GN in Fast and Furious 4

its not about the money! man.....everyone is all about the money with our cars, so sad:mad:

The movies suck and only encourage more ghay ricers racing on public roads in traffic! I have seen no benefit to any of the FF series of movies other then NEGATIVE! Greed is negative, public racing during traffic is negative, ricers KILLING the scene @ real street races is NEGATIVE.

all I see is negative, and the 1 positive is only for profit.....:frown:

don't support this movie, at least download IF you must watch it!


I saw this thread and really wanted to post but you covered everything I wanted to say. If the movie is popular it will set street racing back another 5yrs!
puttin' 'em back at the end of the line...

all fast and furious did in my town is make every RICER think he can take my GN or my wifes TY.End result me laughing my ass off leaving the truck or car in OD with the a/c on rolling by em.

Isn't it nice putting people (ricers) back at the end of the line sometimes? A/C on, windows down, T-tops off, in OD in a 21 year-old car and only seeing the competition far behind you is priceless.

Personally, I would probably never race a ricer since it's just a waste of gas for my '87 GN, which runs really good right now, BTW.

The fast and the furious movies are dumb, yes, mildly entertaining to a degree, but in the end, it's just a movie.


you are lost my friend, F&F does not represent anything in a good way period

If you only knew what the real word on the street is from people who have credibility, not from ricers.
Lame movie, and I'm sad someone convinced themselfs to put their GN in it. I hear its one of our own so cal too, what a shame.

btw I love the cheap looking vents missing the flares, the $100 ebay set of rims and the flat hood. off to a great start on
the representation, and I've only seen 1 picture. Even if no one else speaks up, I will. GHAY! I dont want to see the interior,
god only knows what they will try to pull off inside, I hope its stock inside! What color with the ground effects lights be?

back to happy hour on the laptop

First off go beat off, tuck in your ovaries or whatever ....bud...relax.
Dont hold anything back tell us how you REALLY feel:eek:

Maybe the... Is that a Monte Carlo? questions will slow after the movie...LOL

Hey I agree the movies are dumb and poorly represent the scene. Pissing and moaning about it isnt gonna stop it. I can see your have a issue with it for sure ...pretty obvious.
Looks like the GN will be poorly represented unfortunately if the pic is accurate.

When the stereotypical neoned out, stickered out, bassin', fart pipe sport compact pulls up to the cruise in and gets out muttering NAWS and VTEC my skin crawls.

And as far as the street racing goes the original movie was based off of the HUGE street racing scene in Cali anyways. Though the movies promote it, they didnt start it. May have added to the hype and surely did not help to slow it an any fashion but it was full swing from waaay back and way before the F&F.
Cops are soo bad everywhere nowadays round here it never amount to anything anyways.
I saw this thread and really wanted to post but you covered everything I wanted to say. If the movie is popular it will set street racing back another 5yrs!

Thank you to those who supported my above statements that was nice and made me feel warm n fuzy inside haha! I just speak my peice, my 2cents worth.

Fast n Fagurious 1 was the movie that made me leave street racing, it used to happen thursday nights and sundays. both nights used to go off perfectly. about 10-25 cars meet up in a parking lot LOW PRO status, no noise making, no systems bumping, no car show, no lights, no racing on the freeways to get to the race either! the week after that movie came out our meet up spot was KILLED and over 50 cars came then 65 car then 80 cars and so on...... the same 10-25 original racers came but the others were now imports-loud-noisy-and DISRESPECTFUL. So we had about 2 dozen decent, responsable racers and the other 80 were numb nuts who ONLY BROUGHT ATTENTION to the entire race sence; the meet up spots and the races. this movie brought the heat on street racing period THANKS!

the actual races were even worse, ALL unwriten street racing rules were broken by the dum as s ricers. hand drops would now occur with people still coming back from a run, with people in the middle of the street. simply unsafe parking jobs and cops only then started coming and breaking it up

before we could race all night long, till the sun came up many times with never a cop in sight, and if we did see a cop NO ONE got scared and dashed for their cars like a freaking old school daytona race! I miss the good days of street racing when you KNEW the guy you were racing, and if someone broke tools were brought from other racers to help. We never left one behind, it was really a bonding type environment. When unwriten laws or basic common sense was applied without saying a word to anyone, "we checked ourselfs before we wrecked ourselfs"

Should Be Called The Slow N The Ridiculous. They Are Bad Out Here With These Cars .
Damn it!!!

I remember long ago when F&F 1 came out and I saw it at the movies, not to bad, but after I left it was a real pain in the ass. Every single guy there with an import thought his car was the fastest in the world:eek: Well thats all fine and dandy but I was driving a 1990 5.0 HO paxton suercharged car, and trust me not 10 cars there had the horsepower I did:p Long story short every freeking red light was nothing but a race and the way I see it is there is a time and a place for that and when half the dip****s almost hit my car that was really not the place to do it:eek: Their cars are slow and always will be American Horsepower is the only way to go:rolleyes: Besides in every F&F movies all they do is destroy the american cars:mad: I aready get enough losers trying to race me as it is in there crappy little imports and they can never keep up;) The only ones with respect around here are guys that have american cars, we respect what we are all working for, our beautiful rides:p I do hope they show some respect for the GN in this movie, I have always wanted one from the time I was a kid and dreamed of never getting one:frown: Then one day thanks to my uncle I now have 2 and I am as happy as can be, the cars are more then I ever expected and I was right for always wanting one;) Guess we will have to wait and see how the movie turn out, besides our cars our old and they could have went with the new crappy Charger, so at least its a compliment to an American icon:D
First off go beat off, tuck in your ovaries or whatever ....bud...relax.
Dont hold anything back tell us how you REALLY feel:eek:

if your favorite hobby was robbed from you because of a movie, I'm sure you'd be perfectly calm right? So having strong feelings about a passionate hobby you've invested years in and countless dollars and time then expressing those feelings of frustration when that is taken away from me that makes me a female? but har har i get it, it just wasn't that funny.

not much is changed nasty, if you dont know I speak emotionaly by know we'll "heres your sign" bud. I can go on and give multiple examples of why this movie killed MY street racing scene if you still dont understand my frustrations :biggrin:

its even sadder to say our SouthWest section just lost another member NEAL STEWARD, yea things are running great :frown: If people were honest and real problems were delt fairly with I dont think NEAL nor other long time outstanding members would be leaving and selling their cars, but thats another topic for another post.

buickrob....exactly, but are there even the flares on there?

LBNJWE4.....thank you

kraus.....yes it sad ricers think they can race any time any where

murphster....that was funny take after take of controlled launches, poor chevelle, just wait for the 100 sound effects and he'll be in 6th gear before he comes down from the wheelie, with n2o and flames I bet

DS FTW! thanks for the nice comments to my posts, even yours nasty! your opinion is just as fair as mine we are all equals in my eyes.
I'm right there with you, DarkSide.... I wrote a long response to this, but you summed it up better so I opted not to post. :)
I know every F&F messes up AMerican cars, but I do feel since the GNs are Turboed they will definitely appeal to the ricers. Maybe thy put a SBC in there???? I hope so or I hope the imports whipp up on the GN just to make it less desirable.... I will be honest i will go see and if the GN is running I will take it. If these movies are the closest thing I get to street raing then soo be it. Around here if they catch you they take your car. So i will watch it on the big screen then think about my car up for auction while I sit in a box... Just my .02...
Thank you to those who supported my above statements that was nice and made me feel warm n fuzy inside haha! I just speak my peice, my 2cents worth.

Fast n Fagurious 1 was the movie that made me leave street racing, it used to happen thursday nights and sundays. both nights used to go off perfectly. about 10-25 cars meet up in a parking lot LOW PRO status, no noise making, no systems bumping, no car show, no lights, no racing on the freeways to get to the race either! the week after that movie came out our meet up spot was KILLED and over 50 cars came then 65 car then 80 cars and so on...... the same 10-25 original racers came but the others were now imports-loud-noisy-and DISRESPECTFUL. So we had about 2 dozen decent, responsable racers and the other 80 were numb nuts who ONLY BROUGHT ATTENTION to the entire race sence; the meet up spots and the races. this movie brought the heat on street racing period THANKS!

the actual races were even worse, ALL unwriten street racing rules were broken by the dum as s ricers. hand drops would now occur with people still coming back from a run, with people in the middle of the street. simply unsafe parking jobs and cops only then started coming and breaking it up

before we could race all night long, till the sun came up many times with never a cop in sight, and if we did see a cop NO ONE got scared and dashed for their cars like a freaking old school daytona race! I miss the good days of street racing when you KNEW the guy you were racing, and if someone broke tools were brought from other racers to help. We never left one behind, it was really a bonding type environment. When unwriten laws or basic common sense was applied without saying a word to anyone, "we checked ourselfs before we wrecked ourselfs"


We had a solution for all that crap out here. We are always rude to newcomers in imports. It works for our local spot but the cops still have a different attitude about it all now because these stupid kids draw so much attention. The imports here have a separate night that they hang out on. They don't like us because were old and we don't have 100 cars,loud music,breakdancing,fighting,drifting,etc. I actually told a few of them to leave our road one night before we would start racing. If you treat them like kids, they will leave. Then they tell all there friends you're jerks and" nothing exciting happens". Perfect, spread the word.
Its about time. what other movies had GNs in them? i know out for justice and i think i saw one in return of the machines-terminator#4?
The only way the GN value will go up is if it is portrayed well in the move. If it's shown dusting off some ricers, then it will draw some positive attention. But from what little I've seen to this point, looks like they are going to treat the GN like dogmeat and it won't do anything for our values. Or street cred...LOL!

Who cares! I'm not selling mine anyway. But I don't want more little fools running around trying to steal it, either!
Thank god I discovered the beauty of GN's before the movie got here! I hope they don't find someone to make Altezzas for it... :eek:
My favorite part was the Chevelle doing the wheel stand on 18's and street tires. I've been to the Super Gas and Super Street drag many times and cars can barely get the tires up on 10.5" slicks.