what I call true friend ship.

I don't know about most of you guys but I am a strong believer in God, and if you are God fearing and put him first, good things will come your way.
