It has been awhile so I thought I would post an update especially since it is raining again today! Most of the new updates have been outside. I got the new driveway poured and the new covered porch and patio put together. The builder finished up all the small issues and it is starting to look like a completed project. I still need to finish the yard and seed it but I did get a whole shit ton of long overdue landscaping and cleaning done so far this spring.
I got the workbench installed and redid my old red Craftsman tool chest in black truck bed liner to match the New Age cabinets underneath the workbench. It turned out nice and actually looks pretty good for a well abused 35 year old tool chest lol! The pair of HF 44" tool chest fit perfectly and are completely level where they sit. I don't think I am going to build a cabinet for them like I originally planned and will probably leave them like they are. I am planning to build a work table, 4x6 with 1/4 plate steel top, it is going in front of the workbench in the middle of the floor so you can work around it. I have to get the welders set up and running first, I just picked up a 2019 AlphaTig and pretty excited about learning how to use it. I also have a small Miller Mig and I am planning to mount both with bottles on one of the HF welding cabinets I am planning to pick up soon.
I took the Audi to a SCCA Track night May 22 and it overheated due to a bad fan which resulted in me taking an off track excursion with coolant puking all over the place, luckily no damage. I had to replace it so I dug into my first car project in the new garage. On any other car replacing the fan is usually a pretty quick and easy task. Not with an Audi, on these cars you have to remove the enitre front end and core support. So like everything else, while I am in there I decided to dig into a bunch of other shit that needed done and the car was apart for three weeks with parts everywhere. It is finally back together and I am just waiting on the body shop to re-spray the front bumper and if all goes well I can make the NASA HPDE event in July.
No more projects until the lift is installed!! Which I did finally get an email about yesterday from Greg Smith and may have here by the end of the month.
The boats fit nicely in the new garage and I am able to back them in from the original garage which worked out well, cleaning and detailing my ski boat every spring outside in the Sun was always a real chore it is really nice being able to do everything under roof. Even though we haven't seen the sun and it hasn't stopped raining here since I put the damn thing in the lake 10 days ago! I am hoping to get the Chris Craft in the water soon, it has been an 8 year project that is FINALLY getting done. Im planning to make the Conneaut Lake Antique boat show on July 13th which I have been wanting to do for the last 4 years since the boat was first finished!
The Buick is still in storage and I plan to pick it up once the Chirs Craft is out and up at the lake. Hopefully I will have a lift by then and can finish putting the Buick back together with the new motor. I hope to have it all finished and sorted out by the Buick Nationals this year. I am actually planning a whole new build for the T-type. I am going the pro-touring route with it and may even try some road racing with it. I also have some new plans for the Mustang, other than selling it! I would like to get it back out again this year and finally get an 8 sec time slip with it as it sits. I may convert it to a single 76mm turbo, I am also on the waiting list for Drag week but that is a pipe dream at least for this year. All I need now is some extra TIME to get all this shit done!
It is really hard to believe I owned all this crap this long and just now finally built a garage for it all lol!