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GN or T Type?


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Unless I'm wrong there is salt on the fender and door
Its prolly not salt its got slicks on it how far can you get on slicks in the rain? let alone snow and slush :eek: Yea man if thats a gn get it and save it the owner is either lost interest or dosent know what he /she has...And people talk about donks being mistreated cars!!! This is a prime example of worse!!!!!!
It's just a car. The snow won't hurt it and you can wash off salt. If the price is right and you like the car get it. It's obviously not one of those "never raced" examples.
The car ended up being hit pretty good in the rear quarter and the repair job was sub-par. I passed on the car unfortunately, it was practically rust free underneath.
Think before you post next time so you don't insult half the board members here. Just a T Type :mad:

Not sure how he "insulted" anyone here, maybe just the elitist a$$holes? But no, we don't have any of those here right:rolleyes:? Did you feel insulted Need?

Yep, I'm a relative NooB here and I learned about 3 things from this thread, thanks for taking the time and effort with the pics 231:cool:

Not sure how he "insulted" anyone here, maybe just the elitist a$$holes? But no, we don't have any of those here right:rolleyes:? Did you feel insulted Need?
Yep, I'm a relative NooB here and I learned about 3 things from this thread, thanks for taking the time and effort with the pics 231:cool:


Alan, I was referring to the fact that there are plenty of T type owners on this board as well as GN owners. It came across as the T being a second class citizen to me this morning , maybe I didn't have enough coffee yet or you didn't notice it.:confused: That is what I meant. As far as me feeling insulted , somewhat as I do own a T-type but I know he didn't mean it to come over that way so I was just giving him a heads up. Being you are new to this site its obvious you do not know me what so ever as I am anything but an elite a@#hole and try to help everyone on here I can. This is a great site full of knowledgeable people that are willing to share to help the NEW guys as we all were new to turbo regal cars at one point in our lives.
Thanks Daniel Ray
Modulator for
Ah, the word "just" guess I didn't see it the first time or interpret the shun. Myself, I just have a couple T Types:biggrin:.

Alan, I was referring to the fact that there are plenty of T type owners on this board as well as GN owners. It came across as the T being a second class citizen to me this morning , maybe I didn't have enough coffee yet or you didn't notice it.:confused: That is what I meant. As far as me feeling insulted , somewhat as I do own a T-type but I know he didn't mean it to come over that way so I was just giving him a heads up. Being you are new to this site its obvious you do not know me what so ever as I am anything but an elite a@#hole and try to help everyone on here I can. This is a great site full of knowledgeable people that are willing to share to help the NEW guys as we all were new to turbo regal cars at one point in our lives.
Thanks Daniel Ray
Modulator for

They're just words in this instance, there's no secret message in them when they were stated.

Honestly, I would love to take a bench seat, column shifted Limited before a GN. I don't see the GN in any different light than any other TR. In this case, I wanted to know what the differences were, that's all.
They're just words in this instance, there's no secret message in them when they were stated.

Too late, you're forever doomed to be that guy who hates T-Types :p.

But seriously, good luck finding what you're looking for. Grand Nationals are fun because people tend to get real weird around them as if they're suddenly going to cause every other car around it to spontaneously combust out of fear of it's awesomeness. Allot of people these days don't even know what a GN is, let alone a T-Type. I would love to have a silver T or T-Type because they're just not as recognizable as a GN. I would remove all the emblems, have the rear spoiler taken off, put on a regular Regal hood, buy some generic aluminum wheels, and go out and have some fun ****ing with people.
Too late, you're forever doomed to be that guy who hates T-Types :p.

But seriously, good luck finding what you're looking for. Grand Nationals are fun because people tend to get real weird around them as if they're suddenly going to cause every other car around it to spontaneously combust out of fear of it's awesomeness. Allot of people these days don't even know what a GN is, let alone a T-Type. I would love to have a silver T or T-Type because they're just not as recognizable as a GN. I would remove all the emblems, have the rear spoiler taken off, put on a regular Regal hood, buy some generic aluminum wheels, and go out and have some fun ****ing with people.

What rear spoiler?
What rear spoiler?

This one? :eek:

Only guys from NY would do something that crazy :biggrin:. I have both a T and a GN and everytime I take the T out I get pick on with the ricer and I ambarassed them everytime but when I had the GN out they dont bother me, I guess that Fast and Furious movie hint them. :biggrin:
That little three piece flush mounted ensemble on the trunk lid...pretty sure it's called a spoiler.

There isn't one on a T or T-Type unless a dealer or others put one on. WH1 excluded.