GN in Fast and Furious 4

It's cool to see our cars get a little press every now and then, like some cameo appearances. But I'm not too sure I like the press we're going to get in this new movie. I know I haven't seen it yet, but I just hope that our cars aren't turned into some fast and furious icon now, that everybody's going to scoop up and modify now. I sorta liked our dark and elusive lack of popularity. I don't want the whole world studying up on our cars, because they seen one in some gay movie. I don't want a popular car. I'm just fine with most people thinking it's a monte carlo, or some super rare twin turbo car. :) When people start studying on us, that's when our covers blown.

I'm perfectly happy flying under the radar.
I really dont think the Gn is going to be a focal point in this movie but even if it is I don't see peole running out to buy one. The biggest issue I have with Th F&F movies is that it is soooo misleading to allt he freaking kids that don't know anything about cars in general. After these movies people throw things like Horse power and 10 sec cars around like it is easy to accomplish.

I was at a street race scece last week, it's kinda funny I ran into Ricardo La Costa, for those of you whpo do not know him he truly has and had very fast GN's. We were talking to a guy that said he likes beating up on corvettes (I had driven my '69 and Ricardo had a new Z06) I started to ask him questions about his car and he just started rambling off Hp numbers. I asked this idiot what those hp numbers equaled in an Et and his reply was uhhhhh I have never dragged the car but it "should" run low 10's......I was laughing my ass off then he proceeds to tell me if he turns the boost up too 23psi the car will make 700-800hp to the ground...what an idiot at that point I stopped talking to him.

Thats is what the movies to to these people don't know anything, they see the ricers in the movies with a turbo and automaticaly think that they really are 10'sec cars and make 800hp...please...........

Anyway thats my's just a movie and I am not sweatin any negativity for our cars from it. The large majority of GN owners are the RIGHT kind of owners so no biggie. There are always gonna be idots out there.
Its just a movie, if you cant handle a GN being called a GNX, and hearing a v8 sound w/ a BOV...dont watch it. Take it as entertainment, not a "how to" and you'll be fine. I have also seen all the F&F movies , I enjoyed them all. How??!! Its just entertainment, I dont care what they do as long as its fun to watch.
Someone mentioned about them searching for cars...its true. My old car was cast for F&F2, I had multiple contacts for it, but I had already taken a down payment for purchase and dude refused my reimbursement. (There is alot of money to be made leasing out a car for a movie)I know a guy whose car was in the first F&F, made a daily lease rate, plus expense money to repair to condition as when lease started, and then sold it for $60,000+ to someone in England. Not bad for a 94 Integra GSR.
You guys are way too critical of the movie crew... just imagine how hard it was for them to set the car up in that shot. Not only a custom chip to control boost & timing in REVERSE, but I can't even imagine the suspension work needed to get a decent 60ft time also in REVERSE

i dont care for the unrealistic's of the hollywood movies, but you cant have it both ways: the movie is gonna be knocked for using a "clone", or for smashing up a bunch of real one's, what side are you on?(not directed at anyone, just ask yourself that). as for value, look at the supra. im sure toyota was kicking themselves for no longer bringing the supra to the US 2 years before the car REALLY took off! i was wanting to get a supra for a while they finally came within reach and them bam, they went up 50% because the star of fast and furious drove one in the movie...(see where im going with this):cool:
hey thanks for the POSITIVE replies, thx 'not so much' to the negative ones, and I dont need to relax, how can anyone relax with whats going on today in the world, this place is nutz. its nice to see people correlating their exact experience which matches mine.

yea I remember those good old days when a cop would come and then LEAVE after checking we were safe and NO ONE was dead or hurt! once the fast n fursions ricers came, it all went down hill and injuries started.

on a side note not just injuries....stupid azz driving! reckless azz driving, I saw more fools crash their cars trying to show off then I have ever seen on the road in all my driving the california highways, and im including over 16 years of driving. I remember so many buster azz noobies crashing their cars in the last veiw times I went to the races it was really an eye opener. I REALLY miss the days when you used to race and IF you broke, people actually brought tools and HELPED you get running again before OFFERing their AAA cards....those days are long gone :(

i dont care for the unrealistic's of the hollywood movies, but you cant have it both ways: the movie is gonna be knocked for using a "clone", or for smashing up a bunch of real one's, what side are you on?(not directed at anyone, just ask yourself that). as for value, look at the supra. im sure toyota was kicking themselves for no longer bringing the supra to the US 2 years before the car REALLY took off! i was wanting to get a supra for a while they finally came within reach and them bam, they went up 50% because the star of fast and furious drove one in the movie...(see where im going with this):cool:

your right, take it further......bad for supra's because they were already expensive. bad for GN's too I will hate to think that I have to declear any of the value of my car, which I have rolled in sense 86', to this pathetic movie.

I would rather my cars value stay were its at then give any credit to this evil, hobby killing, hot rod killing, ricer creating, horrible driving promotion, and just simply passing on a level of racing which should be spit on, not thanked.

im pretty sad my gn will now be related in any way shape or form to FF4. IN FACT while saying that last sentence to myself again, I am now freaking scard ceitless because now GUESS WHO ELSE will be paying MORE attention to me, because my car was in a stupid azz movie.........COPS!!!!!!!!!

im pretty sad my gn will now be related in any way shape or form to FF4. IN FACT while saying that last sentence to myself again, I am now freaking scard ceitless because now GUESS WHO ELSE will be paying MORE attention to me, because my car was in a stupid azz movie.........COPS!!!!!!!!!


I think you're overreacting, and overstating the impact this little film will have on our cars. GN's have been featured in variety of movies before this one, and its never been a problem.

Everything the ricers are doing today was done by our musclecar forefathers in the 40s, 50's, 60's and 70s. Moonshiners, street races, running from the cops, generally bad behavior..none of this is new.

If it weren't for ricers, what would the state of the aftermarket motorsports scene be today? We don't know. Thank god we have more than PAW catalogs with 350 chevy blocks, 6-71 blowers and 750 CFM double pumper carbs. Nice stuff, but its getting old. Ricers helped drive a lot of new technology into the aftermarket.

In any event, all motorheads should quit squabbling and band together against the REAL common foe - high gas prices!
I think you're overreacting, and overstating the impact this little film will have on our cars. GN's have been featured in variety of movies before this one, and its never been a problem.

Everything the ricers are doing today was done by our musclecar forefathers in the 40s, 50's, 60's and 70s. Moonshiners, street races, running from the cops, generally bad behavior..none of this is new.

If it weren't for ricers, what would the state of the aftermarket motorsports scene be today? We don't know. Thank god we have more than PAW catalogs with 350 chevy blocks, 6-71 blowers and 750 CFM double pumper carbs. Nice stuff, but its getting old. Ricers helped drive a lot of new technology into the aftermarket.

In any event, all motorheads should quit squabbling and band together against the REAL common foe - high gas prices!

sorry I have to disagree on almost every point; relax, "overreacting" when will people get it the answer is no! Your hobby wasn't stolen from you by dam ricers, sorry your not so upset about it but I am and have every right to be. FF is a little movie? really, why do you think that? theres only four of them to the tune of multi million dollars. What is it exactly about 4 movies and countless profits and promotions that you consider "little"? FF itself is an complete overreaction its funny you think I am the one over reacting, when clearly the entire FF movie is an overreaction of street racing, only promoting a new generation of hopeless street ricers, and making it "okay" or acceptable because they see it in a movie.

your wrong imho on with the "none of this is new". until fast n furious came out I never saw ricers @ the street races, only built serious hondas came out. not just any old poser with a fart can and an intake. Real jap. tuners scare the ceit out of me with their cars, rice is a just a shame and insult to them.

if ricers weren't around it would not effect the aftermarket for the parts im interested in, of course ricers parts wouldn't be so demanded either. but nothing as you say "aftermarket" which came directly from anything rice is on my car. I think your mixing up rice with real jap. tuners and researchers. I would like to know what new "technology" ricers brought to the table that I could actually use?

its not over reaction if it effects you, but when it doesn't its too easy to claim someone else is over reacting. Overreacting to a hobby being stolen from me, I think not. Ricers owe me my hobby back, and they will never do that for me. Ricers ruined the street races bottom line, and the FF movies are a lame insult to street racing and a complete mockary of of real jap. tuners. You think the real Jap tuner companies like the ricers? rofl they hate them more then I do, they just wont cry about it because of the MILLIONS they make off them in the process of researching REAL technology for REAL serious tuners. Obviously you have never heard any of the major Jap. turners Owners diss'ing the ricers themselfs personally, but then smiling because of the profits they make. Just because a company makes profits doesn't mean that company likes all of its customers, same thing with some of our venders. There mostly in it for the money, in order to build what they want to build like a project cars for example.

holy crap! the movie isn't even released and look at the **** storm!!
lmao.... I personally am looking foward to seeing it with the two original charactors and besides since our cars are over 20 yrs old maybe the younger generation will now know what a turbo buick is all about :cool:
FF itself is an complete overreaction its funny you think I am the one over reacting, when clearly the entire FF movie is an overreaction of street racing, only promoting a new generation of hopeless street ricers, and making it "okay" or acceptable because they see it in a movie.

your wrong imho on with the "none of this is new". until fast n furious came out I never saw ricers @ the street races, only built serious hondas came out. not just any old poser with a fart can and an intake. Real jap. tuners scare the ceit out of me with their cars, rice is a just a shame and insult to them.

if ricers weren't around it would not effect the aftermarket for the parts im interested in, of course ricers parts wouldn't be so demanded either. but nothing as you say "aftermarket" which came directly from anything rice is on my car. I think your mixing up rice with real jap. tuners and researchers. I would like to know what new "technology" ricers brought to the table that I could actually use?

I agree. Its just a movie, but it was embraced by the ricer community. They didn't do a good job portraying real street racing in the past F&F movies, & I would be surprised if they do decent job with a GN(X).

If a GN makes a cameo in the movie it won't make much of a difference. How ever if it does play a major roll and become sought after by ricers, good luck with all the NOS, Blow Valve, and Booster Controller Questions.

I do agree with the real japaneese tuners, some them really know what they are doing. I would use the term 'tuners car' for them, but again that term has a been over used and adopted by every idiot that picks up a Sport Compact or Tuner Car magazine and regurgitates back what he read, because he think he kow his stuff..
You guys are paranoid. I didn't see a panic as far Mustangs,Chargers,Yenko Camaros and Challengers go. Those were in the first three movies. Ask any ricer and they wouldn't touch an American car even if it was free. Now if I had a Honda I'd be worried. It's a proven fact, down here in FL anyway, that Honda PCM thefts go on the rise every time a F&F movie comes out.:rolleyes:

LOL it is not like there are thousands of YENKOS or Challengers roaming the streets for the taking :)

But there are a lot of GN's still daily driven. Ok maybe less as time goes on.
Wow... I agree with Dman

I think some of you have severely overestimated the impact of these movies. It's just a movie.

No serious import racers have "embraced" this movie. I know quite a few and they think its just as much of a lame comedy as you do.

What I want to know is how ricers "stole" the hobby from you DarkSide

What Dman was saying about how none of this is new is that before there were ricers there was always some new trend pushing the boundaries. Hotrodding itself began similar to how the import scene started. It was fresh, new, and there were rules and records to be broken.
Hes right that the import scene has breathed new life into an otherwise DEAD and boring hobby. Dragstrips across the country are closing left and right, and thats not the fault of the import enthusiast. People just arent into JUST going fast in a straight line anymore. A 350 with a holley double pumper is old and stale. The domestic car media is still sticking with it though. How many mags document the cutting edge of american muscle technology? The import mags are all new.. even if they are dumbed down.. its still new.

pick up any HOT ROD or CAR CRAFT magazine and what you hold in your hands is nothing more than a history book for people stuck in the past. Most domestic muscle scene is old farts that drive their 10x buffed 30k "hot rods" like there was an egg under the gas pedal. The people you see actually out there racing are treated just like ricers by elitists like them. And they arent driving cars with round headlights thats for sure.

Actually thats reason enough to jump ship, piss off all the elitist jackoffs by beating them at their own game.
Has anyone seen the movie "no mans land" from 1987 with charlie sheen? I always thought the first F&F movie was a remake of that movie or close to it. The two movies have way to many similarities to just be coincidence.
My position is that I don't give a crap about this movie, or the first however many they made. It's not going to change squat. ;)
I can remember back when I was a punk in the 70's. The muscle car era died with the cheap gas. If you wanted to go fast you bought a Jap 4 cylinder UJM. That's where I heard the word "tuner" for the first time. Probably why today that word is not associated with anything American but the RiceBoys. If you needed go fast parts you picked up the phone and called a tuner like Yoshimura in Japan(and yes I did talk to somebody well versed in the Engrish language) or Vance&Hines. Here's what's funny. Go to any big race. I don't care if it's circle track or straight line and see how many "tuners"(tuna's to you Yankees) you see? I'll see 100 Crew Chiefs before I find any one answering to Tuner. So there you have it. Here's a riddle for you. Have you ever noticed that the only real smart import guys out there actually know something about cars. I mean not only can they make a Honda go fast but they also understand how our Buicks go fast.

I still see no need to panic. If the Mullets wont touch our cars than the RiceBoys wont touch them either. Stupid is the universal language spoken here.
for those happy their cars will go up in value...wait till ur priced out of your own car. A Lot of cool muscle cars will never see the street again because rich douche bags bought them to stick in a garage like 1:1 scale models. G-bodys are the last one that are still affordable.