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Grand National Aerocoupe!


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That, sir, is one UGLY car! As far as I'm concerned all the Monte Carlo aero coupes and all the Pontiac Grand Prix 2+2's can be crushed. They were indeed the ugliest cars of the '80s. I think the damn K-cars are better looking.

The ugliness has a purpose. Wind your T-type up to 165 mph and take a hand off the wheel.

You can't, can you? :confused:

funny, I can. :confused:

I would do it to a regular regal but a nice GN like yours. Just my thoughts....
The word hideous does not adequately convey what that looks like.

Not sure why the glass would be worth anything either. Looks like something I could have made outta plastic in middle school shop class.
Any brighter pics to really see how it looks or add some brightness in Photoshop?
If you like it enough, do it, it is waht the car hobby is about. You make it your own. I am not a hater of that look, I like things that are a little different.
Hey wasnt that a Rick Deringer song?:D

Now that's funny right there:smile:

I saw a convertible GN in BG and the comments I heard were roughly 50/50 and you'll probably experience the same thing with this mod. Ultimately it's your choice, good/bad or other and we'll have to live with it.
Now that's funny right there:smile:

I saw a convertible GN in BG and the comments I heard were roughly 50/50 and you'll probably experience the same thing with this mod. Ultimately it's your choice, good/bad or other and we'll have to live with it.

I found this post in the ref back thread on the montecarloss site:

"i would do it just to piss off those GN guys. I am not really a fan of the aero coupe look, but those guys think they are above the rest of us. To each is his own, but i want to see how grumpy they get"

Does this guy have us all wrong or what?!?!? I mean seriously, we don't think our cars are "above" a MC, we KNOW it!!!!!!!!:biggrin:
I found this post in the ref back thread on the montecarloss site:

"i would do it just to piss off those GN guys. I am not really a fan of the aero coupe look, but those guys think they are above the rest of us. To each is his own, but i want to see how grumpy they get"

Does this guy have us all wrong or what?!?!? I mean seriously, we don't think our cars are "above" a MC, we KNOW it!!!!!!!!:biggrin:

I agree, lol. :tongue:
I what you want, but its gonna look like you made a MC Aerocoupe look like a GN.

Now thats believable. ;)
I just vomited a little in my mouth...I never liked the aero coupes and it would look even worse on a GN
I would do it to your car, then make it all stock original, put original tires on it, etc. Then sell it to some big shot collector or dealership and tell them it was the only test GN they made to match up to the 2+2's and AreoCoupe MC's. Some dumbsh*t would believe it! Otherwise, I dont think I would do it unless you plan to not ever sell the car. It would be pretty darn hard to find a buyer.
I already have access to another Regal to test fit the aero sheet metal tray to see how much fabrication will be needed. I'm pretty positive I can get this to work with the only problem being to fabricate a shortened GN trunk. I'll also have to remove the factory GN option label or have another one made just to add the option Z16 to the list...which is the MCSS Aero option.:D

Any brighter pics to really see how it looks or add some brightness in Photoshop?

I'll try to get some pics taken in the daytime and post them later on tonight.
An aerocoupe GN might look better with this spoiler. :rolleyes: :eek:

yeah give me your malifoo and i will grant you permission to hack up whatever you want :biggrin:

If you do this conversion, you might as well swap out the tail lamps for head lights and drive in reverse
Now you guys are really making me want to do it.:D

I have all the hardware including the aerocoupe trunk lid.


I'm sure you have your bases covered but I didn't see the seal which is big bucks! Also what about the 2 side fillers? Is that an 87 glass I'm hoping & not an 86:eek:
I like aero's I have 3 of them but I have more Buicks. I wouldn't combine them that is just me.
I had a customer in CA. back in 05 that was suppose to do the same thing. Never saw it so I guess he didn't.
After pondering it for a few days, I think it would be cool, I just wouldn't hack up a real GN to do it.
